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Welsh Local Government Revenue Settlement: Analysis of indicator based assessments (IBAs) for unitary authoritiesLast update
March 2024Next update
March 2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Local Government Settlement, Welsh GovernmentContact email
NoneLowest level of geographical disaggregation
Local authoritiesGeographical coverage
Local authoritiesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceGeneral description
This collection of tables and information is intended as general background to the calculation of standard spending assessments (SSAs). It should be viewed as a statistical companion to The Local Government Finance Report. These tables show individual authority SSA broken down into service categories. It must be remembered that this breakdown is only for the purpose of calculating the total SSA. The indicator based assessments (IBAs) for each service category are in no way intended as spending targets. The ability of local authorities to set their own spending priorities is an important part of the Welsh revenue support grant distribution system. Therefore, the service IBAs shown in this report are not intended for use in determining individual authorities' budgeted expenditure on particular services.This report shows individual authority SSA broken down into service categories. It must be remembered that this breakdown is only for the purpose of calculating the total SSA. The indicator based assessments (IBAs) for each service category are in no way intended as spending targets. The ability of local authorities to set their own spending priorities is an important part of the Welsh revenue support grant distribution system. Therefore, the service IBAs shown in this report are not intended for use in determining individual authorities' budgeted expenditure on particular services.
Data collection and calculation
The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
Data are shown for each financial year from 2004-05 onwards.Weblinks
The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:https://gov.wales/statistics-and-research?lang=en
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage: