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This folder contains datasets that have not received recent updates and are not intended to receive future updates.


Data Provider: Welsh Government Disabled people of working age by main health problem and local authority National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Population estimates by local authority, ethnicity and age Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Population estimates by local authority, gender and ethnicity Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Population estimates by ethnicity and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Access to transport for people aged 50+ by indicator and year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Life expectancy and disability free life expectancy at age 65 by indicator, gender and time period National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Percentage of people aged 50+ participating in any sport or activity during a four week period by local authority and time period National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Number of pitches, by residential status, occupied status and caravan capacity
Data Provider: Welsh Government Population by area, ethnicity and gender Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Percentage of people aged 50+ who report their lives are greatly affected by fear of crime by indicator and financial year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Percentage of working age people who had undertaken job related training in previous three months by gender and year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Rate of hip replacements of people aged 65 and over by year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Rate of knee replacements of people aged 65 and over by year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Rate of people aged 65+ in receipt of community based services by financial year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Older people by indicator and financial year National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Summary of housing fitness by people over working age by indicator and gender National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government People of working age with disabilities by area and disability type National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Religion by industry and gender - Archived – English only– No longer updated National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Religion by economic activity, age and gender - Archived – English only– No longer updated National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Religion by population characteristic and local authority - Archived – English only– No longer updated National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Religion by health measure, age and gender - Archived – English only– No longer updated National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Religion by highest level of qualification, age and local authority - Archived – English only– No longer updated National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Summary of economic activity in Wales by year and disabled status, up to March 2013 National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government Summary of economic activity by area and disabled status, up to March 2013 National Statistics