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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Casualties by Local Authority, vehicle type, type of manoeuvre, severity
[Collapse]By Highways Agency[Filtered]
By Highways Agency 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Type Of Vehicle[Filtered]
Type Of Vehicle 1[Filter]
Date 1
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
[Collapse]Type of Manoeuvres[Filter]
Type of Manoeuvres 1
[Collapse]Severity 1
Severity 2
[Expand]Click here to sort1993[Expand]Click here to sort1994[Expand]Click here to sort1995[Expand]Click here to sort1996[Expand]Click here to sort1997[Expand]Click here to sort1998[Expand]Click here to sort1999[Expand]Click here to sort2000[Expand]Click here to sort2001[Expand]Click here to sort2002[Expand]Click here to sort2003[Expand]Click here to sort2004[Expand]Click here to sort2005[Expand]Click here to sort2006[Expand]Click here to sort2007[Expand]Click here to sort2008[Expand]Click here to sort2009[Expand]Click here to sort2010[Expand]Click here to sort2011[Expand]Click here to sort2012[Expand]Click here to sort2013[Expand]Click here to sort2014
[Collapse]All manoeuvres14,32815,10514,95114,85314,83514,53814,35014,14013,79514,33614,03613,68712,73312,69212,26911,18610,3549,9559,4068,5658,3358,208
All manoeuvresReversing[Collapse]All severities17218616816816819817319018420517417617016617615514812812412613487
All severities[Expand]KSI23142719172014231933191918251923191323212520
[Expand]Slightly injured14917214114915117815916716517215515715214115713212911510110510967
Parked[Collapse]All severities195199186214200218179226238229218196216211177155205173173128125109
All severities[Expand]KSI191516151811121918131459191616881410912
[Expand]Slightly injured17618417019918220716720722021620419120719216113919716515911811697
Waiting to go ahead but held up[Collapse]All severities9371,0491,1761,2321,2461,2931,4611,3231,3211,4691,4881,353982934943829865830695557565453
All severities[Expand]KSI2320302721134030222326341371713710119129
[Expand]Slightly injured9141,0291,1461,2051,2251,2801,4211,2931,2991,4461,4621,319969927926816858820684548553444
Slowing or stopping[Collapse]All severities375461460491428386369412401499461458905904902841712656706604535600
All severities[Expand]KSI2117212714131511136252025283632342931232142
[Expand]Slightly injured354444439464414373354401388493436438880876866809678627675581514558
Moving off[Collapse]All severities160190167162168165162146152142138121316372310382327357301248238240
All severities[Expand]KSI161317191310331611712823282126222913221916
[Expand]Slightly injured144177150143155155129130141135126113293344289356305328288226219224
U turn[Collapse]All severities63604569545247654360385149395345424735302834
All severities[Expand]KSI1272136894255161565113331
[Expand]Slightly injured51534356484438614155335043384839373632272533
Turning left[Collapse]All severities275303260289279314325258293266250286279227235212193210199161184150
All severities[Expand]KSI31373137333418212021182425122226161717181417
[Expand]Slightly injured244266229252246280307237273245232262254215213186177193182143170133
Waiting to turn left[Collapse]All severities59887485961061138794105859772866165666155534132
All severities[Expand]KSI4322415391.The data item is not applicable232231212.The data item is not applicable2
[Expand]Slightly injured55857283921051088485104859569845962655954514130
Turning right[Collapse]All severities1,0181,0931,1119461,0431,110916972859929827853778697748653639560578545508510
All severities[Expand]KSI97123115112124120107887385616945615859504164645150
[Expand]Slightly injured921970996834919990809884786844766784733636690594589519514481457460
Waiting to turn right[Collapse]All severities331371371342433404396392339375381332294285259221223181203205144152
All severities[Expand]KSI111191115141916614810310697677611
[Expand]Slightly injured320360362331418390377376333361373322291275253212216175196198138141
Changing lane to left[Collapse]All severities43354850533534415848634738633942504132283022
All severities[Expand]KSI10811.The data item is not applicable826361104574584.The data item is not applicable436
[Expand]Slightly injured33273750453328385247534333563537423732242716
Changing lane to right[Collapse]All severities677074758578761116775636363536256333846364753
All severities[Expand]KSI12141213121791816111210471272446711
[Expand]Slightly injured55566262736167935164515359465049313442304042
Overtaking moving vehicle on its offside[Collapse]All severities426404411361368353336373303338311295287256235228170162152131125144
All severities[Expand]KSI1108311198875968868290686479515762403936272536
[Expand]Slightly injured316321300263281294268287221248243231208205178166130123116104100108
Overtaking stationary vehicle on its offside[Collapse]All severities3013152553072612032032032021861461561141139476788085535257
All severities[Expand]KSI635540482925273025272615915149810139118
[Expand]Slightly injured238260215259232178176173177159120141105988067707072444149
Overtaking on nearside[Collapse]All severities949910267876040699267777160646584434246252937
All severities[Expand]KSI91418794510115128591112535428
[Expand]Slightly injured85858460785635598162656355555472383941212729
Going ahead left hand bend[Collapse]All severities1,2821,2851,3831,2841,3591,1321,1691,0901,1181,1231,1351,1601,015963913813719711576560566526
All severities[Expand]KSI308335311253313238267239230222260218167167176177150155123118144133
[Expand]Slightly injured9749501,0721,0311,046894902851888901875942848796737636569556453442422393
Going ahead right hand bend[Collapse]All severities1,3611,3731,4061,3901,3781,2331,2651,2551,2711,2291,2071,2251,003983950894821751663632590654
All severities[Expand]KSI302297287271264215270234256247223203144142138156152131130118122168
[Expand]Slightly injured1,0591,0761,1191,1191,1141,0189951,0211,0159829841,022859841812738669620533514468486
Going ahead other[Collapse]All severities7,1697,5247,2547,3217,1297,1987,0866,9276,7606,9916,9746,7476,0926,2756,0475,4355,0204,9274,7374,4424,3924,348
All severities[Expand]KSI1,1191,1421,0731,158923855947972906821856823743781785755687575752569670713
[Expand]Slightly injured6,0506,3826,1816,1636,2066,3436,1395,9555,8546,1706,1185,9245,3495,4945,2624,6804,3334,3523,9853,8733,7223,635
Unknown[Collapse]All severities.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable12.The data item is not applicable
All severities[Expand]KSI.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Slightly injured.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable12.The data item is not applicable



