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Cumulative number of PCR antigen tests and positive results by critical worker or resident category by local authority.Last update
13 April 2022Next update
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Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Public Health WalesContact email
Management informationGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceWeblinks
General description
Cumulative number of PCR antigen tests and positive results by critical worker or resident category by local authority since 18 May 2020.Frequency of publication
WeeklyData reference periods
3 February 2020 onwardsRevisions information
The data is management information which has been collected to support testing operations. We’re publishing these data to provide a timely summary of testing activity but they have not undergone the same level of quality assurance as official statistics, with the data subject to future revisions.Keywords
COVID-19, Coronavirus, TestingStatistical quality
The total number of tests completed may differ to other tables published elsewhere due to different reporting times. To meet disclosure rules the data presented is the cumulative total since the week commencing 3 February 2020. For the purposes of this analysis, a week is classed as 00:00 Monday to 23:59 Sunday.The number of tests recorded for critical workers is dependent on the critical worker category being recorded in the system when the sample was taken.
It is currently not possible to distinguish between key worker and residents for samples processed in non-NHS Wales laboratories and have been included together in the table.
The data includes tests processed in NHS Wales laboratories and non-NHS Wales laboratories (lighthouse labs) therefore antigen lateral flow tests are not included.
The location of each key worker is based upon their residence where provided and their place of work otherwise.
• Caution is advised in interpreting these figures. Testing has not been consistent over time, between different keyworker and resident groups or across Wales. Testing approaches have changed in response to the spread of pandemic and changing understanding about the risks presented to different groups, and as consequence of variation in the implementation of policy.
An exception is regular asymptomatic screening of care home keyworkers, which is now fairly consistent across Wales, but may still be varied in response to local outbreaks.
Not all results relating to keyworkers and residents will have resulted from community testing; some in-hospital tests are recorded as relating to care home residents, for example. This can result in higher positivity in these groups than would be seen otherwise.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, comparison amongst local authorities is not advised.
The care home portal was restructured as the organisational portal on Friday 28 August 2020 to include a wide variety of organisations – not just care homes. Previously Public Health Wales used this location category to identify tests for care home workers and residents, however, this is not possible since the restructure to the organisation portal. From 28 August 2020 the requesting clinician field has been used to identify care home tests through the UK Organisation Portal, this is dependent on the correct codes being used, otherwise these tests with be included in the key worker or resident: other or unknown category.
We won’t be revising data past 52 weeks.