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Sustainable development indicators

The indicators are intended to communicate and highlight progress in key issues and priority areas for sustainable development and, along with other evidence, help to identify where action is required.

Discontinuation notice
The Sustainable Development Indicators are no longer updated. The Welsh Government now monitors progress towards well-being goals through the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and an annual update report is published on the Well-being of Wales. The national indicators also show progress in Wales against some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Data Provider: Welsh Government 2. Social Justice - Population in relative low-income households (HI) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 5. Wellbeing - Physical and mental health (HI) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 6. Greenhouse gas emissions - Emissions of greenhouse gases (RES)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 7a. Waste - Waste arisings by sector (RES)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 7b. Waste - Waste arisings by management methods (RES) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 8. Household waste (RES) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 9a. Mobility - Number of trips per person per year by main mode (RES) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 9b. Mobility - Percentage of people travelling to work by main modes (RES) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 10a. Biodiversity conservation - Population of wild birds (ENV)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 11. Ecological impacts of air pollution - Area of sensitive habitats exceeding critical loads for acidification and eutrophication (ENV)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 12. Air quality - Days when air pollution is moderate or higher (ENV)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 14. Soil quality - Soil carbon stock (ENV) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 15. Sustainable water resources management - The percentage of water resource zones meeting target headroom requirements (ENV)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 17. Resource efficiency - The ratio of carbon dioxide emissions to GVA at current prices
Data Provider: Welsh Government 18. Electricity from renewable sources - Percentage of electricty generated in Wales from renewable sources (ECON) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 20. Population aged 16-64 on key benefits (SOC) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 21. Housing - Average energy efficiency - SAP rating (SOC) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 22. Accessibility - Percentage of households where time taken to reach local facilities on foot or by public transport is 15 minutes or less (SOC) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 23a. Police recorded serious acquisitive crime (SOC)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 23b. British Crime Survey - Household crime in Wales (SOC) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 24a. Education - Percentage of pupils at Key Stage 2 achieving the core subject indicator (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 24b. Education - Percentage of adults aged 19-21 qualified to National Qualification Framework level 2 or above (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 25. Child poverty (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 26. Pensioner poverty (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 28. Active community participation - Percentage of people volunteering on a formal and informal basis (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 29. Welsh Language-Percentage of Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 assessments and Foundation Phase outcomes (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 24c. Education - Percentage of working age adults qualified to National Qualification Framework level 4 or above (WEL) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 1. Economic output - Gross Value Added, Gross Value Added (£ per head) and Gross Value Added (UK=100) Accredited Official Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government 16. Employment - Percentage of people aged 16-64 in work (ECON)

> Links

Data Provider: Welsh Government 19a. Infant Mortality rate - Office for National Statistics (external link)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 19b. Life expectancy at birth - Office for National Statistics (external link)
Data Provider: Welsh Government 27. Workless Households - Office for National Statistics (external link)