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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Population estimates by local authority, upper super output area and age group
Area Code[Filter]
YearThe ONS published revised mid-2012 to mid-2016 estimates of the population on 22 March 2018 due to methodological improvements. Therefore the figures for mid-2012 to mid-2016 within the statswales cube have been revised. [Filtered]
Sex 1[Filter]
Age 1
[Collapse]AreaA hierarchical series of small areas is used here, with the smallest being the lower layer super output areas (LSOAs). These are aggregated within middle layer SOAs and then upper layer SOAs and then local authorities and Wales. [Filter]
[Collapse]Area 1
[Collapse]Area 2
[Collapse]Area 3
Area 4
[Collapse]All agesClick here to sortAll ages
Click here to sortAged 0 to 15Click here to sortAged 16 to 64Click here to sortAged 65 and over
[Collapse]Total Welsh local authorities2,248,5347,711,4992,626,22812,586,261
Total Welsh local authorities[Collapse]Isle of Anglesey47,991159,44672,801280,238
Isle of Anglesey[Expand]Isle of Anglesey U00124,76878,75632,104135,628
[Expand]Isle of Anglesey U00223,22380,69040,697144,610
Gwynedd[Expand]Gwynedd U00122,08093,16920,205135,454
[Expand]Gwynedd U00222,65271,58425,445119,681
[Expand]Gwynedd U00320,02773,33536,326129,688
[Expand]Gwynedd U00418,46563,25531,108112,828
Conwy[Expand]Conwy U00115,72161,26535,372112,358
[Expand]Conwy U00221,42870,00031,622123,050
[Expand]Conwy U00318,98960,73631,994111,719
[Expand]Conwy U00419,64972,07830,577122,304
Denbighshire[Expand]Denbighshire U00119,33863,30130,282112,921
[Expand]Denbighshire U00225,65475,12128,156128,931
[Expand]Denbighshire U00324,24582,80633,946140,997
Flintshire[Expand]Flintshire U00117,43961,06326,471104,973
[Expand]Flintshire U00223,79874,98523,452122,235
[Expand]Flintshire U00322,70074,18719,892116,779
[Expand]Flintshire U00429,84095,71530,107155,662
[Expand]Flintshire U00521,27471,48531,287124,046
Wrexham[Expand]Wrexham U00126,91587,64629,208143,769
[Expand]Wrexham U00233,104105,55133,255171,910
[Expand]Wrexham U00322,59668,55020,937112,083
[Expand]Wrexham U00421,88868,83425,225115,947
Powys[Expand]Powys U00117,29763,29929,339109,935
[Expand]Powys U00224,29883,61735,678143,593
[Expand]Powys U00317,69763,91235,049116,658
[Expand]Powys U00525,43190,77244,038160,241
Ceredigion[Expand]Ceredigion U00123,865106,26537,284167,414
[Expand]Ceredigion U00219,61668,65935,969124,244
Pembrokeshire[Expand]Pembrokeshire U00120,74374,90037,361133,004
[Expand]Pembrokeshire U00234,733108,26042,002184,995
[Expand]Pembrokeshire U00330,076104,05750,203184,336
Carmarthenshire[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00120,90772,65333,195126,755
[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00222,36878,10634,123134,597
[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00321,38369,55827,779118,720
[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00421,39974,39233,633129,424
[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00523,58273,35125,970122,903
[Expand]Carmarthenshire U00622,90274,24523,318120,465
Swansea[Expand]Swansea U00126,65086,59727,098140,345
[Expand]Swansea U00218,53564,04421,197103,776
[Expand]Swansea U00323,06079,75519,792122,607
[Expand]Swansea U00418,82269,55419,890108,266
[Expand]Swansea U00527,74182,18423,455133,380
[Expand]Swansea U00617,60666,46531,246115,317
[Expand]Swansea U00719,868118,11819,243157,229
[Expand]Swansea U00815,05058,17731,355104,582
[Collapse]Neath Port Talbot99,943353,830118,924572,697
Neath Port Talbot[Expand]Neath Port Talbot U00218,85771,90828,546119,311
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot U00323,35381,58623,752128,691
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot U00418,95464,92621,604105,484
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot U00518,91366,97821,549107,440
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot U00619,86668,43223,473111,771
Bridgend[Expand]Bridgend U00127,52389,99128,117145,631
[Expand]Bridgend U00223,58185,32423,972132,877
[Expand]Bridgend U00331,686109,48132,931174,098
[Expand]Bridgend U00421,68176,12333,342131,146
[Collapse]Vale of Glamorgan98,237321,560111,940531,737
Vale of Glamorgan[Expand]The Vale of Glamorgan U00122,85778,79031,090132,737
[Expand]The Vale of Glamorgan U00220,80871,00429,078120,890
[Expand]The Vale of Glamorgan U00333,010100,63724,685158,332
[Expand]The Vale of Glamorgan U00421,56271,12927,087119,778
Cardiff[Expand]Cardiff U00121,39867,17327,704116,275
[Expand]Cardiff U00223,70574,44420,960119,109
[Expand]Cardiff U00325,27379,82126,054131,148
[Expand]Cardiff U00436,28597,64223,803157,730
[Expand]Cardiff U00524,08868,00520,654112,747
[Expand]Cardiff U00617,60392,43015,209125,242
[Expand]Cardiff U00721,72481,14314,148117,015
[Expand]Cardiff U00839,14499,04824,134162,326
[Expand]Cardiff U00916,807143,92814,736175,471
[Expand]Cardiff U01043,896182,34919,801246,046
[Collapse]Rhondda Cynon Taf179,376598,253184,766962,395
Rhondda Cynon Taf[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00123,15173,91822,663119,732
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00222,70474,95625,245122,905
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00319,58165,43021,016106,027
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00431,506105,41635,111172,033
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00535,837111,75832,706180,301
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00617,54160,84518,51396,899
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taff U00729,056105,93029,512164,498
[Collapse]Merthyr Tydfil46,069149,70545,112240,886
Merthyr Tydfil[Expand]Merthyr Tydfil U00223,67580,40524,899128,979
[Expand]Merthyr Tydfil U00322,39469,30020,213111,907
Caerphilly[Expand]Caerphilly U00121,23070,98821,518113,736
[Expand]Caerphilly U00222,97376,36225,947125,282
[Expand]Caerphilly U00322,09878,70124,495125,294
[Expand]Caerphilly U00425,37983,40726,090134,876
[Expand]Caerphilly U00522,22670,19220,766113,184
[Expand]Caerphilly U00621,67568,71421,859112,248
[Collapse]Blaenau Gwent48,605174,41056,189279,204
Blaenau Gwent[Expand]Blaenau Gwent U00126,03790,72730,820147,584
[Expand]Blaenau Gwent U00222,56883,68325,369131,620
Torfaen[Expand]Torfaen U00124,20274,74322,687121,632
[Expand]Torfaen U00218,54866,74727,430112,725
[Expand]Torfaen U00326,56386,74026,446139,749
Monmouthshire[Expand]Monmouthshire U00133,331124,06648,302205,699
[Expand]Monmouthshire U00227,98197,45546,351171,787
Newport[Expand]Newport U00125,46280,95528,780135,197
[Expand]Newport U00234,959111,76230,201176,922
[Expand]Newport U00334,75399,61119,008153,372
[Expand]Newport U00431,10891,34427,967150,419



