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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Average weekly rents in stock at social rents by area, accommodation and provider type
[Collapse]Bedrooms 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Bedrooms 2[Filter]
Bedrooms 3[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]DwellingA self-contained dwelling is accommodation occupied by a household with exclusive use of bath/shower and inside WC and some cooking facilities. A non self-contained dwelling is accommodation occupied by a household that lacks exclusive use of bath/shower or WC or some cooking facilities. [Filtered]
Dwelling 1[Filter]
YearThe stock data presents summary information on stock held by local authorities and registered social landlords (RSLs) as at 31 March each year.<br />Data was not collected from Registered Social Landlords for 2019-20 (2020-21 for average weekly rents) due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020.[Filtered]
Accommodation 1
[Collapse]ProviderAll stock reported by social landlords[Filter]
[Collapse]Provider 1
[Collapse]Provider 2
Provider 3
[Collapse]Total stock at social rentTotal includes general needs, sheltered, other supported and extra care housing.Click here to sortTotal stock at social rentTotal includes general needs, sheltered, other supported and extra care housing.
[Collapse]General needs stockUnits that are not reserved for specific client groups. Properties that are adapted for use for people with disabilities are included where no additional services or support are provided as part of the terms of occupancy. Data shown in units.[Expand]Click here to sortSupported including sheltered stockData only collected for RSLs from 2008-09 onwards. Data shown in units.[Collapse]Sheltered stockData only collected from 2011-12 onwards. Data shown in units.[Collapse]Other supported stockData only collected from 2011-12 onwards. Data shown in units.[Collapse]Extra care stock‘Extra care sheltered housing’ or ‘assisted living housing’ offer a higher level of care than ‘sheltered housing’. The services offered vary between schemes, but meals, help with domestic tasks and some personal care are often provided. ‘Close care housing’ is usually located in the grounds of a care home, with staff from the home providing extra care and assistance. Data only collected from 2008-09 onwards. Data shown in units.
[Collapse]WalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.Click here to sortWalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Collapse]WalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.Click here to sortWalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Collapse]WalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.Click here to sortWalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Collapse]WalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.Click here to sortWalesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.
[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Local AuthoritiesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Registered Social Landlords[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Local AuthoritiesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Registered Social Landlords[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Local AuthoritiesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Registered Social Landlords[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Local AuthoritiesGwynedd was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents between 2002-03(stock)/2003-04(rents) and 2007-08(stock)/2008-09(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.<br /><br />Flintshire was not able to provide the split of self-contained stock and rents in 2003-04(stock)/2004-05(rents). It has been included in ‘All self-contained’ only.[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Registered Social Landlords
Wales700.93(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.606.58(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.702.38(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.649.55614.67(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.542.59(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.622.09666.68(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.661.07(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.731.53148.83895.45894.23697.98
Isle of Anglesey685.59(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.602.78(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.688.24(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.634.01623.81536.93623.97.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.594.69(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.594.69.The data item is not applicable806.13806.13(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.685.89
Gwynedd.The data item is not applicable589.17589.17551.47.The data item is not applicable516.18516.18.The data item is not applicable631.94631.94.The data item is not applicable738.41738.41588.65
Conwy.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.624.25(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.624.25(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.560.84.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.541.44(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.541.44.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.649.56(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.649.56.The data item is not applicable926.75926.75(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.616.13
Denbighshire702.41(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.623.11(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.710.35(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.631.01613.25500.22607.49.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.662.28(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.662.28.The data item is not applicable903.33903.33(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.694.70
Flintshire728.68(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.636.05(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.731.42(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.653.30638.38(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.567.00639.54.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.708.68(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.708.68.The data item is not applicable959.71959.71(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.714.01
Wrexham692.05(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.637.65(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.698.12(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.631.31577.01560.27588.99524.05(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.671.85(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.736.83.The data item is not applicable925.80925.80(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.695.50
Powys696.43602.76(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.697.74626.59621.21540.88621.95.The data item is not applicable599.20599.20.The data item is not applicable817.20817.20678.76
Ceredigion.The data item is not applicable633.68633.68555.26.The data item is not applicable547.98547.98.The data item is not applicable588.49588.49.The data item is not applicable853.24853.24628.41
Pembrokeshire626.76600.40648.87593.58561.90507.33568.72620.30460.48614.30.The data item is not applicable942.22942.22641.22
Carmarthenshire660.56594.35666.70612.85543.22555.38567.57284.86743.04699.23.The data item is not applicable746.36746.36665.53
Swansea690.38601.41692.31661.88647.93553.14644.43.The data item is not applicable638.92638.92.The data item is not applicable662.51662.51688.93
Neath Port Talbot.The data item is not applicable581.68581.68548.83.The data item is not applicable512.70512.70.The data item is not applicable680.29680.29.The data item is not applicable1,082.961,082.96583.38
Bridgend.The data item is not applicable621.74621.74665.07.The data item is not applicable573.47573.47.The data item is not applicable833.71833.71.The data item is not applicable677.54677.54626.26
Vale of Glamorgan743.56658.05752.24675.93667.18568.64664.13669.84655.94684.95.The data item is not applicable1,343.111,343.11740.96
Cardiff779.73662.59775.28(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.763.03606.30(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.608.30(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.672.971,064.05762.02881.81.The data item is not applicable977.29977.29776.52
Rhondda Cynon Taf.The data item is not applicable597.68597.68531.42.The data item is not applicable489.95489.95.The data item is not applicable654.17654.17.The data item is not applicable1,248.851,248.85593.59
Merthyr Tydfil.The data item is not applicable554.89554.89503.22.The data item is not applicable499.37499.37.The data item is not applicable527.49527.49.The data item is not applicable1,414.281,414.28559.29
Caerphilly663.62612.01674.43620.34585.85574.07608.78.The data item is not applicable617.44617.44148.83882.04859.97670.85
Blaenau Gwent.The data item is not applicable537.77537.77512.84.The data item is not applicable490.35490.35.The data item is not applicable704.62704.62.The data item is not applicable900.52900.52539.14
Torfaen.The data item is not applicable613.49613.49(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.531.74.The data item is not applicable531.79531.79.The data item is not applicable(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.531.74(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.531.74.The data item is not applicable1,051.141,051.14(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.608.05
Monmouthshire.The data item is not applicable629.48629.48560.53.The data item is not applicable556.29556.29.The data item is not applicable646.92646.92.The data item is not applicable537.98537.98612.65
Newport.The data item is not applicable611.03611.03566.92.The data item is not applicable558.51558.51.The data item is not applicable636.42636.42.The data item is not applicable805.99805.99607.39



