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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Children, working-age people and pensioners in material deprivation, before housing costs, Wales, three year financial year averages (FYE) 2007 to FYE 2023
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Year Three year averagesIn March 2021, DWP made minor revisions to the whole time series up to 2019/20, to capture all income from child maintenance. In most cases the percentages of people in low income were unchanged rounded to the nearest percentage point.[Filter]
IndicatorEstimates for periods which span the financial year ending (FYE) 2021 do not include the data collected during FYE 2021 in calculations. For the latest two periods shown, estimates formerly calculated as 3 to 5 year rolling averages are based on 2 to 4 year rolling averages that omit the FYE 2021 survey data.[Filter]
Click here to sortFYE 2005 to FYE 2007Click here to sortFYE 2006 to FYE 2008Click here to sortFYE 2007 to FYE 2009Click here to sortFYE 2008 to FYE 2010Click here to sortFYE 2009 to FYE 2011Click here to sortFYE 2010 to FYE 2012Click here to sortFYE 2011 to FYE 2013Changes to the family resource survey questions were introduced for children in material deprivation in 2010/11 and  2011/12. Figures from the old and new suite of questions are not comparable (see metadata for more details).Click here to sortFYE 2012 to FYE 2014Click here to sortFYE 2013 to FYE 2015Click here to sortFYE 2014 to FYE 2016Click here to sortFYE 2015 to FYE 2017Click here to sortFYE 2016 to FYE 2018Click here to sortFYE 2017 to FYE 2019Click here to sortFYE 2018 to FYE 2020Click here to sortFYE 2019 to FYE 2021Click here to sortFYE 2020 to FYE 2022Click here to sortFYE 2021 to FYE 2023
[Collapse]Children in material deprivation and low income householdsSee metadata for a detailed descriptionRisk: Percentage (%)1917182020..|The data item is not available1817151410121114131311
[Collapse]Working-age adults in material deprivation and low income householdsSee metadata for a detailed descriptionRisk: Percentage (%)..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available1817161414141313121111
[Collapse]Pensioners in material deprivationSee metadata for a detailed descriptionRisk: Percentage (%)..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available9999109987778



Children and pensioners in material deprivation, before housing costs, Wales, three year financial year averages (FYE) 2007 to FYE 2023

Last update

March 2024 March 2024

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Households Below Average Income, Family Resources Survey, Department for Work and Pensions

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This table presents data on children in Wales living in material deprivation and low income households and pensioners in Wales living in material deprivation.
For children, this means that they live in a household that could not access a certain number of goods and services and the total household income was below 70 per cent of the UK average household income (before housing costs were paid).
For pensioners, this means that they were living in a household that could not access a certain number of goods and services. Further information on material deprivation in Wales can be obtained from the National Survey for Wales.

Data collection and calculation

This data is produced by the Department for Work and Pensions (the Households Below Average Income Team). They derive the data from responses to questions on the family resource survey.
A family with children is in low income and material deprivation if they have a material deprivation score of 25 or more and a household income below 70 per cent of contemporary median income, Before Housing Costs.
New questions about four additional material deprivation items for children were introduced into the FYE 2011 FRS and from FYE 2012 four questions from the original suite were removed. Figures from the old and new suite of questions are not comparable.
A family with someone aged 65 or over is in material deprivation if they have a material deprivation score of 20 or more.
This report and tables use grossing factors based on 2011 Census data, so caution should be exercised when making comparisons with reports prior to FYE 2013.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Figures shown are 3 year moving averages. Figures cover Wales from FYE 2007 to FYE 2023.

Users, uses and context

Please see the Poverty Statistics webpage for more details (link under weblinks)

Rounding applied

Please see the back ground tab on the Poverty Statistics webpage and the HBAI Quality and Methodology Information Report for more details (link under weblinks)

Revisions information

For the FYE 2020 publication, a minor methodological revision was made to the HBAI data series by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to capture all income from child maintenance. This resulted in more income from child maintenance being included, in turn slightly increasing some household incomes and so tending to slightly reduce low income rates for families with children. The full back series (back to 1994/95) was revised so that comparisons over time are on a consistent basis across the full time series. In terms of the impact of these revisions, in most cases the percentages of people in low income were unchanged rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Statistical quality

Note 1: New questions about four additional material deprivation items for children were introduced into the financial year ending (FYE) 2011 survey and from FYE 2012 four questions from the original suite were removed. Figures from the old and new suite of questions are not comparable.

Note 2: Estimates for periods which span the financial year ending (FYE) 2021 do not include the data collected during FYE 2021 in calculations. For the two new data points, estimates formerly calculated as 3 year rolling averages are based on 2 year rolling averages that omit the FYE 2021 survey data. FYE 2021 estimates are unreliable as they are based on data collected during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, when lockdown rules severely disrupted the data collection.

Note 3: For financial year ending (FYE) 2022 and 2023, estimates of material deprivation are not strictly comparable with the pre-pandemic period. Several of the questions asked as part of the material deprivation measure were affected by pandemic-related restrictions on access to social opportunities and services.

Please see the back ground tab on the Poverty Statistics webpage and the HBAI Quality and Methodology Information Report for more details (link under weblinks)


Social Inclusion; HBAI; material deprivation; Poverty

