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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Adult lifestyles additional variables, 2016-17 to 2019-20
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Variable 1
Click here to sort2016-17Click here to sort2017-18Click here to sort2018-19Click here to sort2019-20
[Collapse]Smoking & e-cigarette useSmoker19191718
Never smoked52525452
Smoke daily16161414
Smoker - 3 most deprived quintilesage-standardised23232021
Smoker - 2 least deprived quintilesage-standardised13151413
E-cigarette user7767
Use e-cigarette daily4545
Ever tried e-cigarette18171717
Current e-cigarette user who is smoker52475039
Current e-cigarette user who is ex-smoker44504956
Current e-cigarette user who has never smoked4315
Current smoker who currently uses e-cigarette18171815
Ex smoker who currently uses e-cigarette10121012
Has never smoked and currently uses e-cigarette0001
Used e-cigarette before tobacco (of those who have ever used both)1.The data item is not applicable2.The data item is not applicable
Tried to give up smoking44.The data item is not applicable45.The data item is not applicable
Stopped smoking less than 1 month ago1.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable
Stopped smoking 1 month-1 year ago7.The data item is not applicable7.The data item is not applicable
Stopped smoking more than 1 year ago91.The data item is not applicable92.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette to help stop smoking tobacco (current users)69.The data item is not applicable76.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette to reduce tobacco used (current users)25.The data item is not applicable31.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as can use them indoors (current users)18.The data item is not applicable22.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as less harmful than tobacco (current users)32.The data item is not applicable36.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as cheaper than tobacco (current users)28.The data item is not applicable34.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as protect others from tobacco smoke (current users)18.The data item is not applicable21.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as attracted by adverts (current users)2.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette - curiosity (spontaneous) (current users)1.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette to help stop smoking tobacco (current and ex users)63.The data item is not applicable72.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette to reduce tobacco used (current and ex users)20.The data item is not applicable24.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as can use them indoors (current and ex users)12.The data item is not applicable14.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as less harmful than tobacco (current and ex users)21.The data item is not applicable23.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as cheaper than tobacco (current and ex users)17.The data item is not applicable21.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as protect others from tobacco smoke (current and ex users)12.The data item is not applicable14.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette as attracted by adverts (current and ex users)5.The data item is not applicable5.The data item is not applicable
Used e-cigarette - curiosity (spontaneous) (current and ex users)6.The data item is not applicable4.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors13.The data item is not applicable10.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors27.The data item is not applicable24.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors34.The data item is not applicable29.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke inside own home4.The data item is not applicable3.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke inside other people's home8.The data item is not applicable6.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke travelling by car / van3.The data item is not applicable3.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke in other indoor places2.The data item is not applicable2.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outside at home5.The data item is not applicable5.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoor smoking areas pubs etc15.The data item is not applicable15.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outside school / hospital / playgrounds5.The data item is not applicable4.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke in other outdoor places14.The data item is not applicable10.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors - quintile 1 (most deprived)age-standardised44.The data item is not applicable31.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors - quintile 2age-standardised39.The data item is not applicable32.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors - quintile 3age-standardised34.The data item is not applicable33.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors - quintile 4age-standardised30.The data item is not applicable27.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors or outdoors - quintile 5 (least deprived)age-standardised30.The data item is not applicable26.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors - quintile 1 (most deprived)age-standardised21.The data item is not applicable15.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors - quintile 2age-standardised17.The data item is not applicable14.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors - quintile 3age-standardised13.The data item is not applicable9.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors - quintile 4age-standardised9.The data item is not applicable7.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke indoors - quintile 5 (least deprived)age-standardised9.The data item is not applicable9.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors - quintile 1 (most deprived)age-standardised32.The data item is not applicable23.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors - quintile 2age-standardised30.The data item is not applicable24.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors - quintile 3age-standardised27.The data item is not applicable28.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors - quintile 4age-standardised25.The data item is not applicable24.The data item is not applicable