Stock and rents of dwellings at social rents

Last update

17 September 202 17 September 202

Next update

August 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Social landlord stock and rents data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh social landlords on stock held by local authorities and registered social landlords (RSLs) as at 31 March each year and the associated average rents charged set on the same date for the following year.

The stock estimates in this dataset includes all stock owned, whether Welsh Government funded or otherwise as at 31 March each year, on which social rents are charged. It includes permanent and temporary stock.

This dataset excludes:
• properties that are charged at anything other than social rents, including those charged at intermediate or market rents, and intermediate tenures (for example shared ownership properties);
• all non-residential properties;
• dwellings leased to temporarily house the homeless;
• any dwellings that are managed as a social lettings agency;
• properties where the social landlord has sold the leasehold through right to buy but retains the freehold; and
• RSL investment properties.

The data were collected via the annual WHO15 returns from local authorities and annual RSL1 returns from RSLs up to 2008-09, but have since been collected via the Welsh Government Social Landlord Stock and Rents data collection.

The proportion of social housing stock managed by RSLs will have been influenced by the large scale voluntary transfers of local authority stock. For further information please see the Quality Information in the accompanying Statistical Release (see weblinks).

Within self-contained dwellings, the accommodation types include general needs, sheltered, other supported and extra care housing, and data are available on this basis back to 2008-09. During the 2012-13 data collection, the data collected for non self-contained dwellings were also broken down into the same accommodation types. Prior to that, non self-contained data were only collected as a total across all accommodation types.

Stock figures will differ from dwelling stock estimates published, which assume that three bedspaces of a non-self contained unit is equivalent to one dwelling.

Maisonettes are categorised as flats, whilst bungalows are categorised as houses.

Data for English registered RSLs with stock in Wales is excluded.

This data presents information on the average weekly rents for wholly rented local authority and RSL dwellings set at the 31 March each year for the following financial year.

The data were collected via the annual WHO15 returns from local authorities and annual RSL1 returns from RSLs up to 2008-09, but have since been collected via the Welsh Government Social Landlord Stock and Rents data collection.

Rents are shown as at 31 March for the following financial year. If a local authority transfers its stock to a new RSL during the year, the rents are shown for the local authority for the whole of that year. In this dataset, the rents will move to the new RSL from the following 31 March. A list of the large scale voluntary transfers of local authority stock and dates of transfer can be found in the Quality Information in the accompanying Statistical Release (see weblinks).

The average weekly rent is the average of the standard rent chargeable, before deduction for rent allowances and also excludes service charges or other charges for amenities (e.g. central heating, hot water supply or laundries) and water rates.

Rents are based on a 52 week year. If rent free weeks are given the total amount payable is divided by 52.

Properties of unusual size are assigned to the closest available category. Maisonettes are categorised as flats, whilst bungalows are classed as houses.

The data includes secure as well as assured tenancies.

Within self-contained dwellings, the accommodation types include general needs, sheltered, other supported and extra care housing, and data are available on this basis back to 2008-09. Rent data for non self-contained dwellings was collected for the first in 2012-13 and is broken down by the same accommodation types as self contained. Prior to 2012-13 no rent data is available for non-self contained dwellings.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh social landlords (local authorities and registered social landlords) on the stock they held as at 31 March each year. The collection also requests the average rents for each category of stock by each provider, set for the following year on the same 31 March date. The data are requested with a breakdown between general needs, sheltered, other supported and extra care accommodation types, with a split into non self-contained and self-contained units, and further splits of the self-contained units into data by numbers of bedrooms for both houses (including bungalows) and flats (including maisonettes). Further information on stock held by these organisation but not available at social rents is also collected. Numbers for Wales are derived by summing the stock across all the providers, with rent averages calculated by weighting the individual rent figures by the respect stock in each cell of the data.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for stock from 2003-04 until 2012-13 inclusive. The figures for each financial year represent the position at 31 March (i.e. at the end of each financial year). Data for rents set on the same 31 March dates relate to the rent set in the following year, and hence cover the period 2004-05 to 2014-15 in these data.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).

As these data also form part of other data collections, for example counts of properties which are compliant with the Welsh Housing Quality Standard, it is possible that the data will be subject to minor revision in due course. If necessary, for example where revisions are significant, these amendments will also be included in a revised formal release of data (see weblinks).


Social housing; stock; rents; houses; flats; bedrooms; general needs; sheltered accommodation; supported accommodation; extra care accommodation; social landlords

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.