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Data Provider: Welsh Government Estimates of Housing Need by Variant and Year (2018-based)
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Central EstimatesBased on principle household projections8,3488,0948,1588,6258,2476,8856,4886,1775,8075,4475,2464,9244,7244,5164,2453,9933,8343,6813,4133,141
Higher VariantBased on higher variant household projections8,9798,8078,9639,5179,2548,0597,8667,7267,4837,2417,1536,9496,8656,8036,6646,5436,5446,5686,4956,361
Lower VariantBased on lower variant household projections7,2006,8006,7167,0246,5185,0634,5934,2093,7743,3333,0312,6072,2901,9481,5391,135819531134.For this data point, household projections indicate an annual decrease in the number of households, leading to a negative figure for newly arising housing need. This value is therefore not applicable and has been treated as zero at the regional level throughout the statistical article and the StatsWales tables. Estimates of newly arising housing need at the Wales level are based on Wales level household projections, and do not correspond to the sum of the regions in cases where one or more of the region\’s values are not applicable.
Ten Year MigrationBased on ten year migration household projections9,6769,4469,52210,0149,6678,3357,9717,6797,3366,9976,8226,5266,3526,1625,9135,6805,5385,4035,1484,895
Zero MigrationBased on zero migration household projections7,2686,7106,3096,6946,2984,9054,4434,0423,6153,1172,8572,5482,3622,0961,7821,4831,2861,063705383



Estimates of Housing Need in Wales at a National and Regional Level (2018 based)

Last update

5 June 2019 5 June 2019

Next update

Not known

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2014-based projections for local authorities in Wales, Welsh Government

Source 2

2011 Census, Office for National Statistics

Source 3

Homelessness data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Welsh Government economic regions

Geographical coverage

Welsh Government economic regions

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publications, as per the given weblink.

General description

These are 2018-based estimates of overall additional housing need in Wales. They are based on estimates of existing unmet need and newly arising need. The overall estimates cover 20 years at both a national and a regional level.
Estimates of the need for additional housing units by tenure are based on a set of assumptions. Estimates of additional housing need by tenure are for the period 2018/19 to 2022/23 only.

Data collection and calculation

2014-based household projections have been used to calculate newly arising need. Existing unmet need is calculated from the 2011 census and Households in Temporary Accommodation. Estimates of the need for additional housing units by tenure are based on a set of assumptions (see related article for further information.

Data reference periods

2018/19 to 2037/38 for overall estimates
2018/19 to 2022/23 for estimates by tenure

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publications, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied

2014-based household projections have been rounded to the nearest whole number.


Housing, Housing Need

