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Occurrences of people placed into temporary accommodation during the period by reason for homelessnessLast update
6 February 2025Next update
27 February 2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Homelessness data collection, Welsh GovernmentContact email
Management informationGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceStatistical quality
Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.Keywords
Housing, Rough sleepers, HomelessnessGeneral description
This monthly management data collection relates to the number of individuals experiencing homelessness and being supported by local authorities into temporary accommodation.Temporary accommodation is defined as suitable accommodation that is likely to last for under 6 months, including short-term supported accommodation.
An occurrence of a person being placed into temporary accommodation does not include transfers between different temporary accommodations.