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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Population projection components of change by year and National park area
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]Component 1
Component 2
Click here to sortBrecon Beacons National ParkClick here to sortPembrokeshire Coast National ParkClick here to sortSnowdonia National ParkClick here to sortGwynedd - outside National ParkClick here to sortConwy - outside National ParkClick here to sortPowys - outside National ParkClick here to sortPembrokeshire - outside National ParkClick here to sortCarmarthenshire - outside National ParkClick here to sortRhondda Cynon Taf - outside National ParkClick here to sortMerthyr Tydfil - outside National ParkClick here to sortMonmouthshire - outside National Park
[Collapse]Population at end of year33,93022,37425,279103,344113,218108,870102,979186,539239,90859,94886,885
Population at end of year[Collapse]Population at start of periodPopulation at start of period33,81222,35025,370102,974113,012108,914102,705186,130239,24359,75586,620
[Collapse]Net UK migrants25017110-9867727146488523459457
Net UK migrantsInward UK migrants1,9141,4431,2554,8304,5134,5112,8536,6196,9451,5534,273
Outward UK migrants1,6651,2721,2454,9283,8374,2412,3895,7346,7111,4933,816
[Collapse]Net overseas migrants30221862281731052004728472
Net overseas migrantsInward overseas migrants8950591,089265336255505790168219
Outward overseas migrants58284146718326414930531884146
[Collapse]Total fertility rate[Collapse]Total fertility rateTotal fertility rate21222222222
[Collapse]Standardised mortality ratio[Collapse]Standardised mortality ratioStandardised mortality ratio91838710093919911311711886
[Collapse]Expectation of life at birth[Collapse]Expectation of life at birthExpectation of life at birth8284828181828179797982
[Collapse]Special population - prisoners[Collapse]Special population - prisonersSpecial population - prisoners0000000000490



Population projection components of change by national park and year, 2018 to 2043

Last update

May 2021 May 2021

Next update

To be confirmed

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2018-based population projections for national parks in Wales, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage

National Parks

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Population projections; population growth; migration; natural change; births; deaths

General description

This dataset provides the components of change involved in the calculation of the population projections for national parks and residual areas in Wales. Data cover the change between each successive projection year and relate to the change from the middle of each year to the middle of the following year. The first year's data represent the change from the base year of mid-2018 to mid-2019, through the projection period to show the change for mid-2042 to mid-2043.

Note that the projections become increasingly uncertain the further we try to look into the future.

Rounding applied

Data are rounded independently to the nearest whole number and may not add exactly.

Revisions information

These data replaced the 2014 national park population projections for Wales as the formal estimates of population growth.

Statistical quality

See the National Park authority population projection statistical release in weblinks.

