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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Rate of hip replacements of people aged 65 and over by year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

AreaData may not be available for all geographical levels.[Filtered]
GenderData may not be available for all gender levels.[Filtered]
PeriodThe data for these indicators is collected by calendar year, i.e., January to December[Filter]
IndicatorIDIndicators covered:<br /><br />Social Inclusion<br />1c. Access to transport.  <br /><br />Material Wellbeing<br />3. Percentage of people aged 50+ who had taken part in any education or training connected with their job, or any job that they might do in the future, during a three-month period.<br /><br />Social Care<br />6. Housing that is unfit or in a defective state: proportion of women aged 60+ and men aged 65+ who live in households classed as (a) unfit and (b) defective.<br /><br />Health Care<br />7. Access to selected surgical procedures: rates per 1,000 population aged 65 or over of:<br />a.hip replacements; and<br />b.knee replacements.<br />[Filtered]
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Rates per 1,000 population of hip replacements, aged 65 and over4556677756


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