Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
HOUS0904: Disposal of dwellings built and financed by private developers on local authority owned land completed during the quarter.Author
Statistical Directorate, Welsh GovernmentNotes
Last update: 12th June 2012Was added to StatsWales: 12th June 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: Not applicable
Source: Sales Data Collection, Welsh Government
Contact: stats.housing@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The information presented here shows sales of local authority. The data is used to help monitor trends in both the overall level of Welsh housing stock and the changes in its tenure distribution over time. Data is also used by the Welsh Government and local authorities to assess levels of housing supply across Wales and as an indication as to whether housing need is being met.
Information about disposal of dwellings built and financed by private developers on local authority owned land is only available up to 2010-11. The collection of this information ceased at the end of 2010-11.
For further information, please see <a href= http://wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/theme/housing/sales/?lang=en target=_blank> Statistical Release: New House Building and Social Housing Sales</a>