Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
HOUS1703: Eviction warrants granted
Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government
Last update: 16th December 2011
Was added to StatsWales: 16th December 2011
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: None planned, data collection ended with 2010-11
Source: Possessions and Evictions Data Collection, Welsh Government
Contact: stats.housing@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The information presented here covers possession orders and eviction warrants obtained against tenants of social landlords (local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)) in Wales.
The information is collected to establish the number of possession orders and eviction warrants obtained by social landlords across Wales and the number of tenants who are forced to leave their home as a result. The information is used in order to monitor trends over time in the level and types of legal action taken by social landlords against their tenants as well as the reasons for the action.
Possession orders can be granted by the courts following a judicial hearing. Eviction warrants can only be applied for once a possession order has been granted but parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction.
For further information, please see <a href= http://wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/headlines/housing2011/111207/?lang=en target=_blank> Statistical Release: Social Landlords Possession and Evictions, 2010-11, </a>
Was added to StatsWales: 16th December 2011
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: None planned, data collection ended with 2010-11
Source: Possessions and Evictions Data Collection, Welsh Government
Contact: stats.housing@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The information presented here covers possession orders and eviction warrants obtained against tenants of social landlords (local authorities and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)) in Wales.
The information is collected to establish the number of possession orders and eviction warrants obtained by social landlords across Wales and the number of tenants who are forced to leave their home as a result. The information is used in order to monitor trends over time in the level and types of legal action taken by social landlords against their tenants as well as the reasons for the action.
Possession orders can be granted by the courts following a judicial hearing. Eviction warrants can only be applied for once a possession order has been granted but parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction.
For further information, please see <a href= http://wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/headlines/housing2011/111207/?lang=en target=_blank> Statistical Release: Social Landlords Possession and Evictions, 2010-11, </a>
Housing, Possessions, Evictions, Orders, Tenancy, Warrants