EDU/002i: % of all pupils (inc those in LA care) in any LA maintained school, aged 15 as at the preceding 31 August that leave compulsory education, training or work based learning without an approved external qualification
EDU/002i: % of all pupils (inc those in LA care) in any LA maintained school, aged 15 as at the preceding 31 August that leave compulsory education, training or work based learning without an approved external qualification
EDU/002ii: % of pupils in LA care in any LA maintained school, aged 15 as at the preceding 31 August that leave compulsory education, training or work based learning without an approved external qualification
EDU/002ii: % of pupils in LA care in any LA maintained school, aged 15 as at the preceding 31 August that leave compulsory education, training or work based learning without an approved external qualification
EDU/003: The percentage of pupils assessed at the end of Key Stage 2, in schools maintained by the local authority, achieving the Core Subject Indicator, as determined by Teacher Assessment
EDU/003: The percentage of pupils assessed at the end of Key Stage 2, in schools maintained by the local authority, achieving the Core Subject Indicator, as determined by Teacher Assessment
EDU/006ii: The percentage of pupils assessed, in schools maintained by the local authority, receiving a Teacher Assessment in Welsh (first language) at the end of Key Stage 3
EDU/006ii: The percentage of pupils assessed, in schools maintained by the local authority, receiving a Teacher Assessment in Welsh (first language) at the end of Key Stage 3
EDU/011: The average point score for pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August, in schools maintained by the local authority
EDU/011: The average point score for pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August, in schools maintained by the local authority
EDU/015a: The percentage of final statements of special education need issued within 26 weeks, including exceptions
EDU/015a: The percentage of final statements of special education need issued within 26 weeks, including exceptions
EDU/015b: The percentage of final statements of special education need issued within 26 weeks, excluding exceptions
EDU/015b: The percentage of final statements of special education need issued within 26 weeks, excluding exceptions
EDU/017: The percentage of pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August, in schools maintained by the local authority who achieved the Level 2 threshold including a GCSE grade A*-C in English or Welsh first language and mathematics
EDU/017: The percentage of pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August, in schools maintained by the local authority who achieved the Level 2 threshold including a GCSE grade A*-C in English or Welsh first language and mathematics
EEF/002: The percentage change in carbon dioxide emissions in the non domestic public building stock
EEF/002: The percentage change in carbon dioxide emissions in the non domestic public building stock
HHA/013: The percentage of all potentially homeless households for whom homelessness was prevented for at least 6 months
HHA/013: The percentage of all potentially homeless households for whom homelessness was prevented for at least 6 months
LCL/001a: The number of visits to public libraries during the year, per 1,000 population
LCL/001a: The number of visits to public libraries during the year, per 1,000 population
LCL/001b: The number of visits to public libraries during the year, per 1,000 population
LCL/001b: The number of visits to public libraries during the year, per 1,000 population
LCS/002a: The number of visits to local authority sport and leisure centres during the year per 1,000 population where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
LCS/002a: The number of visits to local authority sport and leisure centres during the year per 1,000 population where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
LCS/002b: The number of visits to local authority sport and leisure centres during the year per 1,000 population where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
LCS/002b: The number of visits to local authority sport and leisure centres during the year per 1,000 population where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
PLA/006a: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year as a percentage of all additional housing units provided during the year
PLA/006a: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year as a percentage of all additional housing units provided during the year
PLA/006b: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year as a percentage of all additional housing units provided during the year
PLA/006b: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year as a percentage of all additional housing units provided during the year
PSR/002: The average number of calendar days taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant
PSR/002: The average number of calendar days taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant
PSR/004: The percentage of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than 6 months at 1 April that were returned to occupation during the year through direct action by the local authority
PSR/004: The percentage of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than 6 months at 1 April that were returned to occupation during the year through direct action by the local authority
SCA/001: The rate of delayed transfers of care for social care reasons per 1,000 population aged 75 or over
SCA/001: The rate of delayed transfers of care for social care reasons per 1,000 population aged 75 or over
SCA/002a: The rate of older people (aged 65 or over) supported in the community per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March
SCA/002a: The rate of older people (aged 65 or over) supported in the community per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March
SCA/002b: The rate of older people (aged 65 or over) whom the authority supports in care homes per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March
SCA/002b: The rate of older people (aged 65 or over) whom the authority supports in care homes per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March
SCA/019: The percentage of adult protection referrals completed where the risk has been managed
SCA/019: The percentage of adult protection referrals completed where the risk has been managed
SCC/002: The percentage of children looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more changes of school, during a period or periods of being looked after, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March
SCC/002: The percentage of children looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more changes of school, during a period or periods of being looked after, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March
SCC/004: The percentage of children looked after on 31 March who have had three or more placements during the year
SCC/004: The percentage of children looked after on 31 March who have had three or more placements during the year
SCC/011b: The percentage of initial assessments that were completed during the year where there is evidence that the child has been seen alone by the Social Worker
SCC/011b: The percentage of initial assessments that were completed during the year where there is evidence that the child has been seen alone by the Social Worker
SCC/033a: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033a: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033d: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033d: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033b: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation at the age of 19
SCC/033b: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation at the age of 19
SCC/033e: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation at the age of 19
SCC/033e: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation at the age of 19
SCC/033c: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19
SCC/033c: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19
SCC/033f: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19
SCC/033f: The percentage of young people formerly looked after with whom the authority is in contact, who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19
SCC/037: The average external qualifications point score for 16 year old looked after children in any local authority maintained learning setting
SCC/037: The average external qualifications point score for 16 year old looked after children in any local authority maintained learning setting
SCC/041a: The percentage of eligible, relevant and former relevant children that have pathway plans as required
SCC/041a: The percentage of eligible, relevant and former relevant children that have pathway plans as required
STS/006: The percentage of reported fly tipping incidents cleared within 5 working days
STS/006: The percentage of reported fly tipping incidents cleared within 5 working days
THS/007: The percentage of adults aged 60 or over who hold a concessionary bus pass
THS/007: The percentage of adults aged 60 or over who hold a concessionary bus pass
WMT/004a: The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities sent to landfill
WMT/004a: The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities sent to landfill
WMT/004b: The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities sent to landfill
WMT/004b: The percentage of municipal waste collected by local authorities sent to landfill
WMT/009a: % of municipal waste collected by local authorities and prepared for reuse and/or recycled, including source segregated biowastes that are composted or treated biologically in another way
WMT/009a: % of municipal waste collected by local authorities and prepared for reuse and/or recycled, including source segregated biowastes that are composted or treated biologically in another way
WMT/009b: % of municipal waste collected by local authorities and prepared for reuse and/or recycled, including source segregated biowastes that are composted or treated biologically in another way
WMT/009b: % of municipal waste collected by local authorities and prepared for reuse and/or recycled, including source segregated biowastes that are composted or treated biologically in another way
EDU/002i: Pupils aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in an LA maintained school during external exams in summer term, who leave compulsory education without an approved external qualification and do not continue in education, training or work based learning
EDU/002i: The total number of pupils aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in any local authority maintained school at the time of the annual school census in January
EDU/002ii: Pupils in LA care age 15 on 31 August, on roll in LA maintained school during external exams in summer term, leave compulsory education without approved external qualification and do not continue in education, training or work based learning
EDU/002ii: The total number of pupils in local authority care aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in any local authority maintained school at the time of the annual school census in January
EDU/003: The number of pupils assessed at the end of Key Stage 2, in schools maintained by the local authority, achieving the Core Subject Indicator, as determined by Teacher Assessment
EDU/003: The total number of pupils assessed at the end of Key Stage 2, in schools maintained by the local authority
EDU/006ii: The number of pupils, in all schools maintained by the local authority, receiving a Teacher Assessment in Welsh (first language) at the end of Key Stage 3
EDU/006ii: The number of pupils assessed, in schools maintained by the local authority at the end of Key Stage 3
EDU/011: The total number of points scored in approved external qualifications by all pupils aged 15 on 31 August
EDU/011: The total number of pupils aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in any local authority maintained school at the time of the annual school census in January
EDU/015a: The number of pupils for whom statements of special educational needs were issued for the first time and within 26 weeks during the calendar year, including exceptions
EDU/015a: The total number of pupils for whom statements of special educational needs were issued for the first time during the year, including exceptions
EDU/015b: The number of pupils for whom statements of special educational needs were issued for the first time and within 26 weeks during the calendar year, excluding exceptions
EDU/015b: The total number of pupils for whom statements of special educational needs were issued for the first time during the year, excluding exceptions
EDU/017: The number of pupils aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in any local authority maintained school at the time of the annual School’s Census in January who achieved the Level 2 threshold including a GCSE grade A*-C in English or Welsh first language
EDU/017: The total number of pupils aged 15 on 31 August and on roll in any local authority maintained school at the time of the annual School’s Census in January
EEF/002: The difference in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock between the previous year and the current year (kg)
EEF/002: The amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock in the previous year (kg)
HHA/013: The number of substantiated potentially homeless households for whom homelessness was prevented during the year
HHA/013: The number of substantiated potentially homeless households
LCL/001a: The number of visits to Public Libraries during the year
LCL/001a: Total population
LCL/001b: The number of visits to Public Libraries during the year
LCL/001b: Total population
LCS/002a: Number of visits to sport and leisure centres during the year where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
LCS/002a: Total population
LCS/002b: Number of visits to sport and leisure centres during the year where the visitor will be participating in physical activity
LCS/002b: Total population
PLA/006a: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year
PLA/006a: Total number of additional housing units provided during the year
PLA/006b: The number of additional affordable housing units provided during the year
PLA/006b: Total number of additional housing units provided during the year
PSR/002: The total number of calendar days taken to deliver all DFGs
