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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Religion by industry and gender - Archived – English only– No longer updated

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Gender 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Religion 1
Religion 2
Industry 1
[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll
[Collapse]Christian[Collapse]Muslim[Collapse]Minority Religious GroupsClick here to sortMinority Religious Groups[Collapse]No religion[Collapse]Christian[Collapse]Muslim[Collapse]Minority Religious GroupsClick here to sortMinority Religious Groups[Collapse]No religion
Click here to sortChristianClick here to sortMuslimClick here to sortHinduClick here to sortBuddhistClick here to sortSikhClick here to sortJewishClick here to sortOther religionClick here to sortNo religionClick here to sortChristianClick here to sortMuslimClick here to sortHinduClick here to sortBuddhistClick here to sortSikhClick here to sortJewishClick here to sortOther religionClick here to sortNo religion
[Collapse]All Industry777,73613,8535,5044,8001,3849386,40519,031466,4771,372,680100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
All IndustryAgriculture, energy and water32,639145778116817335514,29451,5904.
Wholesale and retail trade, vehicle repair116,5262,3829855484821578262,99876,668213,90415.017.217.911.434.816.712.915.816.415.6
Transport and storage29,3701,11311786671818647418,55853,5673.
Accommodation and food service activities43,0713,044486839118513771,87131,26185,4925.522.08.817.
Information and communication14,808371378132303924382213,00031,1561.
Financial and insurance activities23,62444519693614816956714,79041,7543.
Real estate activities10,1371783851713871965,51117,1721.
Professional, scientific and technical activities33,6054602152165211233793219,90159,0444.
Administrative and support service activities29,480629189170533824969919,76354,7083.
Public administration and defence65,14948322931981644991,19234,980108,5998.
Human health and social work activities118,4882,0271,7188901801221,3194,22960,641198,15015.214.631.218.513.013.020.622.213.014.4



Religion by industry and gender

Last update

November 2015 November 2015

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2011 Census, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset provides information on the religion of Welsh residents by their industry and gender.

The industry in which a person works relates to their main job, and is derived from information provided on the main activity of their employer or business. This is used to assign responses to an industry code based on the Standard Industrial Classification 2007.

For the 2011 Census, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on Census day 2011, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months. For more information see Weblinks.
The 2011 Census asks the question 'What is your sex?' The two possible answers are male or female.

The 2011 Census question on religion refers to a person's current religion, or if the person does not have a religion, 'no religion'. No determination is made about whether a person was a practicing member of a religion. Unlike other census questions where missing answers are imputed, this question was voluntary, and where no answer was provided the response is categorised as 'not stated'.


Religion, Industry

