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Provision of affordable housing through planning obligations and on rural exception sites, by planning authorityLast update
11 December 2024Next update
November 2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Affordable housing provision data collection, Welsh GovernmentContact email
National StatisticsLowest level of geographical disaggregation
Planning authoritiesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceGeneral description
The information presented here relates to the number of additional affordable housing units granted planning permission and the number of additional units delivered within each planning authority area in each year. The planning authorities in Wales are the 22 local authorities and the 3 national park authorities. The data shown are the numbers of affordable housing units granted planning permission and delivered under planning obligations and on affordable housing exception sites.The focus of this dataset is on additional affordable housing units delivered, and these are defined as those provided through new build schemes or through the purchase, leasing or conversion of existing units. This therefore excludes existing affordable units that have been renovated or refurbished, as they are not classed as being additional. However, where an existing unit has been converted into two separate units, then this represents an additional affordable unit delivered. Conversely where there was a net loss of affordable units within a property over the year there are no additional affordable housing units delivered. For example, if two self contained flats in one property were converted into one family home, then the number of additional units is classed as zero, although note that that is not recorded as a negative change to the number of additional units delivered.
In this context, delivered means that the unit is completed and is available for occupation.
Planning obligations (or Section 106 agreements) are arrangements to overcome obstacles which may otherwise prevent planning permission from being granted. These may be used to offset negative consequences of development, to help meet local needs or to secure benefits which would make a development more sustainable.
Affordable housing exception sites are small scale housing sites within or adjoining existing settlements for the provision of affordable housing to meet local needs, which would not otherwise be allocated in the development plan. Prior to July 2010 these were known as ‘rural exceptions sites’.
Note that the numbers of affordable housing units delivered through planning obligations should not be added to those delivered on affordable housing exception sites. This is because a unit may be delivered on a affordable housing exception site under a planning obligation, so that there may be an element of double counting in doing so.
Note also that the numbers of units granted planning permission will not necessarily be delivered in the same year so that these figures should be considered separately from the figures delivered in the same year.
Although the areas covered by the national park authorities are within the boundaries of the local authorities, in the context of planning, the local authorities are responsible only for those parts of the local authority area which are not within the national park boundaries. Therefore in the planning context, the figures for local authorities and national park authorities are added together to give an overall total for Wales as a whole.