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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Adult lifestyles by age and gender, 2016-17 to 2019-20
Area code[Filter]
[Collapse]Age 1
Age 2
Variable 1
[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+[Collapse]All aged 16+Click here to sortAll aged 16+
[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+[Expand]Click here to sort16-44[Expand]Click here to sort45-64[Expand]Click here to sort65+
[Collapse]Smoking & e-cigarette useSmoker423720354438203639352033
Never smoked1151069210611310275100118109107112
E-cigarette user161451319144141414612
[Collapse]AlcoholAverage weekly alcohol consumption - none (may include some people who do sometimes drink)403357423628473644376547
Average weekly alcohol consumption - some, up to 14 units (moderate drinkers)128121108121124110103114133131113127
Average weekly alcohol consumption - hazardous (over 14 units, up to 50 (m) / 35 (f))274031323555454419252021
Average weekly alcohol consumption - harmful (over 50 (m) / 35 (f) units)473548564624
Average weekly alcohol consumption - above 14 units (over guidelines)314735374062495023312226
Average annual alcohol consumption (units) - drinkers onlymean not %9461,2161,0721,0691,1101,5131,3931,313781917764824
[Collapse]Fruit & vegetablesAte no fruit & veg the previous day201591624189191713813
Ate some but less than 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day129136147136130139146137128133148135
Ate at least 5 portions fruit & veg the previous day514944484643454555544452
[Collapse]Physical activityActive less than 30 minutes in previous week526788664262845863729273
Active 30-149 minutes in previous week272631282524272530273430
Active at least 150 minutes in previous week12010781106133114891161081007496
[Collapse]Body mass indexBMI under 18.5 (underweight)613451137255
BMI 18.5 - under 25 (healthy weight)866179767549686499748988
BMI 25 - under 30 (overweight but not obese)647975727688878351706461
BMI 30+ (obese)445843484562445043554246
BMI 25+ (overweight or obese)10813711812012115013113393124106107
[Collapse]Combined healthy lifestylesFewer than 2 healthy behaviours172715202031192414231116
2 or more healthy behaviours183173185180180169181176186177189184



National Survey for Wales – adult lifestyle by age and gender

Last update

July 2020 July 2020

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

National Survey for Wales, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


National Survey for Wales; National Survey; Future Generations; National Indicators; Well-being; Health; Lifestyle

General description

Information on health related lifestyle among adults in Wales by age and gender.

Data collection and calculation

Information is collected via the National Survey for Wales. Based on a sample survey. Sample sizes for some groups are relatively small, and the results should be treated with caution. 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes are also shown to give an indication of the precision of results. See weblinks.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2016-17 onwards

Users, uses and context

See weblinks.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

See weblinks.

Statistical quality

See weblinks.

