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Data Provider: Welsh Government Analysis of indicator based assessments (IBAs) by authority
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Authority 1
[Collapse]Total SSAClick here to sortTotal SSA
[Collapse]Current SSAClick here to sortCurrent SSA[Expand]Click here to sortDebt financing SSA
[Collapse]EducationClick here to sortEducation[Collapse]Personal Social ServicesClick here to sortPersonal Social Services[Collapse]TransportClick here to sortTransport[Collapse]Fire[Collapse]Other services1.000 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)Click here to sortOther services1.000 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)[Collapse]Deprivation Grant1.000 x Deprivation Grant = 0.500 x Proportion of electoral divisions in each authority that lie within the most deprived 20% of electoral divisions in Wales; 0.500 x Proportion of electoral divisions in each authority that lie within the most deprived 40% of electoral divisions in Wales[Expand]Click here to sortCouncil Tax Reduction Schemes1.000 x Council Tax Reduction Schemes Expenditure.In  2013-14 formula and name of this service were Council Tax Support and 0.500 x Council Tax Benefits; 0.500 x Datatank Forecast, Council Tax Support.
[Collapse]School ServicesClick here to sortSchool Services[Collapse]Other EducationClick here to sortOther Education[Expand]Click here to sortChildren and young personsFormula from 2009-10 to 2010-11: 0.707 x Dependent children in out of work families; 0.056 x Population aged under 18 in EDivs with weighted density greater than the Welsh average; 0.137 x Dependent children in social rented housing. Formula from 2011-12: 0.699 x Dependent children in out of work families; 0.055 x Population aged under 18 in wards with weighted density greater than the Welsh average; 0.135 x Dependent children in social rented housing; 0.099 x Dependent children in overcrowded housing; 0.012 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001). Formula from 2017-18: 0.692 x Dependent children in out of work families; 0.133 x Dependent children in social rented housing; 0.098 x Dependent children in overcrowded housing; 0.055 x Population aged under 18 in wards with weighted density greater than the Welsh average; 0.022 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001).[Expand]Click here to sortOlder adults, residential and domiciliary careFormula up to 2004-05: 0.296 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.203 x Pensioners living in households which lack central heating and/or the exclusive use of basic amenities;  0.266 x Pensioners with a limiting long-term illness;  0.235 x Income support recipients aged 60 and over.  Formula from 2005-06 to 2010-11: 0.330 x Pensioners with a limiting long-term illness; 0.150 x Pension credit claimants aged 65 and over; 0.312 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.208 x Population aged 85 and over.  Formula from 2011-12: 0.323 x Pensioners with a limiting long-term illness; 0.147 x Pension credit claimants aged 65 and over; 0.305 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.204 x Population aged 85 and over (projected); 0.016 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001); 0.005 x Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001). Formula from 2017-18:  0.321 x Pensioners with limiting long-term illness; 0.304 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.203 x Po[Expand]Click here to sortYounger adults personal social servicesFormula from 2007-08 to 2010-11: 0.611 x Population aged 18 to 64; 0.013 x Adults aged 18 to 64 in non-white ethnic groups; 0.176 x Severe disablement allowance and disability living allowance claimants aged 18 to 64; 0.160 x Households where head is aged 18 to 64 with no carer; 0.040 x Income support, job seekers allowance and pension credit claimants aged 18 to 64. Formula from 2011-12: 0.606 x Population aged 18 to 64 (projected); 0.013 x Adults aged 18 to 64 in non-white ethnic groups; 0.174 x Severe disablement allowance and disability living allowance claimants aged 18 to 64; 0.159 x Households where head is aged 18 to 64 with no carer; 0.040 x Income support, job seekers allowance and pension credit claimants aged 18 to 64; 0.005 x Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001); 0.003 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001). Formula from 2017-18: 0.604 x Population aged 18 to 64 (projected); 0.173 x Severe