New attendances Total attendances Ratio of repeat attendances to new out-patients New out-patients who did not attend Percentage of new appointments not kept All out-patients who did not attend Percentage of all appointments not kept
All specialties 17,086 73,546 3.3 1,456 7.9 6,629 8.3
General Surgery 1,347 6,562 3.9 34 2.5 574 8.0
Urology 2,174 8,752 3.0 273 11.2 1,149 11.6
Trauma and Orthopaedic 438 2,560 4.8 24 5.2 106 4.0
Ear, Nose and Throat 2,788 5,569 1.0 175 5.9 390 6.5
Ophthalmology 533 3,259 5.1 37 6.5 205 5.9
Restorative Dentistry . . . . . . .
Anaesthetics 4 1,098 273.5 1 20.0 278 20.2
Pain Management 320 3,317 9.4 26 7.5 211 6.0
General Medicine 1,599 7,044 3.4 379 19.2 1,438 17.0
Haematology (clinical) 3,166 12,062 2.8 90 2.8 423 3.4
Audiological Medicine 87 91 0.0 5 5.4 7 7.1
Cardiology 418 1,806 3.3 38 8.3 231 11.3
Dermatology 711 9,383 12.2 60 7.8 371 3.8
Thoracic Medicine 501 521 0.0 74 12.9 74 12.4
Other Neurology 45 1,102 23.5 13 22.4 246 18.2
Rheumatology 70 1,890 26.0 6 7.9 204 9.7
Paediatrics 215 594 1.8 23 9.7 111 15.7
Gynaecology 1,269 3,040 1.4 50 3.8 301 9.0
Geriatric Medicine 0 43 . 0 . 4 8.5
Obstetrics - AN 0 812 . 0 . 5 0.6
Obstetrics - PN . . . . . . .
Midwifery 846 1,830 1.2 84 9.0 102 5.3
Mental Illness 0 55 . 0 . 6 9.8
Old Age Psychiatry 17 90 4.3 1 5.6 14 13.5
Haematology (non-clinical) 343 1,391 3.1 60 14.9 94 6.3
Community medicine 14 14 0.0 2 12.5 2 12.5
Nursing 181 661 2.7 1 0.5 83 11.2