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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Overall passenger satisfaction with their journey on Arriva Trains Wales by time of survey - up to 2019 only
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Passenger satisfactionPercentage and number[Filter]
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Click here to sortDissatisfied or poor (%)Click here to sortNeither satisfied nor dissatisfied (%)Click here to sortSatisfied or good (%)Click here to sortAll regional operators satisfied or good (%)
Spring 200610117985
Autumn 20069118084
Spring 20076108482
Autumn 2007698583
Spring 20086118384
Autumn 2008778686
Spring 2009398786
Autumn 2009598689
Spring 2010488888
Autumn 2010588786
Spring 2011588786
Autumn 20115118487
Spring 2012578886
Autumn 2012488886
Spring 2013488884
Autumn 20134108684
Spring 20146118386
Autumn 20146118384
Spring 2015298985
Autumn 20156128288
Spring 20167118285
Autumn 20167118284
Spring 20176118387
Autumn 20179127983
Spring 20187128284
Autumn 20187118279
Spring 2019898283
Autumn 20198137982



Overall passenger satisfaction with their journey on Arriva Trains Wales trains by time of survey - up to 2019 only

Last update

August 2020 August 2020

Next update

April 2021 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Survey of Rail Passenger Satisfaction, Passenger Focus

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset gives information on the overall passenger satisfaction with there journey on Arriva trains Wales trains. Information about passenger satisfaction with train services and station facilities comes from the surveys of rail users carried out by Passenger Focus. The survey asks the same set of questions about passengers’ experiences of using railway facilities and rolling stock in the Spring and Autumn of each year. Data are presented a sample size (number) or results of survey (percentage).

Data collection and calculation

Passenger satisfaction figures are collected by the National Passenger Survey (NPS) which provides a picture of customers’ satisfaction with rail travel. Passenger opinions of train services are collected twice a year from a representative sample of passenger journeys. Passengers’ overall satisfaction and satisfaction with 30 specific aspects of service can therefore be compared over time. Questionnaires are handed out at stations to passengers about to board a train, with a reply paid envelope provided for returning questionnaires. Fieldwork is carried out each spring (principally in February/March) and in the autumn (principally in September/October) over an 11 week period. Quotas for returned questionnaires, and weighting for the survey results, are set overall and by weekday/weekend, journey purpose and station size based on information from each Train Operating Company (TOC). This sample design and weighting ensures that data is representative of all passenger journeys made on each TOC. National results are constructed by combining data for all TOCs together, weighting by number of journeys.
Approximately 33% of questionnaires that are given out are returned each survey. Returned questionnaires are checked to confirm that details provided are for a real journey and then the questionnaire response is assigned to the appropriate Train Operating Company (TOC).
Details of the compliance of this survey with National Statistics standards can be found at: survey itself can be found on the Passenger Focus website:

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

These statistics relate to cases in Wales and Great Britain passenger satisfaction survey conducted twice a year up to 2019.

Users, uses and context

These statistics are used both within and outside the Welsh Government to monitor trends in rail transport and as a baseline for further analysis.
The information for these statistics is based on a range of household and individual surveys and on administrative data.

Revisions information

Data for previous periods are routinely updated. Data for the current financial or calendar year may be revised with the release of next year’s data set.


Rail passenger Journeys Passenger satisfaction

Statistical quality

Passenger satisfaction figures are collected by the National Passenger Survey (NPS) which provides a picture of customers’ satisfaction with rail travel. Passenger opinions of train services are collected twice a year from a representative sample of passenger journeys. Passengers’ overall satisfaction and satisfaction with 30 specific aspects of service can therefore be compared over time. Questionnaires are handed out at stations to passengers about to board a train, with a reply paid envelope provided for returning questionnaires. Fieldwork is carried out each spring (principally in February/March) and in the autumn (principally in September/October) over an 11 week period. Quotas for returned questionnaires, and weighting for the survey results, are set overall and by weekday/weekend, journey purpose and station size based on information from each Train Operating Company (TOC). This sample design and weighting ensures that data is representative of all passenger journeys made on each TOC. National results are constructed by combining data for all TOCs together, weighting by number of journeys.
Approximately 33% of questionnaires that are given out are returned each survey. Returned questionnaires are checked to confirm that details provided are for a real journey and then the questionnaire response is assigned to the appropriate Train Operating Company (TOC).
Details of the compliance of this survey with National Statistics standards can be found at: survey itself can be found on the Passenger Focus website:


Rail transport, statistical release:

