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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Migration origins and destinations between local authorities in Wales (and also UK countries) by period of change, age group and sex
[Collapse]DestinationThis covers Wales, its local authorities and other countries in the UK from 2011-2012, but only Wales, its local authorities and England prior to 2011-2012. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Destination 1[Filtered]
Destination 2[Filter]
Destination Code[Filter]
[Collapse]OriginThis covers Wales, its local authorities and other countries in the UK from 2011-2012, but only Wales, its local authorities and England prior to 2011-2012. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Origin 1[Filtered]
Origin 2[Filter]
Origin Code[Filter]
[Collapse]Age groupCovers age groups of 0-15, 16-24, 35-44, 45-64 and 65+[Filter]
Age group 1
[Collapse]SexData are available split by sex for 2011-2012 onwards only, prior to that data are only available for persons.[Filter]
Sex 1
PeriodTime period running from 30 June in the first year to 30 June in the following year.[Filter]
[Collapse]All agesClick here to sortAll ages
[Collapse]Aged 0 to 15[Collapse]Aged 16 to 24[Collapse]Aged 25 to 44[Collapse]Aged 45 to 64[Collapse]Aged over 65
[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons
Click here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemale
2001 to 2002.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,900.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,780.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,230.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,020.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,84052,770
2002 to 2003.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,280.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,510.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable15,500.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable4,980.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,78051,040
2003 to 2004.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,060.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,550.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable15,570.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,320.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,93051,440
2004 to 2005.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,240.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable22,300.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,480.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,110.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,67052,820
2005 to 2006.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,210.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable22,360.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,840.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,330.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,76053,510
2006 to 2007.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,990.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,920.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,720.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,710.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable3,27053,610
2007 to 2008.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,010.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,430.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,840.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,420.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,73052,430
2008 to 2009.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,240.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable21,910.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable17,590.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,220.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,51053,470
2009 to 2010.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,130.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable20,350.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,920.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,450.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable3,06051,880
2010 to 2011.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6,170.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable20,950.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable16,940.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5,550.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,98052,620
2011 to 20123,4653,1626,62710,87213,24324,11610,7459,50320,2493,5333,0746,6071,5272,0623,58961,188
2012 to 20133,3653,1426,50711,99514,34326,33710,3919,55019,9413,4103,1356,5451,7552,1993,95463,284
2013 to 20143,4043,2606,66311,69914,38626,08510,9769,89220,8684,0523,7407,7922,0402,6694,70966,118
2014 to 20153,1672,9276,09413,18415,27828,46210,96910,25121,2204,0623,8737,9352,0582,6064,66568,376
2015 to 20162,9442,8705,81312,95615,23728,19311,14510,28921,4343,9213,7017,6222,0532,6114,66467,726
2016 to 20172,8112,7755,58612,03414,31626,3509,9549,55819,5124,0163,9297,9462,3693,0525,42264,815
2017 to 20182,6992,6065,30612,08814,00526,0939,7779,21518,9923,8913,8227,7132,3823,1445,52563,629
2018 to 20192,8602,6935,55311,87314,11425,98710,4099,56719,9773,7503,4927,2422,2032,8335,03663,795
2019 to 20202,2072,1364,34311,50413,69925,2039,1578,81317,9702,9912,8985,8891,6332,1443,77757,182
2020 to 20212,3612,2704,63114,16315,74729,91014,00111,16725,1684,7814,0298,8112,4682,9225,39073,910
2021 to 20222,4712,4034,87412,55015,09327,64210,83710,55221,3893,4353,4676,9032,3063,0075,31366,122



Internal migration flows between Welsh local authorities and flows to or from other parts of the UK

Last update

November 2023 November 2023

Next update

Summer 2024

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Internal migration statistics, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset contains information from the Office for National Statistics internal migration data for Wales, showing the origin and destination of each migration flow by sex and broad age group between each of the local authorities in Wales and also the UK countries.

Data for flows to and from Scotland and Northern Ireland (and hence the UK as whole) prior to 2011-2012 are not available on this origin-destination basis, although from 2011-2012, the whole of the UK is covered. Data are available split by sex for 2011-2012 onwards only, prior to that data are only available for persons.

Note that data for Wales as a whole will not be the sum of individual local authority data as moves between local authorities within Wales will not contribute to the flows into or out of Wales.

Data collection and calculation

Internal migration refers to the flows of people within the UK. Note that the numbers are not integers. These estimates are based on several data sources and estimation processes, and are not exact counts. This is described in more detail in the latest methodology document from the Office for National Statistics. A link can be found in the weblinks section. The data presented represent the movements between each Welsh local authority and also the countries of the UK on an origin-destination basis. Note that moves within a single local authority are excluded, as are international moves into or out of the UK.

Each health board/health authority holds a register of patients registered with its GPs, called the Patient Register (PR). Combining every PR in Wales and England and comparing with the register from the previous year identifies people who have changed their postcode. Further as part of the Office for National Statistics’ programme to improve population and migration estimates, data on the term time address of students from the Higher Education Statistics Agency has been used to improve the estimation of student migration within Wales and England. Moves to Scotland and Northern Ireland are included using details from the central NHS register and Northern Irish health card records.

Further data for Wales will not be the sum of individual local authority data as moves between local authorities within Wales will not contribute to the flows into or out of Wales.

For further information please see weblinks.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are published annually, and included here from 2001-2002, with each period's data covering the change from 30 June in the prior year to 30 June in the latter year.

Users, uses and context

Internal migration statistics have a range of uses across the public sector and beyond. For example the Office for National Statistics uses them in population estimates and projections, while wider central government use them to inform policy-making and resource allocation to local authorities, who in turn use the statistics to help estimate the demands on their services, for example, the number of school places required.

Additional users include health bodies who use them to help forecast requirements for health services, particularly for maternity and geriatric services and other providers of service across the public and private sectors such as registered social landlords and housing associations, developers and utility companies, who may use internal migration statistics to predict demand for their respective services in their area.

Other users include academia, who use the data for research and the media may use the statistics to inform articles and debate on migration and related topics.

Revisions information

Data for earlier years have been revised to take account of the results of Census 2011 and the student adjustment made in 2010 which is referred to in some of the documents available via the weblinks.

On 23 November 2023, the data set from 2012 to 2020 for Wales and England were rebased to be consistent with the results of Census 2021.

Statistical quality

See weblinks.


Internal migration; migration; flows; origin; destination

