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Data Provider: Welsh Government Experimental Statistics Types of alleged abuse by local authority, measure and age of alleged victim
[Collapse]Local AuthorityFlintshire and Pembrokeshire received some reports during 2017-18 where the category of abuse was not recorded. <br /><br />Pembrokeshire and Powys received some reports during 2018-19 where the category of abuse was not recorded. <br /><br />Wrexham changed their recording practices; only information on appropriate reports have been collected from 2017-18 onwards.<br />[Filtered]
Local Authority 1[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
YearFlintshire and Pembrokeshire received some reports during 2017-18 where the category of abuse was not recorded. <br /><br />Pembrokeshire and Powys received some reports during 2018-19 where the category of abuse was not recorded. <br /><br />Wrexham changed their recording practices; only information on appropriate reports have been collected from 2017-18 onwards.<br />[Filtered]
[Collapse]Age Range[Filter]
Age Range 1
Measure 1
[Collapse]Aged 18 and overClick here to sortAged 18 and over
Click here to sortAged 18-64Click here to sortAged 65 and over
[Collapse]Phyiscal - Total2,4422,6585,100
Phyiscal - TotalPhysical - Male1,0988801,978
Phyiscal - Female1,3441,7783,122
[Collapse]Sexual - Total7672841,051
Sexual - TotalSexual - Male24763310
Sexual - Female520221741
[Collapse]Emotional/Psychological - Total3,7532,3696,122
Emotional/Psychological - TotalEmotional/Psychological - Male1,7068322,538
Emotional/Psychological - Female2,0471,5373,584
[Collapse]Financial - Total1,3111,7863,097
Financial - TotalFinancial - Male6627081,370
Financial - Female6491,0781,727
[Collapse]Neglect - Total2,3734,6677,040
Neglect - TotalNeglect - Male1,2571,7563,013
Neglect - Female1,1162,9114,027
[Collapse]Of which: racial - TotalRacial abuse means abuse motivated by hostility or hatred towards the victim\'s race or religious beliefs.22426
Of which: racial - TotalRacial abuse means abuse motivated by hostility or hatred towards the victim\'s race or religious beliefs.Of which: racial - MaleData based on 21 local authorities in 2017-18; Flintshire was unable to provide data due to a change in their data collection process throughout the year.10111
Of which: racial - FemaleData based on 21 local authorities in 2017-18; Flintshire was unable to provide data due to a change in their data collection process throughout the year.12315
[Collapse]Of which: domestic - TotalDomestic abuse means abuse where the victim of it is or has been associated with the abuser.1,5081,3212,829
Of which: domestic - TotalDomestic abuse means abuse where the victim of it is or has been associated with the abuser.Of which: domestic - MaleData based on 21 local authorities in 2017-18; Flintshire was unable to provide data due to a change in their data collection process throughout the year.511404915
Of which: domestic - FemaleData based on 21 local authorities in 2017-18; Flintshire was unable to provide data due to a change in their data collection process throughout the year.9979171,914


General description

This table presents data in relation to all types of abuse or neglect alleged to have occurred during the year.

Reports can have multiple types of abuse.

Data collection and calculation

The data were supplied to the Data Collection team within the Welsh Government by local authorities in Wales. The form applies an extensive series of validation checks to ensure that the information provided is accurate and consistent.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2016-17 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication.

Rounding applied


Revisions information



Types of alleged abuse by local authority, measure and age of alleged victim

Last update

23 October 2019 23 October 2019

Next update

No longer updated

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Adult Safeguarding, Welsh Government

Contact email


Experimental statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Reports, Adults, alleged abuse

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication.

