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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Adult general health and illness by age and gender, 2020-21 onwards
Area code[Filter]
[Collapse]Age 1
Age 2
Variable 1
[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+
[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+
[Collapse]General healthHealth in general - Good or Very Good159135121141163139120145154132121138
Health in general - Fair324258422839593935455845
Health in general - Bad or Very Bad10222117921201611232117
[Collapse]IllnessLess detailed questions on illness were asked in 2020-21Any longstanding illnesses671011339459961318874105134100
2 or more longstanding illnesses204264381637593325476944
Limited at all by longstanding illness5073987041679161597910478
Limited a lot by longstanding illness233953361935473128435841
[Collapse]Type of illnessSelected illnessesMusculoskeletal complaints123861331131482614447339
Heart and circulatory complaints525502342953245214721
Endocrine and metobolic diseases620261651926147212617
Respiratory system complaints141820171516201612202117
Mental health condition322182226196193824926



National Survey for Wales - adult general health and illness by age and gender

Last update

October 2022 October 2022

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

National Survey for Wales, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


National Survey for Wales; National Survey; Well-being; Health

General description

Information on general health and illness of adults in Wales by age and gender.

Data collection and calculation

Information is collected via the National Survey for Wales. Based on a sample survey. Sample sizes for some groups are relatively small, and the results should be treated with caution. 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes are also shown to give an indication of the precision of results.The National Survey 2020-21 was adapted due to the coronavirus pandemic, and results from 2020-21 onwards should not be compared with results from previous editions of the National Survey for Wales.
See weblinks.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2020-21 onwards.

Users, uses and context

See weblinks.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

See weblinks.

Statistical quality

See weblinks.