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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Capital outturn financing, by source of funding (£ thousand)
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Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15Click here to sort2015-16Increase mainly due to the housing revenue account subsidy buyout in 2015-16.Click here to sort2016-17Click here to sort2017-18Click here to sort2018-19Click here to sort2019-20Click here to sort2020-21Click here to sort2021-22Click here to sort2022-23Click here to sort2023-24
Total[Collapse]Capital grants and other contributions464,075403,438418,795340,907372,487432,209493,424720,772859,159844,966945,871
Capital grants and other contributions[Expand]Grants from the National Assembly for Wales and other UK Government departmentsIncludes all expenditure reimbursed by capital grants (general and specific) from the National Assembly and other central government departments.  Where only part of the expenditure is reimbursed (e.g. if the grant rate is less than 100%) then include only that part of expenditure which is reimbursed by capital grant or other money provided.353,643323,370343,056301,668305,373384,609445,377663,623801,484777,309842,774
[Expand]Grants from European Community Structural Funds (including ERDF)Grants from the European Union formerly financed by ERDF SCAs.  Includes also grants received from the European Union in respect of former ERDF assisted schemes in the predecessor authorities which extinguish SCAs given in respect of those schemes.46,29243,08124,3708274,6899,1109,79512,3948,8789,82210,328
[Expand]Grants and contributions from National Assembly for Wales sponsored public bodies / non-departmental public bodiesIncludes capital grants from all Assembly sponsored / non-departmental public bodies such as the Sports Council, the WDA, the Arts Council, the WTB, the Museums and Galleries Commission and the Countryside Council for Wales.  Includes specified capital grants used to extinguish credit approvals issued to cover expenditure on disabled facilities grants.  Excludes payments by health authorities to jointly funded capital schemes.  Excludes also any National Lottery funding provided by any of the above bodies.14,46111,0899,2784,3738,0695,1043,9809,2328,8648,3088,893
[Expand]Funding from the National Lottery2,4463,2325,0125,5883,3822,9502,4991,9921,1902,3631,776
[Expand]Grants and contributions from private developersIncludes expenditure to be met by contributions from private developers, but excludes the costs of assets provided entirely by private developers.  Excludes contributions to capital expenditure from revenue accounts.47,23422,66637,07928,45150,97530,43531,77433,53138,74247,16482,100
[Collapse]Usable capital receipts applied to meet expenditureIncludes all usable capital receipts applied to meet expenditure or set aside as credit cover for a credit arrangement.[Expand]Usable capital receipts applied to meet expenditureIncludes all usable capital receipts applied to meet expenditure or set aside as credit cover for a credit arrangement.37,61446,39278,18080,69583,47268,10659,36029,72929,00339,34742,834
[Collapse]Capital expenditure funded from revenue174,256172,397212,236241,440226,798244,791159,324182,676180,175217,711301,201
Capital expenditure funded from revenue[Expand]Capital expenditure charged to revenue account: non-HRAMonies charged to or drawn from a revenue account but used to pay for capital expenditure.  Any monies from revenue reserves used to finance capital expenditure.  Amounts set aside from a revenue account as credit cover for credit arrangements or in respect of notional capital receipts.  Excludes amounts previously described as uncapitalised capital expenditure, this is now treated as current expenditure.99,49490,417103,574135,272110,830118,57468,96890,14796,786122,882186,500
[Expand]Capital expenditure charged to revenue account: HRAMonies charged to or drawn from a revenue account but used to pay for capital expenditure.  Any monies from revenue reserves used to finance capital expenditure.  Amounts set aside from a revenue account as credit cover for credit arrangements or in respect of notional capital receipts.  Excludes amounts previously described as uncapitalised capital expenditure, this is now treated as current expenditure.74,76281,980108,662106,168115,968126,21790,35692,52983,39094,829114,701
Other[Expand]Major repairs allowance (MRA)Includes the amount of MRA which financed HRA capital expenditure in the year.63,00060,40060,40060,41060,39960,39960,40060,39959,41460,39960,654
[Expand]Borrowing and credit arrangements that attract central government supportIncludes all unhypothecated supported borrowing to be used in the year to finance capital expenditure.  Includes the financing of assets through borrowing or qualifying credit arrangements which are credit arrangements as per sections 7 and 8 of the 2003 Act, i.e. those for which proper practice requires the recognition of a fixed asset.88,69297,90282,39091,36396,77786,39193,99772,40881,095110,807114,044
[Expand]Other borrowing and credit arrangementsIncludes any borrowing used to finance capital expenditure over and above the amount of unhypothecated supported borrowing provided by the National Assembly for Wales.  This also includes qualifying credit arrangements which are not being financed by unhypothecated supported borrowing.212,951234,6861,157,567298,399334,225338,820379,051257,941265,900297,919449,254
[Expand]General capital funding.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Supplementary credit approvals usedA credit approval is reduced when a specified capital grant or a grant in respect of a former ERDF assisted scheme for the predecessor authorities is received.  Such a reduction or the transfer of credit approvals to other authorities does not constitute use of a credit approval for this purpose.  Shows the credit approvals used as defined in section 56 of the 1989 Act..The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable


General description

The Welsh Government conducts the capital outturn survey. Data are available on expenditure for Wales by service category. The survey is conducted every summer with results available in October.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 1996-97 onwards.


Financing of capital outturn expenditure

Last update

October 2024 October 2024

Next update

October 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Capital outturn (COR) data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Local Government Finance, capital outturn expenditure receipts

Statistical quality

See weblinks


The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage: