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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Additional affordable housing provision by registered social landlords only, by location, tenure and funding
[Collapse]ProviderThe information presented here covers the affordable housing activity of local authorities and registered social landlords as well as other private or voluntary sector developers only.[Filtered]
[Collapse]Provider 1[Filter]
Provider 2[Filter]
Location code[Filter]
[Collapse]TenureTenure is split into three categories as follows. Social rented housing is that provided by Welsh local authorities and registered social landlords where rent levels have regard to the Welsh Assembly Government\'s guideline rents and benchmark rents. Intermediate rented housing is that where prices or rents are above those of social rented housing but below market housing prices or rents. This can include equity sharing schemes (for example Homebuy). Intermediate housing differs from low cost market housing, which the Welsh Assembly Government does not consider to be affordable housing for the purpose of the land use planning system. Shared equity includes units where - the registered social landlord provides an equity loan to assist with the purchase of a property (e.g. through the Homebuy scheme); - there is shared ownership between the occupant and the RSL (e.g. part ownership / part rent); - there is any other low cost home ownership arrangement; or - that are offered under \'neutral tenure\' principles (where applicants can choose to rent or buy depending on individual circumstances) if the first occupancy is on equity sharing terms.[Filter]
Tenure 1
[Collapse]FundingThis is the split between units that are funded by capital grant funding or otherwise. Capital grant funding includes Social Housing Grant, Recycled Social Housing Grant or Strategic Capital Investment Fund. For some of the data in years prior to 2009-10, the funding mechanism information was not collected.[Filter]
[Collapse]Funding 1
Funding 2
[Collapse]LocationFigures for the total affordable housing activity in local authority areas and national park areas are available separately within this dataset. However, because the boundaries of the national parks fall within those of the local authorities, then to avoid double counting, do not add the data for the two area types when calculating Wales figures. Instead please use the Wales figures presented here (which coincide with the figures for the total of all local authority areas).[Filter]
[Collapse]Location 1
Location 2
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
[Collapse]Social rented[Collapse]Intermediate rented[Collapse]Shared equityPrior to the introduction of the new Shared Ownership – Wales scheme in February 2018, units where there is shared ownership between the occupant and the RSL (such as part ownership or part rent) may have been included under \'Shared Equity\'[Collapse]Shared ownershipFor 2017-18, shared ownership figures show the number of units delivered as part of the new Shared Ownership - Wales scheme introduced in February 2018
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
[Expand]Click here to sortCapital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortNon-Capital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortCapital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortNon-Capital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortCapital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortNon-Capital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortCapital Grant Funded[Expand]Click here to sortNon-Capital Grant Funded
[Expand]Isle of Anglesey209020943851505011266
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot29437331341246022000379
[Expand]Vale of Glamorgan29533062516016073734711725
[Expand]Rhondda Cynon Taf47510257720240445045628
[Expand]Merthyr Tydfil1176123000000000123
[Expand]Blaenau Gwent12534159000123000162



Provision of affordable housing by registered social landlords, by location

Last update

11 December 2024 11 December 2024

Next update

November 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Affordable housing provision data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Social housing; affordable housing; social landlords

General description

The data represents the numbers of additional units delivered or planned in each year by the registered social landlords (RSLs), but excludes activity by the local authorities and other private or voluntary sector developers.

The focus of this dataset is on additional affordable housing units delivered, and these are defined as those provided through new build schemes or through the purchase, leasing or conversion of existing units. This therefore excludes existing affordable units that have been renovated or refurbished, as they are not classed as being additional. However, where an existing unit has been converted into two separate units, then this represents an additional affordable unit delivered. Conversely where there was a net loss of affordable units within a property over the year there are no additional affordable housing units delivered. For example, if two self contained flats in one property were converted into one family home, then the number of additional units is classed as zero, although note that that is not recorded as a negative change to the number of additional units delivered.

In this context, delivered means that the unit is completed and is available for occupation.

Figures for the affordable housing activity by registered social landlords in local authority and national park areas are available separately within this dataset. However, because the boundaries of the national parks fall within those of the local authorities, then to avoid double counting, please do not add the data for the two area types when calculating Wales figures. Instead please use the Wales figures presented here (which coincide with the figures for the total of all local authority areas).

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh registered social landlords on the actual affordable housing provision delivered during each year. The collection also requests the estimated future provision for the following two years.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2007-08 through to 2015-16.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied


Revisions information
