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General description
The information presented here shows sales of local authority dwellings and of Registered Social Landlord (RSL) dwellings. It includes all social landlord housing sales - social and non-social housing. The data is used to help monitor trends in both the overall level of Welsh housing stock and the changes in its tenure distribution over time. Data is also used by the Welsh Government and local authorities to assess levels of housing supply across Wales and as an indication as to whether housing need is being met.RSLs are organisations that provide and manage properties for people who would otherwise be unable to afford to rent or buy privately. Social landlords must be registered with the Welsh Government and are inspected on a regular basis to maintain a good standard of management.
The Right to Acquire sales and Homebuy sales included are only appropriate for Registered Social Landlord dwellings.
Data collection and calculation
The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh social landlords (local authorities and registered social landlords) on the sales recorded during the financial year.Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
Data are shown for right to buy from 1980-81 until 2012-13 inclusive. Up until 2010-11 the data was collected on a quarterly basis, and from 2011-12 collected annually. The figures for each financial year represent the sales during each of the financial years from April to March.Note that, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020, data on social landlord housing sales in Wales for 2019-20 were not collected.