Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
[010377] Annual Population Survey: DDA disabled people of working age by main health problem and local authority
DDA disabled includes those persons whose are covered under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
APS variables which used the former working-age (females aged 16-59 and males aged 15-64) definition have been modified to the new aged 16-64 classification. As of 2010 questions on disability have been asked of all people aged 16-64.
For comparison purposes all data in this cube is based on females aged 16-59 and males aged 16-64.
NOTE* Due to the addition of a short introduction at the start of the disability module in 2010 quarter 1, a discontinuity was identified in the series, affecting this period onwards.
The impact of this introduction is thought to be positive in that it prepares respondents for the set of disability questions. Any increase caused by this change should result in a more complete measure of actual disability. This change to the introduction added to the disability module in quarter 1 2010 is thought to be the key driver of the step increase in disability. The earlier estimates can still be considered 'best estimates' for those periods and should give a robust picture of changes over time, however, direct comparisons between pre- and post- 2010Q1 estimates should not be made. In addition, due to the rolling annual time periods used in the APS, this change will gradually affect the estimates between 2010 Q1 and 2010 Q4 and will only reach a consistent basis from 2010 Q4 onwards.
The Annual Population Survey estimates for 2004 onwards have been revised to account for revisions to the Mid Year Population Estimates published in May 2010.
*NOTE* Figures for the years 2009 to 2011 have been revised, following the publication of the latest mid-year population estimates. Data published from August 2012 onwards may differ from that previously published.
The local authority and Wales figures for 2001, 2002 and 2003 in these tables may not be the same as published elsewhere, as the numbers here are estimated using Welsh specific weights. These weights better reflect the population estimates for Welsh local authorities in these years.
These data are taken from the ANNUAL datasets from the Annual Population Survey (APS) for 2005 onwards and the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey (WLLFS) prior to that. These surveys are carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The data for Wales are based on an enhanced sample (around 350 per cent larger) compared to earlier years. APS data are collected throughout the year and are published for calendar years. WLLFS data was published for the year ended February, each year i.e. 2001 WLLFS data relates to year ended February 2002. The data do NOT exactly match annual averages derived from the 4 QUARTERLY datasets in each year due to differences in the sampling structure.
As the data come from a survey, the results are sample-based estimates and therefore subject to differing degrees of sampling variability, i.e. the true value for any measure lies in a differing range about the estimated value. This range or sampling variability increases as the detail in the data increases, for example local authority data are subject to higher variability than regional data.
Figures are rounded to the nearest 100 and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.
Was added to StatsWales: October 2009
Last update: August 2012
Source: Annual Populations Survey
Contact: stats.popcensus@wales.gsi.gov.uk
APS variables which used the former working-age (females aged 16-59 and males aged 15-64) definition have been modified to the new aged 16-64 classification. As of 2010 questions on disability have been asked of all people aged 16-64.
For comparison purposes all data in this cube is based on females aged 16-59 and males aged 16-64.
NOTE* Due to the addition of a short introduction at the start of the disability module in 2010 quarter 1, a discontinuity was identified in the series, affecting this period onwards.
The impact of this introduction is thought to be positive in that it prepares respondents for the set of disability questions. Any increase caused by this change should result in a more complete measure of actual disability. This change to the introduction added to the disability module in quarter 1 2010 is thought to be the key driver of the step increase in disability. The earlier estimates can still be considered 'best estimates' for those periods and should give a robust picture of changes over time, however, direct comparisons between pre- and post- 2010Q1 estimates should not be made. In addition, due to the rolling annual time periods used in the APS, this change will gradually affect the estimates between 2010 Q1 and 2010 Q4 and will only reach a consistent basis from 2010 Q4 onwards.
The Annual Population Survey estimates for 2004 onwards have been revised to account for revisions to the Mid Year Population Estimates published in May 2010.
*NOTE* Figures for the years 2009 to 2011 have been revised, following the publication of the latest mid-year population estimates. Data published from August 2012 onwards may differ from that previously published.
The local authority and Wales figures for 2001, 2002 and 2003 in these tables may not be the same as published elsewhere, as the numbers here are estimated using Welsh specific weights. These weights better reflect the population estimates for Welsh local authorities in these years.
These data are taken from the ANNUAL datasets from the Annual Population Survey (APS) for 2005 onwards and the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey (WLLFS) prior to that. These surveys are carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The data for Wales are based on an enhanced sample (around 350 per cent larger) compared to earlier years. APS data are collected throughout the year and are published for calendar years. WLLFS data was published for the year ended February, each year i.e. 2001 WLLFS data relates to year ended February 2002. The data do NOT exactly match annual averages derived from the 4 QUARTERLY datasets in each year due to differences in the sampling structure.
As the data come from a survey, the results are sample-based estimates and therefore subject to differing degrees of sampling variability, i.e. the true value for any measure lies in a differing range about the estimated value. This range or sampling variability increases as the detail in the data increases, for example local authority data are subject to higher variability than regional data.
Figures are rounded to the nearest 100 and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.
Was added to StatsWales: October 2009
Last update: August 2012
Source: Annual Populations Survey
Contact: stats.popcensus@wales.gsi.gov.uk
Disability, Equality