Non-smoker exposed to tobacco smoke outdoors - quintile 5 (least deprived)age-standardised26.The data item is not applicable23.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette inside own home11.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette inside other people's home17.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette inside restaurants / cafes14.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette inside pubs23.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette inside shops / shopping centres19.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette travelling by car / van22.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette on public transport12.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette in other indoor places15.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette outside at home14.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette outdoor smoking areas pubs etc43.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette outside school / hospital / playgrounds17.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
See people using e-cigarette in other outdoor places43.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Nicotine patches / inhaler / gumas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable22.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Other prescription medicine (e.g. Zyban, Champix)as % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - e-cigarettesas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable49.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Heat-not-burn cigarette (e.g. iQOS, heatsticks)as % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Attended a groupas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Phoned a smoking helpline (e.g. Help Me Quit)as % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable3.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Got support from a pharmacyas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable5.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Read a book or bookletas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable3.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Used a website or appas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Hypnotherapyas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable
Methods tried to stop smoking in last 12 months - Acupunctureas % of those who gave up or tried to give up in last 12 months.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable
[Collapse]AlcoholAverage weekly alcohol consumption - none (may include some people who do sometimes drink)20222121
Average weekly alcohol consumption - some, up to 14 units (moderate drinkers)60606160
Average weekly alcohol consumption - hazardous (over 14 units, up to 50 (m) / 35 (f))17151616
Average weekly alcohol consumption - harmful (over 50 (m) / 35 (f) units)3322
Average weekly alcohol consumption - above 14 units (over guidelines)20181819
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - drinkers onlymean not %554568532537
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - moderate drinkersmean not %209221221214
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - hazardous drinkersmean not %1,2121,2801,1941,219
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - harmful drinkersmean not %3,9233,9843,9733,851
Drank almost every day (in past 12 months)6655
Drank 5-6 days a week (in past 12 months)3322
Drank 3-4 days a week (in past 12 months)12101211
Drank once or twice a week (in past 12 months)27283028
Drank once or twice a month (in past 12 months)16151513
Drank once every couple of months (in past 12 months)109810
Drank once or twice a year (in past 12 months)9879
Did not drink at all in last 12 months (but does sometimes drink)1111
Non drinker (not even occasionally)17191920
Did not drink last week45474648
Drank more than 3 units women / 4 units men on a day last week31292827
Drank more than 6 units women / 8 units men on a day last week16151413
Drank more than 9 units women / 12 units men on a day last week7776
[Collapse]Fruit & vegetablesAte no fruit & veg the previous day8988
Ate some but less than 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day68676868
Ate at least 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day24232425
[Collapse]Physical activityActive less than 30 minutes in previous week32343333
Active 30-149 minutes in previous week14141414
Active at least 150 minutes in previous week54535353
[Collapse]Body mass indexBMI under 18.5 (underweight)2222
BMI 18.5 - under 25 (healthy weight)39383937
BMI 25 - under 30 (overweight but not obese)36383635
BMI 30 - under40 (obese but not morbidly obese)21202122
BMI 40+ (morbidly obese)2223
BMI 25+ (overweight or obese)59605961
BMI 30+ (obese)23222325
Mean height (cm)mean not %170170170170
Mean weight (kg)mean not %78787879
[Collapse]Combined healthy lifestylesFewer than 2 healthy behaviours10101010
2 or more healthy behaviours90909090
0 healthy behaviours1111
1 healthy behaviours9999
2 healthy behaviours31312929
3 healthy behaviours33333536
4 healthy behaviours20202019
5 healthy behaviours5666
Mean number of healthy behavioursmean not %3333



National Survey for Wales – adult lifestyle additional variables

Last update

July 2020 July 2020

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

National Survey for Wales, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Information on health related lifestyle among adults in Wales - additional variables.

Data collection and calculation

Information is collected via the National Survey for Wales. Based on a sample survey. Sample sizes for some groups are relatively small, and the results should be treated with caution. 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes are also shown to give an indication of the precision of results. See weblinks.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2016-17 onwards

Users, uses and context

See weblinks

Rounding applied


Revisions information

See weblinks


National Survey for Wales; National Survey; Future Generations; National Indicators; Well-being; Health; Lifestyle

Statistical quality

See weblinks

