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Data Provider: Welsh Government Nurse led outpatient attendances by specialty
[Collapse]Organisation 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Organisation 2[Filter]
Organisation 3[Filter]
Click here to sortNew attendancesA patient whose first attendance of a continuous series (or whose single attendance if only one is needed), at an out-patient clinic department for the same ailment falls within the period under review.Click here to sortTotal attendancesTotal number of attendances by out-patients during the period under review, whether or not the first attendance in a series occurred during the period.Click here to sortRatio of repeat attendances to new out-patientsThe mean number of repeat attendances by each new out-patient during the period under review. Calculated by subtracting \'new attendances\' from total attendances\' and dividing by \'new attendances\'.Click here to sortNew out-patients who did not attendNumber of patients with an appointment for a first attendance of a continuous series at a clinical out-patient department for the same ailment, who did not attend the appointment and failed to give warning to the hospital in advance.Click here to sortPercentage of new appointments not keptCalculated by multiplying \'new out-patients who did not attend\' by 100 and dividing by \'new out-patients\' plus \'new out-patients who did not attend\'.Click here to sortAll out-patients who did not attendTotal number of patients with an appointment for an attendance at a clinical out-patient department, who did not attend the appointment  and failed to give warning to the hospital in advance.Click here to sortPercentage of all appointments not keptCalculated by multiplying \'all out-patients who did not attend\' by 100 and dividing by \'total out-patients\' plus \'total out-patients who did not attend\'.
All specialtiesExcludes A&E, Also excludes Special Care Baby Uni, data for these are included under the appropriate specialty17,08673,5463.31,4567.96,6298.3
General Surgery1,3476,5623.9342.55748.0
Trauma and Orthopaedic4382,5604.8245.21064.0
Ear, Nose and Throat2,7885,5691.01755.93906.5
Restorative Dentistry.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Pain Management3203,3179.4267.52116.0
General Medicine1,5997,0443.437919.21,43817.0
Haematology (clinical)3,16612,0622.8902.84233.4
Audiological Medicine87910.055.477.1
Thoracic Medicine5015210.07412.97412.4
Other Neurology451,10223.51322.424618.2
Geriatric Medicine043.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable48.5
Obstetrics - AN0812.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable50.6
Obstetrics - PN.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Mental Illness055.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable69.8
Old Age Psychiatry17904.315.61413.5
Haematology (non-clinical)3431,3913.16014.9946.3
Community medicine14140.0212.5212.5



Hlth0305 Out-patients nurse lead


Health Statistics and Analysis Uni, Welsh Assembly Government


Added to StatsWales: 28 October 2008

Next Update: October 2009

Source: QS1

This table provides data on numbers of new and total out-patient attendances at NHS hospitals by specialty, hospital, NHS Trust and NHS Region. Only those seen in nurse lead clinics are included. Data on patients seen in consultant lead clinics are shown eleswhere.




Hlth0305 Out-patients nurse lead