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Geographic data

This is data produced with a geographic dimension within Wales, for example at local authority level. It is only updated annually.


Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by deprivation area and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by deprivation area and transaction type
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics on higher rate refunds by local authority and original transaction date
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics on higher rate refunds by Senedd Constituency and original transaction date
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics on higher rate refunds by deprivation area and original transaction date
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics on higher rate refunds by built up area and original transaction date
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics on higher rate refunds by National Park and original transaction date
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics by local authority and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Land Transaction Tax statistics by local authority and transaction type
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by local authority and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Non-residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by local authority and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by Senedd Constituency and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by Senedd Constituency and transaction type
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by built-up area and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by built-up area and transaction type
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by National Park and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Revenue Authority Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by National Park and transaction type
Data Provider: Welsh Government Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by Westminster Parliamentary Constituency and measure
Data Provider: Welsh Government Residential Land Transaction Tax statistics by Westminster Parliamentary Constituency and transaction type