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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Capital Forecast, by service (£ thousand)
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Click here to sortTotal capital expenditureThe total of expenditure on fixed assets, grants and advances and credit arrangements.Click here to sortTotal in-year receiptsIncludes the disposal of any interest in a fixed asset, if at the time of disposal, expenditure on the acquisition of the asset would be expenditure for capital purposes, in accordance with section 58(1)(a) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.Click here to sortTotal capital expenditureThe total of expenditure on fixed assets, grants and advances and credit arrangements.Click here to sortTotal in-year receiptsIncludes the disposal of any interest in a fixed asset, if at the time of disposal, expenditure on the acquisition of the asset would be expenditure for capital purposes, in accordance with section 58(1)(a) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
[Collapse]Total expenditure / receipts2,282,12153,5752,435,63343,471
Total expenditure / receipts[Collapse]Total all services2,282,12153,5752,435,63343,471
Total all services[Expand]Education544,4532,797589,8512,061
[Expand]Social servicesIncludes sheltered employment and workshops34,5876032,1680
[Expand]Roads and transport230,956575227,23550
[Collapse]Total other services805,47444,760842,00737,424
Total other servicesLibraries, culture and sportIncludes libraries, museums, art galleries, sport and recreation.126,926.The data item is not applicable116,167.The data item is not applicable
Environment servicesIncludes land drainage, flood and coastal defence, waste collection and disposal and derelict land reclamation193,053.The data item is not applicable153,959.The data item is not applicable
Planning and economic developmentIncludes development control, along with building regulations and planning implementation. Also includes direct expenditure on environmental improvements, tourism, conversion and commercial and economic development.  Includes grants and advances for industrial and commercial enterprises and industrial development.352,594.The data item is not applicable429,232.The data item is not applicable
OtherIncludes general administration, port health, cemeteries, crematoria, civic halls, theatres and restaurants.  Also includes heating schemes, markets including horticultural markets, gypsy sites, smallholdings, slaughterhouses and fishing harbours, and any other local services not specified elsewhere.132,902.The data item is not applicable142,649.The data item is not applicable
[Collapse]Total housing549,9212,743627,585677
Total housingHousing revenue accountIncludes expenditure/receipts on the purchase / sale of land charged to the housing revenue account, repayment of principal on loans for council house purchase,  where an advance is repaid prematurely, e.g. through refinancing by a building society, the whole amount repaid should be recorded.467,9922,516553,242500
Non-HRA housingIncludes:<br />Receipts from repayments of grants and advances and other financial assistance;<br />Repayments of renovation grants, repayment of principal (regular or premature), of loans to private persons or registered social landlords, but excludes repayments of advances from registered social landlords made in respect of social housing grant;<br />All mandatory and discretionary grants (Renovation, HMOs Common Parts, Disabled Facilities and Minor Works);<br />All mandatory and discretionary grants (Renovation, HMOs, Common Parts, Disabled Facilities and Home Repair Assistance);<br />All Home Improvement Grants;<br />Payments for Reinstatement Grants for defective dwellings.81,92822774,343177
[Expand]Law, order and protective servicesIncludes police, courts and fire116,7302,640116,7873,259
[Expand]Acquisition / disposal of share and loan capitalLoan and share capital which meets the definition in regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 should be included as capital expenditure0000
[Expand]Expenditure by virtue of a directionTotal expenditure treated as capital expenditure by virtue of a direction issued under s16 (2)(b) of the Local Government Act 20030.The data item is not applicable0.The data item is not applicable


General description

Capital spending by local authorities is mainly for buying, constructing or improving physical assets such as buildings (schools, houses, libraries and museums, police and fire stations, courts, etc.) land (for development, roads, playing fields) vehicles, plant and machinery including street lighting, road signs, etc.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for the latest financial years.


Capital forecast

Last update

June 2024 June 2024

Next update

June 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Capital forecast (CFR) data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage:


Local Government Finance, capital forecast financing

Statistical quality

See weblinks