disablement allowance or disability living allowance[Expand]Click here to sortWelsh Independent Living Grant0.750 x Welsh Independent Living Grant; 0.15025 x Population aged 18 to 64 (projected); 0.04300 x Severe disablement allowance or disability living allowance claimants or personal independence payment, aged 18 to 64; 0.03925 x Households where head is aged 18 to 64 with no carer; 0.1000 x Income support, job seekers allowance, pension credit or universal credit (not in employment) claimants, aged 18 to 64; 0.00325 x Adults age 18 to 64 in non-white ethnic groups; 0.00350 x Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001); 0.00075 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001).[Expand]Click here to sortSocial Care Workforce GrantDistributed in proportion to total of all other PSS sector IBAs.[Expand]Click here to sortIncreasing Capital Limits for Residential Care0.273 x Pensioners with limiting long-term illness; 0.258 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.173 x Population aged 85 and over (projected); 0.125 x Pension credit claimants aged 65 ad over; 0.091 x Population aged 18 to 64 (projected); 0.026 x Severe disablement allowance or disability libing allowance claimants or personal independence payment, aged 18 to 64; 0.024 x Households where head is aged 16 to 64; 0.014 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001); 0.009 x Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001); 0.006 x Income support, job seekers allowance, pension credit or universal credit (not in employment) claimants, aged 18 to 64; 0.002 x adults age 18 to 64 non-white ethnic groups[Expand]Click here to sortPSS administrationDistributed in proportion to total of all PSS sector IBAs[Expand]Click here to sortNHS Funded Nursing Care0.320 x Pensioners with limiting long-term illness; 0.303 x Pensioners living alone in households; 0.202 x Population aged 85 and over; 0.146 x Pension credit claimants aged 65 and over; 0.016 x Dispersion threshold 300 (2001); 0.013 x Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001)[Expand]Click here to sortLooked After Children0.685 x Dependent children in out of work families; 0.132 x Dependent children in social rented housing; 0.097 x Dependent children in overcrowded housing; 0.054 x Population aged under 18 in wards with weighted density greater than the Welsh Average; 0.032 Dispersion threshold 300 (2001)[Expand]Click here to sortCarers' Respite Care GrantDistributed in proportion to total of all other PSS sector IBAs.[Expand]Click here to sortConcessionary fares0.900 x Population aged 60 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.100 x Population aged under 60 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12).[Expand]Click here to sortStreet lighting1.000 x Street lighting units[Expand]Click here to sortRoad maintenanceFormula for 2008-09: 0.167 x Population, all ages; 0.140 x Traffic flow; 0.167 x Old weighted road length; 0.273 x Enhanced Population; 0.253 x New weighted road length. This formula is in the second year of a 3-year phasing cycle. Formula from 2009-10: 0.410 x Enhanced population (projected) (based on MYE prior to 2011-12); 0.210 x Traffic flow; 0.380 x New weighted road length.[Expand]Click here to sortPublic transport revenue support0.734 x Settlement threshold 7,500;  0.266 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12).[Expand]Click here to sortRoad safety education and safe routesFormula from 2011-12: 0.576 x Urban road length; 0.424 x Population, all ages (projected)[Expand]Click here to sortFire service1.000 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12).[Expand]Click here to sortElectoral registration1.000 x Population aged 18 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12).[Expand]Click here to sortCemeteries and crematoria1.000 x Number of deaths from all causes[Expand]Click here to sortCoast protection1.000 x Length of artificially protected coastline[Expand]Click here to sortOther environmental health and port health0.940 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.010 x Ships arriving at ports;  0.050 x Settlement threshold 7,500[Expand]Click here to sortPlanning0.750 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.250 x Planning applications received[Expand]Click here to sortRefuse collection0.824 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.176 x Dispersion threshold 5,000 (1991)[Expand]Click here to sortCultural services0.737 x Settlement threshold 30,000;  0.263 x Population outside settlement threshold 50,000[Expand]Click here to sortEconomic developmentFormula for 2008-09: 0.500 x Index-weighted working age population; 0.168 x Population, all ages; 0.083 x Population of LSOAs that are in the top 25% of WIMD values (employment domain); 0.083 x Population of LSOAs that are in the top 25% of WIMD values (income domain); 0.083 x Population of LSOAs that are in the top 50% of WIMD values (income domain); 0.083 x Population of LSOAs that are in the top 50% of WIMD values (employment domain). This formula is in the first year of a 2-year phasing cycle. Formula from 2009-10: 1.000 x Index-weighted working age population.[Expand]Click here to sortLibrary services1.000 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)[Expand]Click here to sortOther services1.000 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)[Expand]Click here to sortRecreation0.800 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12); 0.050 x Settlement threshold 7,500; 0.150 x Total income support, job seekers allowance, pension credit or universal credit (not in employment) claimants.[Expand]Click here to sortGeneral administrationDistributed in proportion to total of services for which general administration applies[Expand]Click here to sortCouncil tax administration0.750 x All dwellings;  0.250 x Population aged 18 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)[Expand]Click here to sortNon HRA housingHRA = Housing Revenue Account. Formula up to 2006-07: 0.750 x Weighted housing renovation grant applications received;  0.250 x Weighted homelessness cases.  Formula for 2007-08: 0.570 x Weighted housing renovation grant applications received;  0.430 x Weighted homelessness cases. Formula for 2008-09: 0.430 x Weighted homelessness cases; 0.285 x Weighted housing renovation grant applications received; 0.171 x Private dwelling stock; 0.114 x DFG Mandatory Grant Applications. This formula is in the first year of a 2-year phasing cycle. Formula for 2009-10 to 2011-12: 0.430 x Weighted homelessness cases; 0.228 x DFG Mandatory Grant Applications; 0.342 x Private dwelling stock estimates. Formula from 2012-13: 0.313 x Total homelessness cases; 0.292 x All dwellings; 0.232 x Housing General Capital Funding; 0.163 x Housing benefit recipients.[Expand]Click here to sortHomelessness Prevention0.313 x Total homlessness decisions; 0.292 x All dwellings; 0.232 x Housing Gereral Capital Funding; 0.163 x Housing Benefit Recipients[Expand]Click here to sortDrainage1.000 x Land drainage levies[Expand]Click here to sortNational parks1.000 x National park levies[Expand]Click here to sortStreet Cleansing0.765 x Enhanced population (projected) (based on MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.235 x Urban road length[Expand]Click here to sortFood safety0.541 x Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.459 x Food premises[Expand]Click here to sortRefuse disposal1.000 x Enhanced population (projected) (based on MYE prior to 2011-12)[Expand]Click here to sortWaste element of the Single Revenue Grant0.46852 x Enhanced population (projected); 0.43794 x Population, all ages (projected); 0.09354 x Dispersion threshold 5,000 (1991)[Expand]Click here to sortConsumer protection0.400 x Total income support, job seekers allowance, pension credit or universal credit (not in employment) claimants; 0.400 x Population, all ages (projected); 0.200 x Trading premises.[Expand]Click here to sortCouncil Tax Reduction Scheme Administration Subsidy1.000 x Council Tax Reduction Schemes Caseload[Expand]Click here to sortGate Fees1.000 x Gate Fees[Expand]Click here to sortChild Burials1.000 x Child Burials[Expand]Click here to sortFire and Rescue services pension1.000 x Fire and Rescue services pension[Expand]Click here to sortFlood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management1.000 x Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management[Expand]Click here to sortImplementation of the Performance and Improvement Framework1.000 x Implementation of the Performance and Improvement Framework[Expand]Click here to sortDeprivation Grant1.000 x Deprivation Grant = 0.500 x Proportion of electoral divisions in each authority that lie within the most deprived 20% of electoral divisions in Wales; 0.500 x Proportion of electoral divisions in each authority that lie within the most deprived 40% of electoral divisions in Wales
[Collapse]Mainstream schoolsClick here to sortMainstream schools[Collapse]Other School ServicesClick here to sortOther School Services[Collapse]Continuing EducationClick here to sortContinuing Education[Collapse]Other Education ServicesClick here to sortOther Education Services
Click here to sortPre and Primary school teaching and other services0.815 x Primary school pupils and modelled nursery school pupils;  0.087 x Primary school pupils entitled to free school meals;  0.098 x Settlement threshold 1,000Click here to sortSecondary school teaching and other servicesFormula up to 2009-10: 0.777 x Secondary school pupils, 0.055 x Settlement threshold 7,500;  0.093 x Secondary school pupils entitled to free school meals;  0.075 x Secondary school pupils aged 14 and 15. Formula from 2010-11: 0.777 x Secondary school pupils in years 7 to 11, 0.055 x Settlement threshold 7,500;  0.093 x Secondary school pupils entitled to free school meals;  0.075 x Secondary school pupils in years 10 and 11Click here to sortSpecial educationFormula from 2004-05 to 2010-11: 0.800 x Population aged 5 to 16;  0.033 x Dependent children in lone adult households;  0.100 x Settlement threshold 40,000;  0.033 x Dependent children in out of work families;  0.033 x Dependent children in households where head is in a low occupational classification.  Formula from 2011-12: 0.800 x Population aged 3 to 16 (projected);  0.033 x Dependent children in lone adult households;  0.100 x Settlement threshold 40,000;  0.033 x Dependent children in out of work families;  0.033 x Dependent children in households where head is in a low occupational classification.Click here to sortTeachers' Pay0.405445 x  Primary school pupils and modelled nursery school pupils, 0.303402 x  Secondary school pupils in year groups 7 to 11, 0.089634 x  Population aged 3 to 16 (projected), 0.048753 x  Settlement threshold 1,000, 0.043281 x  Primary school pupils eligible for free school meals, 0.036314 x  Secondary school pupils eligible for free school meals, , 0.029286 x  Secondary school pupils in year groups 10 and 11, 0.021476 x  Settlement threshold 7,500, 0.011204 x  Settlement threshold 40,000, 0.003735 x  Dependent children in lone adult households, 0.003735 x  Dependent children in out of work families, 0.003735 x  Dependent children in households where head is in a low occupational classification.Click here to sortNursery and Primary school transport servicesFormula from 2004-05 to 2010-11: 0.673 x Population aged 4 to 11; 0.327 x Area per modelled primary school index.  Formula from 2011-12: 0.673 x Population aged 3 to 11 (projected); 0.327 x Area per modelled primary school index.Click here to sortSchool meals0.835 x Dependent children in out of work families;  0.165 x Dispersion threshold 2,500 (1991)Click here to sortSecondary school transport servicesFormula from 2004-05 to 2010-11: 0.640 x Population aged 11 to 15 and secondary school pupils aged 16 to 18;  0.360 x Area per modelled secondary school index. Formula from 2011-12: 0.640 x Population aged 11 to 15 projected) and secondary school pupils in year groups 12 to 14;  0.360 x Area per modelled secondary school index.Click here to sortFree School Meals0.835 x  Dependent children in out of work families, 0.165 x  Dispersion threshold 2,500 (1991).Click here to sortAdult and continuing education0.800 x Population aged 16 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.200 x Total income support, job seekers allowance, pension credit or universal credit (not in employment) claimants.Click here to sortAdult and continuing education transport0.700 x Settlement threshold 12,500;  0.300 x Population aged 16 to 18 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12) other than at schoolClick here to sortYouth services0.850 x Population aged 11 to 20 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12);  0.150 x Dependent children in out of work familiesClick here to sortEducation administrationDistributed in proportion to total of education sector IBAs
[Collapse]Total Unitary Authorities1,319,104.401,111,847.59353,106.80.The data item is not applicable2,784,058.7943,915.0673,122.1773,830.82.The data item is not applicable190,868.052,974,926.845,057.4912,921.3617,978.8420,715.533,318.6024,034.1242,012.973,016,939.80754,621.53821,982.17776,572.91.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable7,181.97.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable2,361,238.5810,558.2430,422.23167,722.3420,304.263,930.24232,937.31181,759.4514,029.98-1,727.141,774.3349,231.9635,942.63256,161.0237,198.5635,980.6558,020.33146,450.07169,653.26127,089.0361,786.3392,745.53.The data item is not applicable1,428.753,492.8782,131.0417,315.02117,468.65.The data item is not applicable16,106.114,770.0013,300.49800.005,871.124,950.00880.001,346,099.4322,000.00244,000.007,410,845.70305,509.487,716,355.18