PSR/002: The number of DFGs delivered during the financial year
PSR/004: The number of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than 6 months at 1 April which were returned to occupation during the year through direct action by the local authority
PSR/004: The total number of private sector dwellings that had been vacant for more than 6 months at 1 April
SCA/001: Total number of local authority residents (aged 18+) experiencing a delayed transfer of care during the year for social care reasons
SCA/001: Total population aged 75+
SCA/002a: Number of people aged 65 or over supported in the community
SCA/002a: Total population aged 65 or over
SCA/002b: Number of people aged 65 or over supported in care homes
SCA/002b: Total population aged 65 or over
SCA/019: The number of adult protection referrals completed in the year where the risk has been managed
SCA/019: The total number of adult protection referrals completed in the year (excluding those referrals where the outcome was “no action” or “not applicable”)
SCC/002: The number of children of compulsory school age looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more changes of school, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March
SCC/002: The number of children of compulsory school age looked after at 31 March
SCC/004: The number of looked after children who had three or more separate placements during the financial year
SCC/004: The total number of children who were looked after at 31 March
SCC/011b: The number of initial assessments that were completed during the year where the child has been seen alone by the Social Worker
SCC/011b: The number of initial assessments that were completed during the year
SCC/033a: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033a: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year
SCC/033d: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033d: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year
SCC/033b: Young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the LA on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the LA is in contact at the age of 19 who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation
SCC/033b: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033e: Young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the LA on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the LA is in contact at the age of 19 who are known to be in suitable, non-emergency accommodation
SCC/033e: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033c: Young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the LA on 1 April of their 16th year with whom LA is in contact at the age of 19 who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment
SCC/033c: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/033f: Young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the LA on 1 April of their 16th year with whom LA is in contact at the age of 19 who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment
SCC/033f: Number of young people whose 19th birthday falls within the year ending 31 March, who were looked after by the local authority on 1 April of their 17th year with whom the authority is in contact at the age of 19
SCC/037: The total number of points scored in approved external qualifications by looked after children aged 15 at 31 August of the previous financial year
SCC/037: Total number of looked after children who had been looked after for more than 12 months at 31 August of the current financial year and were aged 15 at 31 August of the previous financial year
SCC/041a: Number of eligible, relevant and former relevant children that have a pathway plan at 31 March as required
SCC/041a: Number of eligible, relevant and former relevant children who should have a pathway plan at 31 March
STS/006: The number of reported fly tipping incidents cleared within 5 working days
STS/006: The total number of fly tipping incidents recorded by the authority during the year
THS/007: The total number of adults aged 60+ who hold a concessionary bus pass
THS/007: The total population aged 60+
WMT/004a: The tonnage of local authority collected municipal waste sent to landfill by the local authority
WMT/004a: The tonnage of municipal waste collected by the local authority
WMT/004b: The tonnage of local authority collected municipal waste sent to landfill by the local authority
WMT/004b: The tonnage of municipal waste collected by the local authority
WMT/009a: The tonnage of local authority collected municipal waste prepared for reuse, recycled and/or collected as source segregated biowastes and composted or treated biologically in another way by the local authority
WMT/009a: The tonnage of municipal waste collected by the local authority
WMT/009b: The tonnage of local authority collected municipal waste prepared for reuse, recycled and/or collected as source segregated biowastes and composted or treated biologically in another way by the local authority
WMT/009b: The tonnage of municipal waste collected by the local authority
National Strategic Indicators (NSIs) are used to measure the performance of local authorities at a national level and focus on key strategic priorities. They are collected by each local authority and a sample of the indicators were audited by the Wales Audit Office up to 2012-13. Each indicator is aligned to one or more of the Welsh Government's strategic priorities, and they have been chosen for their focus on outcomes. Local authorities are legally obliged to collect and publish data for each of the NSIs. Welsh Ministers have the power to set performance indicators and standards for Welsh local authorities, with the current set specified in the Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) (Wales) Order 2012. Local authorities also use these performance indicators, along with other indicators that they choose to use and a wider range of information, in order to plan and deliver improved services.
Data collection and calculation
The data were supplied to the Data Collection team within the Welsh Government by the 22 local authorities in Wales on form NSI. The form applies an extensive series of validation checks to ensure that the information provided is accurate and consistent. Since 2010-11 the NSI dataset has been collected directly by the Welsh Government. Data for 2009-10 and prior years were collected by the Data Unit - Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government, and the historic dataset is available from the Data Unit Wales website. On occasions, for various reasons, data is not deemed robust enough and is therefore qualified by the Wales Audit Office. This data is included in the table. However, it is clearly labelled and users should be aware of this when using the data.
Data are shown each financial year from 2009-10 through to 2015-16.
Users, uses and context
Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.
Rounding applied
The following measures have been taken to minimise the risk of unwanted disclosure of personal data: All local authority numerators and denominators for EDU/002 have been suppressed and replaced by the symbol *.
Revisions information
Statistical quality
Further information on quality and methods can be found in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.