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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Welsh Government workforce by salary, employee count, measure and year
Employee Count[Filter]
[Collapse]SalarySalary relates to full time hours including any allowances, staff working part time receive a pro-rata salary.[Filter]
Salary 1
[Collapse]Headcount[Collapse]Full-time equivalent (FTE)An employee\'s Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is the proportion of the standard full time working hours that an employee is contracted to work for. For example, an employee that is contracted to work standard full time working hours is 1 FTE. Adding together the FTEs of all employees is the equivalent of the number of full time employees.
Click here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of total staff.Click here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of total staff.
[Collapse]All Salaries5,513100.05,185100.0
All Salaries£0-£4,99900.000.0



Welsh Government Employee Employees Staff Workforce FTE Full Time Equivalent Salary Salaries


Welsh Government Workforce by Salary, Employee Count, Measure and Year

Last update

January 2020 January 2020

Next update

August 2021

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

HR staff data, Welsh Government

Contact email


Management information

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Welsh Government Workforce by Salary, Employee Count, Measure and Year
The figures relate to staff in post at 31 March.

Data collection and calculation

The data are collated through live Welsh Government staff management information, based on an extract at 31 March each year.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods


Statistical quality

As the data is based on a live system there may be small revisions depending on the date of the extract.

