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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Revenue outturn expenditure, by service
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[Collapse]Revenue expenditureRevenue expenditure is total local authority expenditure on all services, plus debt financing, but net of any income from sales, fees, and charges and other non-grant sources.  Fire and National Park levies are excluded from Unitary Authority expenditure8,000,5382,5608,112,3492,5858,304,2522,6349,103,8572,8729,496,5492,9969,997,4803,21910,650,9523,366
Revenue expenditureRevenue expenditure is total local authority expenditure on all services, plus debt financing, but net of any income from sales, fees, and charges and other non-grant sources.  Fire and National Park levies are excluded from Unitary Authority expenditureEducationExpenditure covers primary, secondary and special needs schools, including staff salaries, repairs and maintenance, school catering, and adult education2,640,9978452,694,5648592,812,6898923,090,6859753,295,3881,0403,431,2021,1053,596,3141,136
Social servicesExpenditure covers children and families services including children\'s homes, fostering and adoptive services. Home care and nursing homes, care for the elderly, care for people with physical, mental or learning disabilities, asylum seekers, and substance misuse1,820,9745831,920,7526122,032,2306452,291,2277232,422,5467642,610,7918412,847,244900
Council fund housing and housing benefitExpenditure covers registered social landlords, housing advice, advances and the homeless, housing benefit payments and administration.1,125,4453601,080,952344991,251314970,149306960,387303965,100311987,619312
Local environmental servicesExpenditure covers cemetery, cremation and mortuary services, environmental health, street cleansing, waste collection and disposal. Includes National Park expenditure.388,303124395,143126404,461128455,520144468,499148506,584163530,540168
Roads and transportExpenditure covers construction and structural maintenance of public roads, footways, cycle paths and other public rights of way, street lighting, road safety and public transport.265,29385267,07485270,52586310,38598294,80393296,04995296,21994
Libraries, culture, heritage, sport and recreationExpenditure covers museums, galleries and arts development, theatres and public entertainment, repairs to historic buildings, sports development and facilities including leisure centres and swimming pools, tourism and promotion of open spaces.214,80969211,17267202,32964248,75478246,19278244,00779258,77382
Planning and economic developmentExpenditure covers building and development control, community and economic development, planning policy and environmental issues.77,4692572,0702380,0042593,69730105,63633136,10344178,02556
Law and order and protective servicesExpenditure covers police and fire operational services.788,951252778,584248805,991256835,325264874,632276949,1313061,074,527340
Council tax benefit and administrationExpenditure covers council tax benefit and council tax benefit administation (net of council tax benefit grant), and local tax collection31,2411035,9721144,1371450,5501643,4181450,8661652,12016
Other revenue expenditureExpenditure covers coast protection and flood defences, emergency planning, central administration and debt financing647,053207656,067209660,634210757,566239785,050248807,647260829,573262



Revenue outturn expenditure

Last update

October 2024 October 2024

Next update

October 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Revenue outturn (RO) data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The Welsh Government conducts the revenue outturn survey. Data are available on net current expenditure for Wales by service category. The survey is conducted every summer with results available in October.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2001-02 onwards.

Statistical quality

See weblinks


The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage:


Local Government Finance, revenue outturn expenditure