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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Households accepted as homeless by priority need and household type

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
Period 1[Filter]
[Collapse]HouseholdData by household type is available from 2002-03 onwards only. Before 2002-03 only totals were collected. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Household 1
[Collapse]Household 2
Household 3
[Collapse]PriorityBreakdown by priority and need [Filtered]
[Collapse]Priority 1
[Collapse]Priority 2
Priority 3
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
[Collapse]Households with dependent childrenIncludes households with dependent children looked after by grandparents or other non-parental guardians.    Data for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.Click here to sortHouseholds with dependent childrenIncludes households with dependent children looked after by grandparents or other non-parental guardians.    Data for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.[Collapse]Single person household, TotalData includes \'single person household gender unknown\' in addition to \'single person household male applicants\' and \'single person household female applicants\'.Click here to sortSingle person household, TotalData includes \'single person household gender unknown\' in addition to \'single person household male applicants\' and \'single person household female applicants\'.[Expand]Click here to sortAll other household groupsData for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.[Expand]Click here to sortHousehold type not knownData for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.
[Expand]Click here to sortCouple with dependent childrenIncludes households with dependent children looked after by grandparents or other non-parental guardians.  Data for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.[Expand]Click here to sortSingle parent household with dependent children, TotalInclude households with dependent children looked after by a single grandparent or other non-parental guardian.    Data for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.[Expand]Click here to sortSingle person household, Male applicantData for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.[Expand]Click here to sortSingle person household, Female applicantData for this aspect are only available annually from 2011-12.
[Collapse]Total households4901,5902,0801,6401,0852,730265.The data item is not applicable5,070
Total households[Collapse]Household includes dependent children or a pregnant woman4701,3251,790.The data item is not applicable195195110.The data item is not applicable2,095
Household includes dependent children or a pregnant woman[Expand]Households with dependent children, Total4701,3251,790.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable20.The data item is not applicable1,810
[Expand]Households where a member is pregnant and there are no other dependent children.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable19519590.The data item is not applicable285
[Collapse]Households where a member is vulnerable: TotalHouseholds where a member is vulnerable includes households where a member is vulnerable due to old age, physical disability or mental illness/learning disability, vulnerable young persons, person fleeing domestic violence or threatened violence, after leaving the armed forces, a former prisoner who after being released from custody has no accommodation to return to and other.202602801,6308852,515155.The data item is not applicable2,950
Households where a member is vulnerable: TotalHouseholds where a member is vulnerable includes households where a member is vulnerable due to old age, physical disability or mental illness/learning disability, vulnerable young persons, person fleeing domestic violence or threatened violence, after leaving the armed forces, a former prisoner who after being released from custody has no accommodation to return to and other.[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Old age*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5655011520.The data item is not applicable140
[Collapse]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Physical disability or Mental illness / learning disability / learning difficultiesPrior to 2012-13, this category was titled Physical disability or Mental illness / learning disability.10152548522070080.The data item is not applicable805
Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Physical disability or Mental illness / learning disability / learning difficultiesPrior to 2012-13, this category was titled Physical disability or Mental illness / learning disability.Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Physical disability510202059029550.The data item is not applicable365
Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Mental illness / learning disability / learning difficultiesPrior to 2012-13, this category was titled Mental Health / Learning Disability.*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication528013040530.The data item is not applicable440
[Collapse]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Vulnerable young personHouseholds where a member is vulnerable due to a vulnerable young person includes 16 or 17 year olds, and a care leaver or person at particular risk of sexual or financial expoitation (18-20 year olds) and unspecified.*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5517013530520.The data item is not applicable330
Households where a member is vulnerable due to: Vulnerable young personHouseholds where a member is vulnerable due to a vulnerable young person includes 16 or 17 year olds, and a care leaver or person at particular risk of sexual or financial expoitation (18-20 year olds) and unspecified.Households where a member is vulnerable due to: A care leaver or person at particular risk of sexual or financial exploitation, 18-20 years olds*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication705012010.The data item is not applicable130
Households where a member is vulnerable due to: A 16 or 17 year old*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication551008018510.The data item is not applicable200
[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: A person fleeing domestic violence or threatened violence52302357037544525.The data item is not applicable705
[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: After leaving the armed forces*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication15*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication15*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication.The data item is not applicable15
[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: A former prisoner who after being released from custody has no accommodation to return to*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5578070855*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication.The data item is not applicable860
[Expand]Households where a member is vulnerable due to: OtherOther includes other violence, abuse or harassment; alcohol or substance misuse; and those aged over 21 that are vulnerable to exploitation.*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication4535805.The data item is not applicable90
[Expand]Households homeless in emergency*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5151020*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication.The data item is not applicable30


General description

The information is collected in order to establish the number and type of households that were accepted as homeless by local authorities during the period and the reasons why these households are homeless. It is also used to establish the number of homeless households in temporary accommodation and the types of accommodation provided. This data is used by the Welsh Government, homelessness agencies and other housing organisations, in order to help monitor trends in the overall level of statutory homelessness across Wales.

Extra information is collected about acceptances of these statutory homeless households. This includes information on the different types of homeless households, which are known as priority need groups, and also the reason why households lost their last settled home.

The Welsh Government introduced secondary legislation (starting from 1 March 2001) extending the priority need categories. The figures from October to December 2001 onwards cover the new priority need categories.

From 2011-12, breakdowns by family type are only available annually.

Quality information
1. This data covers numbers of households not persons.
2. Homelessness data may be subject to seasonal variations, however the data shown in this cube has not been seasonally adjusted and care should be taken when making comparisons between successive quarters.
3. All the figures are rounded independently to the nearest 5 to protect the identity of individuals. As a result, there may be a difference between the sum of the constituent items and the total. An asterisk is shown when the data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is based on Welsh local authorities' actions under the homelessness provisions of the Housing Act 1996. This covers the decision as to whether or not there is an obligation under the Act for the local authority to help the household. That is whether the authority accepts that the household is eligible, unintentionally homeless and falls within a priority need group. In this case the household is accepted as statutory homeless.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The information is based on a quarterly statistical return completed by local authorities in Walesf from 1997-98. From April 2002 onwards the return was revised and extended to collect information about the age and ethnicity of applicants, the types of household accepted as homelessness and the length of time households stay in temporary accommodation.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied

Yes all the figures are rounded independently to the nearest 5 to protect the identity of individuals

Revisions information

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).


Households accepted as homeless, by priority need and household type

Last update

24 June 2015 24 June 2015

Next update

September 2015 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Homelessness data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Housing, Homelessness, Priority Need

