2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-092009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Total education revenue expenditure2,121,773 2,212,982 2,325,591 2,427,518 2,550,437 2,584,331 2,590,523 2,630,360
Total education revenue expenditure Total schools expenditure (ro1 definition)1,998,932 2,088,387 2,181,720 2,278,901 2,389,067 2,420,321 2,438,939 2,481,128
Total schools expenditure (ro1 definition) Total schools expenditure (section 52 definition)1,985,898 2,087,067 2,178,112 2,275,119 2,383,111 2,413,248 2,431,763 2,473,229
Total schools expenditure (section 52 definition) Total expenditure delegated to schools1,566,390 1,629,669 1,682,197 1,744,385 1,808,368 1,825,268 1,860,334 1,975,938
Total expenditure delegated to schools Total expenditure delegated to nursery schools. 6,718 6,462 6,844 6,871 6,471 6,286 6,050
Total expenditure delegated to primary schools749,418 776,591 804,399 841,022 880,095 897,979 921,513 996,314
Total expenditure delegated to secondary schools762,006 786,636 806,681 827,962 849,887 847,491 855,112 891,387
Total expenditure delegated to special schools54,966 59,725 64,656 68,557 71,515 73,326 77,422 82,186
Total non-delegated schools expenditure419,508 457,397 495,915 530,734 574,743 587,980 571,429 497,291
Total non-delegated schools expenditure Total facilitating school improvement69,636 77,247 92,681 105,173 104,272 100,461 88,936 79,155
Total provision of a special educational needs nature110,639 120,667 132,004 136,652 142,931 144,847 129,521 118,061
Total assuring access to schools161,979 176,431 184,697 215,428 225,867 231,783 231,756 213,157
Total other non-delegated schools expenditure77,266 82,799 86,692 73,522 102,061 110,316 120,606 82,916
Total LEA overspend / underspend on support services to schools-12 254 -160 -41 -388 572 611 4,003
Total inter authority recoupment209 1,320 3,608 3,782 5,956 7,073 7,176 7,899
Nursery schools12,825 . . . . . . .
Total non-school expenditure122,841 124,595 143,871 148,617 161,370 164,010 151,584 149,232
Total non-school expenditure Strategic management of non-school services2,314 1,516 3,410 2,074 3,567 3,287 2,624 3,854
Under 5 provision not in nursery, primary or special schools20,719 27,465 46,256 52,925 57,808 59,269 53,608 53,595
Adult education14,122 13,211 12,176 14,207 13,537 16,146 21,684 19,361
Youth service48,477 46,706 49,849 51,096 56,008 58,973 52,435 48,528
Community education10,566 16,241 15,988 14,584 13,991 10,902 6,835 6,617
Home to college transport7,283 7,150 8,120 8,227 9,573 9,211 8,755 8,578
Student support: discretionary awards611 531 533 544 395 549 454 415
Student Support: Assembly learning grant14,728 7,265 2,931 1,854 1,675 1,129 729 287
Student support: mandatory awards1,149 786 837 482 448 492 567 703
Other continuing education1,931 2,616 2,703 1,719 2,127 1,973 2,107 4,572
Residual pension liabilities: further education921 929 884 957 1,524 1,545 1,186 1,131
Residual pension liabilities: other non-school services21 180 183 -53 718 533 601 1,591