Total Unitary AuthoritiesIsle of Anglesey30,733.1123,077.797,897.13.The data item is not applicable61,708.031,319.982,252.032,454.77.The data item is not applicable6,026.7867,734.80111.41442.11553.52409.9675.65485.611,039.1368,773.9414,906.5320,688.4316,295.64.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable158.37.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable52,088.97276.50763.845,032.33718.8887.616,879.164,007.58311.88-43.50119.171,350.14900.257,249.12934.59793.101,279.283,229.053,874.132,922.171,461.381,833.16.The data item is not applicable4.410.001,947.81398.392,838.03.The data item is not applicable385.03102.100.0016.24108.41225.0040.0032,130.95508.255,241.51169,738.776,751.65176,490.42
Gwynedd50,916.1643,126.1412,937.50.The data item is not applicable106,979.802,470.063,409.634,815.73.The data item is not applicable10,695.42117,675.22188.09742.52930.60761.61131.45893.051,823.66119,498.8823,473.2936,665.4628,751.73.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable271.30.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable89,201.78425.351,364.0910,990.071,166.92161.5714,108.006,824.95533.92-67.06303.821,897.031,410.8615,236.511,528.641,126.032,178.625,499.106,503.265,150.372,523.753,197.02.The data item is not applicable128.741,058.794,037.06819.256,001.39.The data item is not applicable707.58154.57117.8231.95184.62225.0040.0060,304.02493.838,080.35298,696.4412,778.05311,474.49
Conwy44,262.5237,392.0112,227.56.The data item is not applicable93,882.091,972.292,272.663,209.97.The data item is not applicable7,454.92101,337.02188.91594.82783.74646.76113.17759.931,543.67102,880.6923,681.6638,853.6826,811.26.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable272.69.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable89,659.29471.471,276.237,229.37983.96169.5310,130.566,633.36522.30-80.37355.861,821.251,367.888,670.501,436.131,245.672,117.475,344.736,364.434,630.152,405.573,068.47.The data item is not applicable44.17314.483,787.58755.365,337.33.The data item is not applicable630.73176.950.0024.49179.44225.0040.0050,566.11174.119,237.26269,460.8114,537.79283,998.61
Denbighshire42,919.6440,749.1211,217.27.The data item is not applicable94,886.031,744.732,287.682,845.47.The data item is not applicable6,877.88101,763.91159.52387.19546.71618.72113.35732.071,278.78103,042.6924,347.7430,714.1223,908.86.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable241.02.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable79,251.74366.27888.546,704.17677.53108.548,745.055,604.20432.22-65.81141.801,511.301,145.878,467.251,198.10982.951,788.944,515.505,353.054,266.841,928.012,407.51.The data item is not applicable0.000.002,715.34592.434,211.09.The data item is not applicable533.52164.45109.4731.70151.60225.0040.0042,656.52168.528,814.67248,434.9917,039.84265,474.83
Flintshire65,522.9056,131.4217,804.98.The data item is not applicable139,459.291,716.722,680.562,851.61.The data item is not applicable7,248.89146,708.18244.55722.69967.24951.12163.671,114.792,082.03148,790.2130,192.8335,286.2636,552.90.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable311.40.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable102,383.39528.941,568.687,944.121,154.32197.9511,394.029,014.67695.62-83.4241.642,441.881,617.1811,597.801,917.891,866.582,877.627,263.448,341.695,957.503,002.413,019.09.The data item is not applicable0.000.004,025.57777.515,677.15.The data item is not applicable734.13186.335,620.2630.67243.86225.0040.0067,833.52225.099,915.00349,799.7612,470.39362,270.15
Wrexham57,701.7243,216.0815,512.81.The data item is not applicable116,430.611,792.692,934.292,709.95.The data item is not applicable7,436.93123,867.54216.92649.61866.53879.60138.331,017.931,884.46125,752.0033,851.4233,468.7332,861.51.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable305.76.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable100,527.42439.371,008.986,103.83955.70158.328,666.207,858.23601.43-73.600.002,120.081,492.8110,141.431,126.921,512.452,508.466,331.657,372.685,302.292,594.973,623.89.The data item is not applicable0.000.003,225.86675.074,662.81.The data item is not applicable663.40200.790.0034.47212.57225.0040.0054,342.87321.709,863.93307,544.9211,538.39319,083.31
Powys54,410.3442,806.5113,649.31.The data item is not applicable110,866.163,796.672,689.287,418.30.The data item is not applicable13,904.25124,770.42209.13782.71991.84705.62139.27844.881,836.72126,607.1321,552.5942,498.3132,210.75.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable293.79.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable96,595.45563.301,158.9713,338.211,351.72141.1316,553.337,770.99614.97-83.080.002,163.711,740.1518,046.011,609.851,326.532,480.626,261.377,240.235,557.072,761.673,170.97.The data item is not applicable48.55609.443,461.11868.005,422.71.The data item is not applicable733.14165.800.0028.57273.58225.0040.0064,452.3947.938,930.29321,231.1014,549.58335,780.68
Ceredigion29,028.1023,572.386,841.29.The data item is not applicable59,441.782,233.752,115.994,519.20.The data item is not applicable8,868.9468,310.72114.55405.34519.89479.4876.32555.801,075.7069,386.4213,065.6422,447.3517,874.93.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable162.94.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable53,590.86282.16517.706,511.67670.6487.718,069.894,156.22333.75-43.06194.901,148.59971.368,242.23853.90832.431,326.733,348.823,875.393,027.261,500.622,485.98.The data item is not applicable11.500.002,081.40474.963,120.78.The data item is not applicable405.2296.41236.5719.04146.32225.0040.0034,769.79107.285,159.35175,386.1210,965.62186,351.75
Pembrokeshire52,372.6141,503.1413,940.81.The data item is not applicable107,816.562,146.362,998.803,750.87.The data item is not applicable8,896.03116,712.59200.52754.95955.47749.18130.40879.581,835.05118,547.6428,324.2135,288.9928,957.48.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable282.53.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable92,893.21496.611,197.708,933.981,122.07172.8111,923.177,218.22563.01-79.16185.552,177.961,435.0810,749.001,514.471,412.802,304.165,815.986,866.565,104.122,584.073,585.89.The data item is not applicable0.001,083.143,818.16787.365,435.25.The data item is not applicable718.68167.440.0026.67254.12225.0040.0056,481.20365.937,968.84295,652.3112,689.07308,341.38
Carmarthenshire81,781.7267,862.2921,399.65.The data item is not applicable171,043.662,735.854,406.844,824.11.The data item is not applicable11,966.79183,010.44302.18957.681,259.861,163.85204.201,368.052,627.91185,638.3540,588.1456,418.2045,800.16.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable435.85.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable143,282.35712.621,555.9212,638.191,613.17233.5516,753.4610,976.29851.71-120.48136.673,007.272,170.6816,797.901,842.162,491.393,503.808,843.9910,351.677,829.323,761.356,226.39.The data item is not applicable0.00152.364,781.361,064.866,817.71.The data item is not applicable988.46277.280.0050.95386.42225.0040.0082,051.801,194.5514,174.19454,457.4117,097.31471,554.72
Swansea98,527.8085,521.5825,627.59.The data item is not applicable209,676.972,448.175,146.803,812.13.The data item is not applicable11,407.10221,084.07397.05728.571,125.621,693.50246.561,940.063,065.69224,149.7658,590.0065,457.7961,093.36.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable565.06.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable185,746.21779.202,204.489,953.151,207.63291.4414,435.9014,003.941,086.86-134.95119.173,703.802,932.5017,385.663,831.752,455.064,470.2611,283.4713,011.339,679.124,819.7711,426.62.The data item is not applicable0.000.005,972.601,271.198,571.51.The data item is not applicable1,220.89376.39101.8266.70493.01225.0040.00103,876.51969.3818,976.94562,651.6421,286.30583,937.93
Neath Port Talbot59,228.1452,463.9216,957.96.The data item is not applicable128,650.021,690.103,757.342,587.08.The data item is not applicable8,034.51136,684.54237.79581.02818.811,014.65152.541,167.181,985.99138,670.5337,793.2141,783.8937,171.02.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable356.32.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable117,144.43482.491,491.376,286.42936.40192.059,388.738,250.81637.54-82.6043.752,226.751,524.2111,095.95929.951,974.492,633.786,647.977,911.375,936.802,811.884,401.16.The data item is not applicable0.000.003,601.87760.494,834.54.The data item is not applicable737.68286.860.0030.53290.47225.0040.0059,169.942,358.7615,379.34350,653.0212,933.08363,586.10
Bridgend60,422.3352,092.2116,313.55.The data item is not applicable128,828.101,631.883,343.162,670.71.The data item is not applicable7,645.75136,473.85235.00543.14778.14927.06152.161,079.231,857.37138,331.2133,768.4235,215.7535,927.53.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable320.19.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable105,271.89486.591,493.506,796.98758.21187.449,722.728,481.69653.42-76.2635.452,243.141,614.0310,861.191,172.811,600.892,707.486,834.007,792.925,719.502,795.343,666.39.The data item is not applicable0.000.003,761.88772.395,269.57.The data item is not applicable722.59233.260.0031.72279.44225.0040.0058,636.72757.8712,511.66333,993.2013,147.49347,140.69
Vale of Glamorgan59,017.5851,320.9515,286.54.The data item is not applicable125,625.071,655.382,283.672,746.29.The data item is not applicable6,685.34132,310.41205.44389.42594.86826.70147.27973.961,568.82133,879.2426,292.0830,855.2230,555.20.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable267.67.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable88,010.17461.441,222.996,345.42704.37156.388,890.607,747.84590.34-63.5360.342,053.581,690.719,662.491,006.561,771.692,473.226,242.716,940.715,204.282,584.692,945.07.The data item is not applicable0.000.003,324.98688.004,872.35.The data item is not applicable591.14165.240.0029.17255.26225.0040.0053,058.73167.449,284.47301,293.759,486.33310,780.08
Rhondda Cynon Taf102,406.5692,762.3629,258.26.The data item is not applicable224,427.182,555.016,218.034,076.22.The data item is not applicable12,849.26237,276.44389.891,035.071,424.961,654.44264.681,919.123,344.08240,620.5267,012.7063,123.0961,323.46.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable584.34.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable192,083.59756.082,275.7910,563.861,604.08316.4715,516.2813,872.531,061.64-121.980.003,728.972,619.7717,409.023,154.033,500.644,428.3211,177.5913,143.7910,000.014,670.846,042.90.The data item is not applicable0.0052.865,959.781,277.458,060.91.The data item is not applicable1,206.85429.572,429.9754.73457.05225.0040.00100,512.664,223.5020,724.71588,010.8423,831.38611,842.22
Merthyr Tydfil26,918.0920,475.507,541.11.The data item is not applicable54,934.70869.801,611.631,128.91.The data item is not applicable3,610.3458,545.0498.23209.71307.93399.2865.25464.53772.4659,317.5019,094.9615,601.4115,658.13.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable153.68.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable50,548.19184.43600.102,082.36330.3679.803,277.053,417.55259.14-33.680.00907.94652.144,204.78307.85843.021,090.932,753.643,273.262,507.951,152.541,630.92.The data item is not applicable0.0041.461,525.89321.412,063.77.The data item is not applicable314.04107.870.0018.88112.60225.0040.0024,168.762,145.635,504.12148,491.405,186.18153,677.59
Caerphilly77,376.1566,773.3821,713.54.The data item is not applicable165,863.071,914.504,312.832,910.32.The data item is not applicable9,137.65175,000.72289.02855.771,144.791,176.22195.271,371.492,516.28177,517.0050,162.3744,177.3745,275.14.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable426.11.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable140,080.99571.272,101.508,017.891,289.11256.4512,236.2210,222.53781.94-102.000.002,765.531,878.7312,761.091,889.502,752.183,263.188,236.669,792.347,355.393,400.324,340.78.The data item is not applicable0.000.004,606.85903.085,927.04.The data item is not applicable891.65291.700.0037.73336.79225.0040.0071,998.712,465.6412,939.18427,797.0619,472.00447,269.07
Blaenau Gwent28,683.3020,852.228,191.26.The data item is not applicable57,726.78812.381,882.911,128.74.The data item is not applicable3,824.0361,550.81115.47344.11459.58431.5268.76500.28959.8762,510.6821,221.0719,948.9818,313.97.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable181.55.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable59,705.56220.03985.893,129.35489.16121.844,946.263,889.47300.28-42.240.001,052.01696.834,799.33981.841,063.231,241.583,133.893,843.552,859.031,374.612,546.41.The data item is not applicable0.0032.131,992.27405.342,270.59.The data item is not applicable375.02153.75138.1820.66128.14225.0040.0029,463.252,625.417,962.28171,231.077,129.74178,360.81
