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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Adult lifestyles by WIMD deprivation quintile, 2016-17 to 2019-20
Area code[Filter]
WIMD deprivation quintile[Filter]
Variable 1
Click here to sortQuintile 1 (most deprived)Click here to sortQuintile 2Click here to sortQuintile 3Click here to sortQuintile 4Click here to sortQuintile 5 (least deprived)
[Collapse]Smoking & e-cigarette useSmoker4741362824
Never smoked9399102114123
E-cigarette user1814131011
[Collapse]AlcoholAverage weekly alcohol consumption - none (may include some people who do sometimes drink)6047413528
Average weekly alcohol consumption - some, up to 14 units (moderate drinkers)112118119127127
Average weekly alcohol consumption - hazardous (over 14 units, up to 50 (m) / 35 (f))2430353239
Average weekly alcohol consumption - harmful (over 50 (m) / 35 (f) units)45565
Average weekly alcohol consumption - above 14 units (over guidelines)2835403845
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - drinkers onlymean not %9451,0291,1041,0551,145
[Collapse]Fruit & vegetablesAte no fruit & veg the previous day2420131211
Ate some but less than 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day138138135136130
Ate at least 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day3842515259
[Collapse]Physical activityActive less than 30 minutes in previous week8675635951
Active 30-149 minutes in previous week2332272827
Active at least 150 minutes in previous week9093110113122
[Collapse]Body mass indexBMI under 18.5 (underweight)44444
BMI 18.5 - under 25 (healthy weight)7171778578
BMI 25 - under 30 (overweight but not obese)6471737176
BMI 30+ (obese)6154474142
BMI 25+ (overweight or obese)125125119112118
[Collapse]Combined healthy lifestylesFewer than 2 healthy behaviours2424221713
2 or more healthy behaviours176176178183187



National Survey for Wales – adult lifestyle by WIMD deprivation quintile

Last update

July 2020 July 2020

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

National Survey for Wales, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


National Survey for Wales; National Survey; Future Generations; National Indicators; Well-being; Health; Lifestyle; Deprivation

Statistical quality

See weblinks.

General description

Information on health-realted lifestyle among adults in Wales by area deprivation.

Data collection and calculation

Information is collected via the National Survey for Wales. Based on a sample survey. Sample sizes for some groups are relatively small, and the results should be treated with caution. 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes are also shown to give an indication of the precision of results.
See weblinks.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2016-17 onwards

Users, uses and context

See weblinks.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

See weblinks.

