Percentage of adults who speak Welsh (including the percentage that cannot speak Welsh and have some Welsh speaking ability) by local authority
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National Survey Welsh Language IndicatorLast update
June 2019Next update
June 2020 (provisional)Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
National Survey for Wales, Welsh GovernmentContact email
National StatisticsGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see description
The National Survey for Wales is a face-to-face survey of people across Wales. Each year over 11,000 people aged 16 and over are asked for their opinions on a wide range of issues affecting them and their local area. Respondents are selected at random to ensure the results are representative.The Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. The Act puts in place seven well-being goals for Wales. These are for a more equal, prosperous, resilient, healthier and globally responsible Wales, with cohesive communities and a vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language. 46 national indicators were laid in March 2016 before the National Assembly and the National Survey for Wales will be the data source for fifteen of the national indicators: indicators 3, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37 and 38. Some indicators will be updated annually and others less frequently depending on how fast-changing the results are likely to be. Slower-changing topics will not be included in the survey, and therefore not updated, every year.
For further information, please see Weblinks.
Data collection and calculation
Collection of the results:Every year over 20,000 addresses are chosen at random from the Royal Mail’s Small User Postcode Address File. Interviewers visit each address and randomly select one adult (aged 16+) in the household, and carry out a face-to-face interview with them.
Not all questions are asked of all respondents. Some questions are not applicable to some respondents (e.g. they do not have children) and some questions are only asked of a random subsample of respondents because the results are only required at national level.
Like any figures based on a survey, these results are subject to margins of error. The margins of error (“confidence intervals”) are shown for each result. These give a range within which the true value is likely to fall.
Calculation of the indicators:
The results of the National Survey are weighted to compensate for unequal selection probabilities and differential non-response (i.e. to ensure that the age and sex distribution of the final dataset matches that of the Welsh population). Respondents who refused to answer a question or who responded ‘Don’t know’ are excluded from the results except where otherwise stated.
FG indicator 37 (Percentage of people who can speak Welsh)
The Census of Population is the main source of information for the percentage of people who can speak Welsh. Between Censuses the National Survey is used to monitor trends for adults.
The indicator is based on adults aged 16 and over who report that they can speak Welsh. The question allows people to answer yes, no, and also allows people to spontaneously report that they can’t speak Welsh but that they have some skills in the language. This monitoring indicator is based only on those who answer ‘yes’ to this question.
For further information, please see the statistical first release and bulletins for the relevant year. Please see the National indicators for Wales: Technical document for information relating to the national indicators. These can be found under Weblinks.
Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
Data is shown from 2012-13 onwards where available. There was no survey in 2015-16.Users, uses and context
We have published reports on the key predictors for several Future Generations indicators based on National Survey results. The reports are available on our web pages and can help to identify actions that will improve progress against these indicators. Please see Weblinks.The results will be of use to:
- Welsh Government policy teams
- Health Boards, Public Health Wales Observatory and NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)
- Local Authorities
- Voluntary organisations
- Public Services’ communicators’ network CommsCymru
- Academics
- External organisations
- Individuals
Rounding applied
Percentages rounded to the nearest whole number.Where survey results are not deemed sufficiently robust (i.e. less than 30 responses), values are suppressed. These are represented by “*” in the tables.
Revisions information
No scheduled revisions are planned. If revisions are made the revision process will be followed, please see Weblinks.Weblinks
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015: do you measure a nation’s progress? - National Indicators:
National Survey for Wales website:
First releases (headline results):
Quality report:
Revisions, errors and postponements:
Technical information:
Reports on the key predictors:
Who is more likely to be in material deprivation?, 2014-15:
Who is more likely to be satisfied with their job?, 2013-14:
Who is more likely to feel able to influence decisions affecting their local area?, 2014-15:
Who is more likely to feel safe in their local area?, 2013-14:
Who is more likely to have a strong sense of community?, 2013-14:
Who is more likely to speak Welsh?, 2014-15: