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Data Provider: Welsh Government Outpatient attendances by organisation and site
[Collapse]Treatment FunctionFrom April 2016, there has been a change in the treatment function codes submitted by the local health boards, please see the release for more information. [Filtered]
Treatment Function 1[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]OrganisationThe increase in Cwm Taf in 2016-17 is mainly due to some hospital sites submitting data for the first time, which is explained in more detail in the statistical release[Filter]
[Collapse]Organisation 1
Organisation 2
Click here to sortNew attendancesNew attendances include any attendance that is the start of the outpatient episode and is the first attendance in a series with the same Consultant or Independent Nurse following a referral (Attendance Category = ‘1’). Patient arrived on time or late and was seen (Attended or DNA = ‘5’ or ‘6’).Click here to sortTotal attendancesTotal attendances includes all outpatient attendances including new, follow-up and pre-operative assessment attendances (Attendance Category = ‘1’ or ‘8’ or ’3’). Patient arrived on time or late and was seen (Attended or DNA = ‘5’ or ‘6’).Click here to sortRatio of follow-up to new attendancesRatio of follow-up to new attendances is the number of follow-up attendances (Attendance Category = ’8’) divided by new attendances (Attendance Category = ’1’) during the period under review.Click here to sortNew outpatients who did not attendNew outpatients who did not attend (DNA) includes any new attendance (Attendance Category = ‘1’) where the outpatient did not attend and no advanced warning was given (Attended or DNA = ‘3’).Click here to sort Percentage of new appointments where the outpatient did not attendPlease note that the methodology for calculating this has changed since the last publication. See the Statistical Release for more details. Percentage of new appointments where the outpatient did not attend is calculated by dividing New outpatients who DNA by New Attendances and New outpatients who DNA and multiplying by 100.Click here to sortTotal outpatients who did not attendTotal outpatients who did not attend (DNA) includes any attendance (Attendance Category = ‘1’ or ‘2’ or ‘3’) where the outpatient did not attend and no advanced warning was given (Attended or DNA = ‘3’).Click here to sortPercentage of total appointments where the outpatient did not attendPlease note that the methodology for calculating this has changed since the last publication. Percentage of total appointments where the outpatient did not attend is calculated by dividing Total outpatients who DNA by Total attendances and total outpatients who DNA and multiplying by 100.
[Collapse]WalesWales total will not always match the sum of health board data as unknown codes are included in the overall figure .1,904,9726,168,6994.3150,61614.7540,63116.1
WalesWales total will not always match the sum of health board data as unknown codes are included in the overall figure .[Expand]Betsi Cadwaladr University Health BoardThe LHB total includes data from hospital codes that were invalid for 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.370,7781,138,8534.025,52612.984,31913.8
[Expand]Powys Teaching Health Board31,53279,2853.01,71010.35,67913.4
[Expand]Hywel Dda University Health Board221,481661,3803.719,86916.560,06516.6
[Expand]Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health BoardThe LHB total includes data from hospital codes that were invalid for 2014-15407,9001,290,1684.128,26113.0103,37414.8
[Expand]Cwm Taf University Health BoardPlease see section 3 of the statistical article ‘Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: update on data quality and summary results for 2015-16’ for further information on the fall in Cwm Taf’s activity from 2014-15 to 2015-16. The increase in Cwm Taf in 201219,237804,2705.319,02516.088,37119.8
[Expand]Aneurin Bevan University Health BoardThe LHB total includes data from hospital codes that were invalid for 2015-16318,955955,1663.622,40313.166,15813.0
[Expand]Cardiff and Vale University Health BoardPlease see section 3 of the statistical article ‘Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: update on data quality and summary results for 2015-16’ for further information on the fall in Cardiff and Vale’s did not attend figures in 2015-16.324,2471,114,4204.632,84918.4125,72620.3
[Expand]Velindre NHS Trust10,842125,15321.197316.56,93310.5


General description

The Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset (OP MDS) was introduced in Wales in April 1999. The dataset records patient level information on outpatient activity in the NHS in Wales. The dataset was originally designed to capture consultant led activity but has expanded to capture independent nurse led activity. Information is collected on a monthly basis and held by the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS).

From 2012-13 onwards, the OP MDS is the source of official statistics for outpatient activity in the NHS in Wales, rather than the previous QS1 return. Although the QS1 was the source of official statistics for 2011-12 we have also published data for 2011-12 from the OP MDS to allow comparisons to be made between the old and current data sources.

The figures provided are based on activity undertaken at hospital sites in Wales. As such, it includes activity delivered by English organisations in Welsh hospitals and excludes activity carried out in England.

The drop in Cardiff and Vale’s outpatients who did not attend between 2014-15 and 2015-16 is mainly due the introduction of a Fully Automated Booking (FAB) system. The drop in Cwm Taf’s activity between 2014-15 and 2015-16 is mainly due to a change in the data they submit to bring them in-line with national reporting standards. These are explained in more detail in Section 3 of the statistical article ‘Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: update on data quality and summary results for 2015-16’.

From April 2016, there has been a change in the treatment function codes submitted by the local health boards, please see the release for more information.

The increase in Cwm Taf in 2016-17 is mainly due to some hospital sites submitting data for the first time, which is explained in more detail in the statistical release.

Please see the statistical article “Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: publication of data and discussion of data quality” published on 16 February 2016 for information on the OP MDS, including differences between this data source and the QS1 and also data quality information. Please also see ‘Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: update on data quality and summary results for 2015-16’ published on 04 October 2016.

Data collection and calculation

LHBs and Trusts are required to submit monthly OP MDS data to NWIS by the 20th calendar day of the following month. The data is thereafter loaded into the national data base.

NWIS supply this data to Welsh Government annually and the data supplied covers each financial year.

For further information, please read the Statistical Articles, as per the given weblink.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2011-12 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related Statistical Articles and Releases, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied

Percentages and ratios are rounded to 1 decimal place

Revisions information

This data was revised on 13/12/18 to fix duplications in health board totals. Wales and hospital figures were unaffected.

We plan to revise data for the previous year on an annual basis, at the same time that we release new data. We will take advice from NWIS regarding revisions for previous years. For example, if resubmissions from LHBs/NHS trusts are large, the data will be revised. Revised data will be highlighted in the StatsWales table as such.


Outpatient Attendances

Last update

28 November 2019 28 November 2019

Next update

November 2020 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Outpatient activity minimum dataset, NHS Wales Informatics Services (NWIS)

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Outpatient; Outpatients; Patients; Appointments; Attendances; Hospital;

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related Statistical Articles and Releases, as per the given weblink.

The increase in Cwm Taf in 2016-17 is mainly due to some hospital sites submitting data for the first time, which is explained in more detail in the statistical release


Outpatient Activity Statistical Articles and Releases:

