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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics 28. Active community participation - Percentage of people volunteering on a formal and informal basis (WEL)

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

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[Collapse]AreaData do not exist for each indicator against all the time periods and areas available in this dataset.[Filtered]
Area 1[Filter]
PeriodData do not exist for each indicator against all the time periods and areas available in this dataset.[Filtered]
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FormalFormal volunteering consists of giving unpaid help through groups, clubs or organisations to benefit other people or the environment.28253127322824
InformalInformal volunteering consists of giving unpaid help as an individual to people who are not relatives.31324230353630
Either informal or formalFormal volunteering consists of giving unpaid help through groups, clubs or organisations to benefit other people or the environment. Informal volunteering consists of giving unpaid help as an individual to people who are not relatives.46435543514843


Sust0001: Sustainable Development Indicators

Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government

Last update: 29 Aug 2012
Was added to StatsWales: 27 Aug 2009

Next Update: No longer updated.

Source: The statistics come from a range of sources. See the 'In Your Pocket' booklet for source details.

The Sustainable Development Indicators for Wales provide measures of everyday concerns including health, housing, jobs, crime, education and our environment. The indicators are first and foremost intended to communicate and highlight progress in key issues and priority areas for sustainable development, and along with other evidence help to identify where action is required. The statistics come from a range of sources and are brought together in an annual 'In Your Pocket' booklet which includes charts and statistical commentary on the indicators.

Unless otherwise stated, the data in these tables are classed as National Statistics.

Sustainable Development

