These are 2018-based estimates of overall additional housing need in Wales. They are based on estimates of existing unmet need and newly arising need. The estimates cover 20 years at both a national and a regional level and are presented as an annual average over a 5 year period. Estimates of additional housing need by tenure are for the period 2018/19 to 2022/23 only.
Data collection and calculation
2014-based household projections have been used to calculate newly arising need. Existing unmet need is calculated from the 2011 census and Households in Temporary Accommodation. Estimates of the need for additional housing units by tenure are based on a set of assumptions (see related article for further information.
Data reference periods
2017/18 to 2037/38
Users, uses and context
Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.
Rounding applied
2014-based household projections have been rounded to the nearest whole number.
Average Annual Estimates of Housing Need in Wales at a National and Regional Level over 5 Year Period (2018 based)