The number of casualties by type of manoeuvre, type of vehicle, severity, area and date

Last update

July 2020 July 2020

Next update

No update

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Reported road accidents system, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The statistics refer to casualties resulting from personal injury accidents on public roads reported to the police and forwarded to the Welsh Government. Road Accident Data contains details of the accident, the number of vehicles involved and information on casualties.
Accident data contains: the description and location, the number of casualties and vehicles, severity of accident, type of road and contributory factors.
Vehicle description: includes details of vehicle type, age of driver/rider.
Casualty description: provides details of the severity of casualty, casualty class and age.
The Data Dictionary provides a detailed breakdown description of the variables that are included in all three categories.

Data collection and calculation

The police compile statistical data about road traffic accidents and casualties (called Stats19 data) for the Welsh Government and the Department for Transport (DfT). This follows police attendance at accidents that involve any personal injury, together with members of the public reporting personal injury accidents directly to the police. The figures are based on information available to the Welsh Government 14 weeks after the end of the latest quarter. The Stats19 data are a set of numeric and alphabet characters.
A casualty is defined as, a person killed or injured in an accident. One accident may give rise to several casualties. Casualties and accidents are subdivided into killed, seriously injured and slightly injured categories.
Casualties reported as killed include only those cases where death occurs in less than 30 days as a result of the accident. They do not include those who died as a result of natural causes (e.g. heart attack) rather than as a result of the accident, nor do they include confirmed suicides.
The classification of each accident is the most seriously injured casualty. For example if there are 5 casualties but only 1 fatality, the accident is classed as a fatal.

Frequency of publication

No longer updated

Data reference periods

1993 to 2014

Users, uses and context

There are a variety of organisations that use the Welsh road traffic accident and casualty data. The Welsh Government uses road traffic accident and casualty data to help set road safety policy. It is also used for performance indicators, both for the Welsh Government’s Transport Strategy and for some Health Performance indicators. They are also component indicators in the Welsh Government’s Child Poverty and Sustainable Development indicators.
Other users include Highway Authorities (on behalf of the Welsh Government, which is responsible for the motorway and trunk road network) and Local Authorities (which are responsible for other roads in Wales). Other bodies involved in road safety include the Safety Camera Partnership, Trunk Road Agents, and Police & Community Safety Partnerships.

Revisions information

Between April 2012 and the beginning of 2013, South Wales Police made changes to their procedures for recording this data which led to a lower number of slight and serious casualties being recorded than would have been the case in previous and subsequent years. This means that the comparison of 2013 with 2012 overstates the change in slight and serious casualties. This issue does not affect the measure of road traffic fatalities.

Statistical quality

The figures shown may change in future if there are late amendments. Similarly, the figures for earlier years may differ from those previously published. The figures cover only road accidents reported to the police involving personal injury.
This data is obtained from administrative sources and thus may be affected by changes in procedures within those systems.
There is some possibility of under-reporting and under-recording as well as for the misclassification of accidents though these are minimised by local authorities and the Welsh Government conducting a number of data validations. For example, Welsh Government data analysts may query the location of an accident with a police force when the grid reference of an accident is in a different local authority to the one specified in the data return. These issues are discussed in more detail in a Statistical Article ‘Quality Report for Welsh Road Casualties’.
This article also summarises the sources and methods used to compile the road accident and casualty figures for Wales. It also reviews the quality of the resulting figures in terms of the six dimensions of statistical quality of the European Statistical System. The aim is to provide background information about road casualty statistics for Wales in a single document for all users of the published statistics. It is available from the following link:


Transport Road Accidents Collisions Fatal Killed Serious Slight Police Police-recorded

