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Children receiving care and support

Following the commencement of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act in April 2016, the children in need census has been discontinued and replaced by the children receiving care and support census. The children receiving care and support census is based on the definition of eligible children who have care and support, i.e. children (under the age of 18) who have a care and support plan. The tables show the number and characteristics of children receiving care and support, which includes parental circumstances, health and educational outcomes.


Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Educational attainment of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by local authority and age group Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by local authority and gender Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by local authority and looked after status Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by local authority and disability Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by age group and looked after status Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by ethnicity and looked after status Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by local authority and category of need
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by looked after status and disability
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by category of need and disability
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Dental checks of children receiving care and support by local authority, looked after status and measure Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Child health surveillance checks by local authority, looked after status and measure Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Disabilities of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Health of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Parental factors of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Youth offending of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData School attendance of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Eligibility for free school meals and special educational needs of children receiving care and support by measure and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support per 10,000 population by local authority and year Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support on the Child Protection Register by local authority, category of abuse and gender Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Immunisation status of children receiving care and support by local authority and measure Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Mental health status of children receiving care and support by local authority and measure Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Substance misuse status of children receiving care and support by local authority and measure Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Children receiving care and support by asylum seeker status, gender and looked after status Experimental Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government OData Educational attainment of children receiving care and support by measure (2023 only) Experimental Statistics