Torfaen40,207.5935,796.3311,382.51.The data item is not applicable87,386.431,102.432,127.501,550.66.The data item is not applicable4,780.5992,167.02153.20325.15478.35610.56102.69713.251,191.6093,358.6126,086.3824,650.3823,598.47.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable226.87.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable74,602.11308.061,038.983,420.87376.78121.365,266.065,389.57411.65-54.970.001,408.03989.846,596.36683.021,114.511,720.434,342.575,015.453,852.331,808.232,602.33.The data item is not applicable0.0032.132,299.02501.273,129.27.The data item is not applicable482.46176.950.0041.72177.57225.0040.0037,377.59452.048,561.01225,184.558,586.83233,771.38
Monmouthshire35,400.6626,539.419,676.66.The data item is not applicable71,616.731,624.781,480.492,990.77.The data item is not applicable6,096.0377,712.76143.71524.23667.94507.6986.87594.561,262.5178,975.2713,348.9624,073.7420,767.02.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable177.60.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable58,407.33368.54880.945,283.15682.65102.257,317.535,449.12429.16-57.000.001,473.421,229.047,526.041,080.85813.391,739.444,390.554,867.223,355.051,850.082,315.19.The data item is not applicable110.38116.082,239.94508.073,378.64.The data item is not applicable420.33101.200.0018.18179.53225.0040.0038,130.230.435,992.44194,451.877,492.05201,943.92
Newport73,160.9561,465.9019,096.16.The data item is not applicable153,723.021,972.413,966.552,984.04.The data item is not applicable8,923.00162,646.02259.45370.73630.181,092.20181.001,273.201,903.38164,549.4046,653.4535,084.0340,344.71.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable372.60.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable122,494.79455.021,570.206,201.85628.53192.159,047.759,373.76699.38-78.820.002,478.441,714.1311,545.852,498.151,469.402,992.247,552.778,651.926,627.202,991.774,929.45.The data item is not applicable912.520.003,941.91816.505,683.12.The data item is not applicable812.60225.370.0051.67308.83225.0040.0066,740.57715.5710,453.79383,684.4718,321.55402,006.02
Cardiff148,106.42126,346.9538,633.35.The data item is not applicable313,086.713,709.118,943.525,844.97.The data item is not applicable18,497.60331,584.32597.46574.811,172.273,015.79369.753,385.554,557.82336,142.13100,613.8869,680.9896,519.67.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable814.33.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable267,668.86922.513,255.8414,215.07882.08393.8719,669.3721,595.931,657.80-139.5536.205,551.164,148.5627,115.535,699.623,032.226,893.7417,400.6119,266.3314,245.307,002.4513,279.93.The data item is not applicable168.480.009,022.791,876.6513,883.10.The data item is not applicable1,830.95529.734,546.40103.56711.50225.0040.00157,376.591,511.1428,324.66833,000.1928,218.85861,219.04



Welsh Local Government Revenue Settlement: Analysis of indicator based assessments (IBAs) for unitary authorities

Last update

March 2024 March 2024

Next update

March 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Local Government Settlement, Welsh Government

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Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage:

General description

This collection of tables and information is intended as general background to the calculation of standard spending assessments (SSAs). It should be viewed as a statistical companion to The Local Government Finance Report. These tables show individual authority SSA broken down into service categories. It must be remembered that this breakdown is only for the purpose of calculating the total SSA. The indicator based assessments (IBAs) for each service category are in no way intended as spending targets. The ability of local authorities to set their own spending priorities is an important part of the Welsh revenue support grant distribution system. Therefore, the service IBAs shown in this report are not intended for use in determining individual authorities' budgeted expenditure on particular services.

This report shows individual authority SSA broken down into service categories. It must be remembered that this breakdown is only for the purpose of calculating the total SSA. The indicator based assessments (IBAs) for each service category are in no way intended as spending targets. The ability of local authorities to set their own spending priorities is an important part of the Welsh revenue support grant distribution system. Therefore, the service IBAs shown in this report are not intended for use in determining individual authorities' budgeted expenditure on particular services.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2004-05 onwards.


Local Government Finance, indicator based assessment IBA

Statistical quality

See weblinks

