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Households accepted as homeless by priority need and period

Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Households accepted as homeless by priority need and period

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

[Collapse]HouseholdData by household type is available from 2002-03 onwards only. Before 2002-03 only totals were collected. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Household 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Household 2[Filter]
Household 3[Filter]
Area 1[Filter]
Period 1
[Collapse]PriorityBreakdown by priority and need [Filtered]
[Collapse]Priority 1
[Collapse]Priority 2
Priority 3
[Expand]Click here to sort2003-04 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2004-05 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2005-06 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2006-07 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2007-08 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2008-09 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2009-10 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2010-11 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2011-12 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2012-13 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2013-14 Annual[Expand]Click here to sort2014-15 Annual
[Collapse]Total households[Collapse]Households where a member is vulnerable: TotalHouseholds where a member is vulnerable includes households where a member is vulnerable due to old age, physical disability or mental illness/learning disability, vulnerable young persons, person fleeing domestic violence or threatened violence, after leaving the armed forces, a former prisoner who after being released from custody has no accommodation to return to and other.[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: After leaving the armed forces456550303525253040302515