Cumulative number of antibody tests and results authorised for critical worker or resident category
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Cumulative number of antibody tests and results authorised for critical worker and resident categories.Last update
13 April 2022Next update
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Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Public Health WalesSource 2
Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW)Contact email
Management informationLowest level of geographical disaggregation
WalesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see quality
The total number of tests completed may differ to other tables due to different reporting times. The data presented is the cumulative total since the week commencing 18 May 2020.The number of tests and results reflect a snapshot in time and will be greatly influenced by the sampling strategy at that moment in time. More information is available in the Antibody testing: coronavirus (COVID-19) pages of our website.
If an antibody test is equivocal, it means that the result is inconclusive.
Key worker and resident categories have been combined due to small numbers in some categories where data would have been suppressed to avoid disclosure.
Prior to December 2020 antibody tests were conducted by local health boards in Wales for surveillance of key groups working in health, social care and education. The testing of domiciliary care workers continued until April 2021. Antibody tests taken for diagnostic reasons in hospital settings are also included in the data presented in this release.
We won’t be revising data past 52 weeks.
COVID-19, Coronavirus, Antibody, TestingGeneral description
Cumulative number of antibody tests and results authorised for key worker and resident categories since 18 May 2020.Data collection and calculation
The data is management information which has been collected to support testing operations. We’re publishing these data to provide a timely summary of testing activity but they have not undergone the same level of quality assurance as official statistics, with the data subject to future revisions.Frequency of publication
WeeklyData reference periods
18 May 2020 onwardsRevisions information
The data are management information, not official statistics, and are revised regularly.Weblinks