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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Successful applications for Further Education Welsh Goverment Learning Grants by institution type, academic year and mode of study
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Academic YearData collected as at end of July following the academic year unless otherwise stated.[Filter]
[Collapse]Mode of studyFull-time, part-time or unknown[Filter]
Mode of study 1(Ascending)
[Collapse]InstitutionThe allocation of an institution to a geographical region is done by reference to the administrative centre of that institution. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Institution 1
Institution 2
[Collapse]2022/23As at 31 July 2023[Collapse]2021/22As at 31 July 2022[Collapse]2020/21As at 31 July 2021[Collapse]2019/20As at 31 July 2020[Collapse]2018/19As at 31 July 2019[Collapse]2017/18As at 31 July 2018[Expand]Click here to sort2016/17As at 31 July 2017[Expand]Click here to sort2015/16As at 31 July 2016[Expand]Click here to sort2014/15As at 31 July 2015[Expand]Click here to sort2013/14As at 31 July 2014[Expand]Click here to sort2012/13As at 31 July 2013[Expand]Click here to sort2011/12As at 31 July 2012[Expand]Click here to sort2010/11As at 31 July 2011[Expand]Click here to sort2009/10As at 31 July 2010[Expand]Click here to sort2008/09As at 31 July 2009[Expand]Click here to sort2007/08As at 27 July 2008[Expand]Click here to sort2006/07As at 30 September 2007. From 2006/07 the age eligibility for FE students was raised from students aged 18 and over to 19 and over at the start of the academic year due to the extension of Education Maintenance Allowances (EMA) to include 18 year olds.  As a result, figures on applications and awards for students will be lower for 2006/07 than in prior years.
[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes[Collapse]All ModesClick here to sortAll Modes
Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.Click here to sortFull-timeClick here to sortPart-timeTotal part-time applications include applications where course of study is below threshold of taught hours.Click here to sortUnknownThe status of successful applications where mode of study is unknown was noted as \'approved but awaiting completion\' and no grant had been paid as at the reference date.
Total[Collapse]Welsh Institutions2,73526053,0053,115165153,2903,490205153,7054,070320204,4104,4152501054,7654,745340355,1255,3605,9656,8757,4557,4707,7707,2506,5005,2055,0804,695
Welsh InstitutionsWelsh Further Education Institutions2,73025052,9903,100155153,2703,480205103,6954,055320204,3954,4052451054,7504,715335355,0855,3155,8906,7307,0706,9807,4656,9956,3005,0554,9554,600
Welsh Higher Education Institutions0000000000*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication0000000000*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5153565659010090756555
Other Welsh Learning Centres510015151002510001015*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication01510*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication0153010*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication404055110320425215155110755545
[Collapse]English InstitutionsEnglish Institutions10*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication010105*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication15101002015502015*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication15155*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication253525556055558050406035



Successful applications for Welsh Government Learning Grants by Welsh domiciled students in Further Education (institution type, mode of study, academic year)

Last update

30 January 2024 30 January 2024

Next update

November 2024

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Source: Student Loans Company

These data provide information on the number of Welsh Government Grants (WGLGs) awarded to Welsh domiciled students in further education. These were previously called Assembly Learning Grants (ALGs) prior to 2014/15

Data collection and calculation

Prior to the academic year 2006/07 data on applications for ALG by Welsh domiciled students at FE was collected from Local Authorities. From 2006/07 all data on students at Further Education institutions have been obtained from the Student Loans Company (SLC). For 2002/03 and 2003/04, for some LEAs, data from the March return may have been used; notes are given in these cases.

ALGs were introduced by the Welsh Government from the academic year 2002/03 to provide extra money for students who might otherwise experience financial difficulty when undertaking post compulsory or higher education undergraduate courses. The grant was available to full and part-time undergraduate students who started their courses in 2002/03 who were domiciled in Wales and studying at a publicly-funded college in the UK. For part-time students their course had to amount to at least 30 credits to be eligible.

The 2002/03 scheme only included students studying at Further Education Institutions or Higher Education Institutions. From 2003/04 the scheme was extended to include students at all learning centres (e.g. schools) providing ELWa or LEA facilitated courses.

From 2006/07 responsibility for the administration of applications of ALGs for students at Further education Institutions was transferred from LAs to the SLC.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2022/23 figures are based on application up to 31 July 2023

Users, uses and context

ALGs were introduced by the Welsh Government from the academic year 2002/03 to provide extra money for students who might otherwise experience financial difficulty when undertaking post compulsory or higher education undergraduate courses. The grant was available to full and part-time undergraduate students who started their courses in 2002/03 who were domiciled in Wales and studying at a publicly-funded college in the UK. For part-time students their course had to amount to at least 30 credits to be eligible.

The 2002/03 scheme only included students studying at Further Education Institutions or Higher Education Institutions. From 2003/04 the scheme was extended to include students at all learning centres (e.g. schools) providing ELWa or LEA facilitated courses.

From 2006/07 responsibility for the administration of applications of ALGs for students at Further education Institutions was transferred from LAs to the SLC.

Rounding applied

Most data are rounded to the nearest five. Due to rounding the sums of rows or columns may not add to the total figure given.


WGLG; Welsh Government Learning Grant; ALG; Assembly Learning Grants; Further Education; FE; Post-16 Education; Student Support

Statistical quality

National Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the National Statistics Code of Practice. They undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs. They are produced free from any political interference. This section provides a summary of information on this output against five dimensions of quality: Relevance, Accuracy, Timeliness and Punctuality, Accessibility and Clarity, and Comparability.

