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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Overall passenger satisfaction with the provision of information during the journey on Arriva Trains Wales by time of survey - up to 2019 only
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Spring 200623265165
Autumn 200619295167
Spring 200715305567
Autumn 200713266166
Spring 200813246367
Autumn 200815246169
Spring 200910256569
Autumn 200915226371
Spring 201010216970
Autumn 201010236769
Spring 201113206769
Autumn 201112236569
Spring 201210246670
Autumn 201210236671
Spring 201311236671
Autumn 201312246470
Spring 201411236671
Autumn 201413216669
Spring 201510246770
Autumn 201511266374
Spring 201614236472
Autumn 201614236371
Spring 201713246472
Autumn 201715196673
Spring 201812276171
Autumn 201816246168
Spring 201918245870
Autumn 201917236072



Overall passenger satisfaction with the provision of information during the journey on Arriva Trains Wales trains by time of survey - up to 2019 only

Last update

August 2020 August 2020

Next update

April 2021 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Survey of Rail Passenger Satisfaction, Passenger Focus

Contact email


National Statistics

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset gives information on the overall passenger satisfaction with the provision of information during the journey on Arriva Trains Wales trains. Information about passenger satisfaction with train services and station facilities comes from the surveys of rail users carried out by Passenger Focus. The survey asks the same set of questions about passengers’ experiences of using railway facilities and rolling stock in the Spring and Autumn of each year. Data are presented a sample size (number) or results of survey (percentage).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

These statistics relate to passenger satisfaction survey results in Wales and Great Britain up to 2019

Revisions information

Data for previous periods are routinely updated. Data for the current financial or calendar year may be revised with the release of next year’s data set.


Rail transport, statistical release:

Statistical quality

These statistics are used both within and outside the Welsh Government to monitor trends in rail transport and as a baseline for further analysis.
The information for these statistics is based on a range of household and individual surveys and on administrative data.


Rail passenger Journeys Passenger satisfaction

