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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Religion by population characteristic and local authority - Archived – English only– No longer updated

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Religion 1
Religion 2
[Collapse]Population Characteristic[Filter]
[Collapse]Population Characteristic 1
[Collapse]Population Characteristic 2
Population Characteristic 3
[Collapse]All PeopleClick here to sortAll People
[Collapse]Christian[Collapse]Muslim[Collapse]Minority religious groupsClick here to sortMinority religious groups[Collapse]No religion
Click here to sortChristianClick here to sortMuslimClick here to sortBuddhistClick here to sortHinduClick here to sortJewishClick here to sortOther religionClick here to sortSikhClick here to sortNo religion
[Collapse]Country of Birth57.
Country of Birth[Collapse]Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia)[Collapse]Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia)Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia)
Africa[Collapse]Central and Western AfricaCentral and Western Africa77.913.
[Collapse]Africa not otherwise specifiedAfrica not otherwise specified47.77.90.810.
[Collapse]South and Eastern AfricaSouth and Eastern Africa55.
[Collapse]North AfricaNorth Africa16.671.
[Collapse]Other Europe67.
Other EuropeEU countries70.
Rest of Europe43.325.
[Collapse]United Kingdom57.
United KingdomEngland58.
Great Britain not otherwise specified41.
Northern Ireland69.
United Kingdom not otherwise specified31.
[Collapse]Middle East and Asia24.933.16.411.
Middle East and Asia[Collapse]Eastern AsiaEastern Asia18.80.610.
[Collapse]Middle EastMiddle East13.
[Collapse]Central AsiaCentral Asia31.
[Collapse]Southern AsiaSouthern Asia17.543.82.525.
[Collapse]South-East AsiaSouth-East Asia57.98.716.
[Collapse]The Americas and the Caribbean60.
The Americas and the Caribbean[Collapse]Central and South AmericaCentral and South America70.
[Collapse]North America and the CaribbeanNorth America and the Caribbean58.
Ethnicity[Collapse]Mixed/multiple ethnic group[Collapse]Mixed/multiple ethnic groupMixed/multiple ethnic group42.
[Collapse]Black/African/Caribbean/Black British[Collapse]Black/African/Caribbean/Black BritishBlack/African/Caribbean/Black British59.
[Collapse]Asian/Asian British[Collapse]Asian/Asian BritishAsian/Asian British20.335.95.413.
[Collapse]Other ethnic group[Collapse]Other ethnic groupOther ethnic group15.466.
[Collapse]National Identity57.
National Identity[Collapse]Irish only identity[Collapse]Irish only identityIrish only identity77.
[Collapse]Irish and at least one UK identity[Collapse]Irish and at least one UK identityIrish and at least one UK identity64.
[Collapse]English only identity[Collapse]English only identityEnglish only identity60.
[Collapse]British only identity[Collapse]British only identityBritish only identity52.
[Collapse]Any other combination of UK identities (UK only)[Collapse]Any other combination of UK identities (UK only)Any other combination of UK identities (UK only)
[Collapse]English and British only identity[Collapse]English and British only identityEnglish and British only identity60.
[Collapse]Welsh only identity[Collapse]Welsh only identityWelsh only identity58.
[Collapse]Welsh and British only identity[Collapse]Welsh and British only identityWelsh and British only identity61.
[Collapse]Scottish only identity[Collapse]Scottish only identityScottish only identity58.
[Collapse]Other identity only[Collapse]Other identity onlyOther identity only52.315.
[Collapse]Other identity and at least one UK identity[Collapse]Other identity and at least one UK identityOther identity and at least one UK identity46.416.
[Collapse]Northern Irish and British only identity[Collapse]Northern Irish and British only identityNorthern Irish and British only identity71.
[Collapse]Scottish and British only identity[Collapse]Scottish and British only identityScottish and British only identity64.


General description

For the 2011 Census, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day 2011, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months. For more information see

Country of birth is the country in which a person was born. The country of birth question included six tick box responses - one for each of the four parts of the UK, one for the Republic of Ireland, and one for 'Elsewhere'. Where a person ticked 'Elsewhere', they were asked to write in the current name of the country in which they were born. Responses are assigned codes based on the National Statistics Country Classification.
The grouping of countries within the classification is broadly regional, but takes into account the grouping of European Union (EU) countries. Countries in the EU are grouped into those that were EU members in March 2001, and those that became members (Accession countries) between April 2001 and March 2011 as part of the EU enlargement process.

A person's national identity is a self-determined assessment of their own identity with respect to the country or countries with which they feel an affiliation. This assessment of identity is not dependent on legal nationality or ethnic group.
The national identity question included six tick box responses - one for each of the four parts of the UK (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish), one for British, and one for 'Other'. Where a person ticked 'Other' they were asked to write in the name of the country. People were asked to tick all options that they felt applied to them. This means that in results relating to national identity people may be classified with a single national identity or a combination of identities.
British identity excludes responses indicating an identity related to the British Virgin Islands and British Overseas Territories.

A person's national identity is a self-determined assessment of their own identity with respect to the country or countries with which they feel an affiliation. This assessment of identity is not dependent on legal nationality or ethnic group.
The national identity question included six tick box responses - one for each of the four parts of the UK (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish), one for British, and one for 'Other'. Where a person ticked 'Other' they were asked to write in the name of the country. People were asked to tick all options that they felt applied to them. This means that in results relating to national identity people may be classified with a single national identity or a combination of identities.
British identity excludes responses indicating an identity related to the British Virgin Islands and British Overseas Territories.

The 2011 Census question on religion asks for a person's current religion, or if the person does not have a religion, 'no religion'. No determination is made about whether a person was a practicing member of a religion. Unlike other census questions where missing answers are imputed, this question was voluntary, and where no answer was provided the response is categorised as 'not stated'.


Religion by population characteristic and local authority

Last update

November 2015 November 2015

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2011 Census, Office for National Statistics


National Statistics

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Religion, Ethnicity, National Identity, Country of Birth, Population