Population for small areas in Wales (2011 onwards), by broad age bands and sex

Last update

September 2021 September 2021

Next update

December 2022 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Small area population estimates (SAPE), Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Lower-layer super output areas

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset provides population estimates for the lower layer super output areas (LSOAs), middle layer super output areas (MSOAs), upper layer super output areas (USOAs) and local authorities in Wales. These estimates are consistent with the results of the 2011 Census and are available for the 2011 LSOA, MSOA and USOA geographic boundaries published in October 2012.

Super output areas (SOAs) were introduced in 2004 to improve the reporting of small area statistics. They are built from groups of census output areas, are of a consistent size and are not subject to boundary changes between censuses. Where possible they are formed from groups of socially similar households and align with local features such as roads and railway lines. The comparability and stability of the geography is a key benefit to users of statistics which cannot be provided by other small area administrative geographies such as wards or parishes.

Following the 2011 Census, some boundary changes to SOAs were required and the new set of SOA boundaries was published in October 2012, although the stability of the geography has been largely maintained.

Three hierarchical levels of SOAs are available in Wales. LSOAs were designed to have a population of between 1,000 and 3,000 in 2011, and there are 1,909 of them in Wales. MSOAs were designed as aggregations of LSOAs, and had a population of between 5,000 and 15,000 in 2011, and there are 410 of them in Wales. USOAs are aggregations of MSOAs and were defined in conjunction with local authorities in Wales. There are 94 of them in Wales and they are only defined in Wales.

Further information on SOAs, can be obtained from the geography section of the ONS website (see weblinks).

This material is Crown Copyright and may be re-used (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Data collection and calculation

See weblinks

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are produced and reported annually and relate to the 30 June of each year.

Users, uses and context

Population estimates for LSOAs, MSOAs and USOAs are often used for research and analysis as, unlike other small area geographies such as wards, they are specifically designed for statistical purposes. In particular, they are used by both central government departments and local authorities for a range of purposes including planning and monitoring of services and as denominators for the calculation of various rates and indicators.

Rounding applied

Data are provided on an unrounded basis although the Office for National Statistics advises that any results presented from these data are rounded to the nearest 100 where practical.

Revisions information

The small area data (at super output area level) presented here have been revised so that they are consistent with the population estimates produced at national and local authority level for the same period.

The ONS published revised mid-2012 to mid-2016 estimates of the population on 22 March 2018 due to methodological improvements. Therefore the figures for mid-2012 to mid-2016 within the StatsWales cube have been revised.

Statistical quality

See weblinks


Population; small areas; LSOA; MSOA; USOA; super output area

