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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Religion by economic activity, age and gender - Archived – English only– No longer updated

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Student Status[Filtered]
Gender 1[Filter]
Religion 1
[Collapse]Economic Activity[Filter]
[Collapse]Economic Activity 1
[Collapse]Economic Activity 2
Economic Activity 3
[Collapse]All People[Collapse]Christian[Collapse]Muslim[Collapse]Minority Religious Groups[Collapse]No religion
[Collapse]All People[Collapse]Christian[Collapse]Muslim[Collapse]Hindu[Collapse]Buddhist[Collapse]Sikh[Collapse]Jewish[Collapse]Other religion[Collapse]No religion
Click here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and overClick here to sortAll AgesClick here to sortAges 16-24Click here to sortAges 25-49Click here to sortAges 50 and over
[Collapse]All Economic Activity2,507,160373,876977,3331,155,9511,505,452166,143484,518854,79131,2747,78518,4255,0648,5781,8744,8151,8898,2421,1484,3392,7552,3035671,2095271,8642445871,03311,8251,4215,8084,596749,536168,950394,417186,169
All Economic Activity[Collapse]Economically active1,485,982229,494822,759433,729824,914105,700419,360299,85416,6083,05711,4152,1366,0399634,0731,0035,3065023,3281,4761,5583149682761,0191224774207,1507414,3042,105519,655102,375326,50790,773
Economically active[Collapse]In employment1,372,680184,170771,883416,627777,73688,574399,503289,65913,8532,0839,8071,9635,5047203,7999854,8003773,0301,3931,384222896266938964354076,4055303,8861,989466,47778,894301,73185,852
In employmentEmployee1,117,406130,852661,800324,754636,03762,147345,737228,1539,4611,2537,0281,1804,0553143,1216203,5022042,346952835130569136639503262634,6673503,0311,286382,64357,430258,89666,317
Full-time students57,25046,12510,0001,12528,23922,9674,5886841,191688481225893911899254154964112793215940181233135871122,60618,5613,778267
UnemployedExcl. full-time students96,85930,77249,09716,99040,46411,18319,13810,1432,0504531,433164232421721840647277821205060106813421364213139611545,74016,69224,1604,888
Full-time students16,44314,5521,7791126,7145,9437195270552117593032011020100782115442120131300103802217,4386,78961633
[Collapse]Economically inactive1,021,178144,382154,574722,222680,53860,44365,158554,93714,6664,7287,0102,9282,5399117428862,9366461,0111,2797452532412518451221106134,6756801,5042,491229,88166,57567,91095,396
Economically inactive[Expand]Retired600,7041801,992598,532475,9171191,165474,6331,5022201,4806311562586801385514603143509065031,6100161,59468,4633456767,862
[Expand]Looking after home or family87,40911,32255,33620,75140,3263,17522,87714,2743,8863823,0584464342532881499303789113219951840127125384039510336,3017,15925,0494,093
[Expand]Long-term sick or disabled146,8025,91461,67679,21281,2982,21927,99851,0811,301636825561583551004731123223012395361123349711,4424376763248,8323,07727,02118,734



Religion by economic activity, age and gender

Last update

November 2015 November 2015

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2011 Census, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Economic activity relates to whether or not a person who was working or looking for work in the week before census.

Rather than a simple indicator of whether or not someone was currently in employment, it provides a measure of whether or not a person was an active participant in the labour market.

A person's economic activity is derived from their 'Activity last week'. This is an indicator of their status or availability for employment - whether employed, actively looking for work, waiting to start a new job, available to start a new job, or their status if not employed or not seeking employment. Additional information included in the economic activity classification is also derived from information about the number of hours a person works and their type of employment - whether employed or self-employed.

The census concept of economic activity is compatible with the standard for economic status defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). It is one of a number of definitions used internationally to produce accurate and comparable statistics on employment, unemployment and economic status.

The 2011 Census question on religion asks for the person's current religion, or if the person does not have a religion, 'no religion'. No determination is made about whether a person was a practicing member of a religion. Unlike other census questions where missing answers are imputed, this question was voluntary, and where no answer was provided the response is categorised as 'not stated'.

For the 2011 Census, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day 2011, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months. For more information see Weblinks.


Religion, Economic Activity

