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Data Provider: Welsh Government Experimental Statistics Quantitative social services performance measures - Children and Care Leavers
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Local AuthorityWhile extensive efforts have been made to gather reliable and accurate information from local authorities, the data remains imperfect.  Not all local authorities have been able to provide fully completed returns, due to issues with implementing or preparing for the new Welsh Community Care Information System (WCCIS) computer system.<br /><br />For this reason, data at a ‘Wales level\’ has only been published.<br />[Filtered]
YearWhile extensive efforts have been made to gather reliable and accurate information from local authorities, the data remains imperfect.  Not all local authorities have been able to provide fully completed returns, due to issues with implementing or preparing for the new Welsh Community Care Information System (WCCIS) computer system.<br /><br />For this reason, data at a ‘Wales level\’ has only been published.<br />[Filtered]
Aspect 1
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PM24. The percentage of assessments completed for children within statutory timescalesNumerator: Number of assessments for children completed during the year within 42 working days from the point of referral.<br /><br />Denominator: Number of assessments for children completed during the year36,696.041,267.088.979.794.9
PM25. The percentage of children supported to remain living within their family at 31 MarchNumerator: The number of children with a care and support plan at 31 March minus the number of children looked after at 31 March<br /><br />Denominator: The number of children with a care and support plan at 31 March12,550.019,396.064.761.569.4
PM26. The percentage of looked after children returned home from care during the yearNumerator: Number of looked after children who returned home from care during the year<br /><br />Denominator: Number of looked after children during the year814.08,515.
PM27. The percentage of re-registrations of children on local authority Child Protection RegistersNumerator: Number of re-registrations of children on the CPR during the year within 12 months from the end of the previous registration<br /><br />Denominator: Total number of registrations on CPR during the year212.04,
PM28. The average length of time for all children who were on Child Protection Registers during the year (days)Numerator: Sum of the lengths of time (in days) each child had been on the CPR if they were removed from the CPR during the year<br /><br />Denominator: Number of children who were removed from the CPR during the year1,073,875.04,240.0253.3238.2265.0
PM29a. Percentage of children achieving the core subject indicator at Key Stage 2Numerator: Number of children achieving the core subject indicator at Key Stage 2<br /><br />Denominator: Number of children at Key Stage 2464.0796.058.352.266.7
PM29b. Percentage of children achieving the core subject indicator at Key Stage 4Numerator: Number of children achieving the core subject indicator at Key Stage 4<br /><br />Denominator: Number of children at Key Stage 498.0900.010.97.713.4
PM30. The percentage of children seen by a registered dentist within 3 months of becoming looked afterNumerator: The number of children who became looked after during the calendar year (Jan-Dec) who were looked after continuously for at least 3 months prior to 31 March and were seen by a registered dentist during the first 3 months of being looked after<br /><br />Denominator: The number of children who became looked after during the calendar (Jan-Dec) year who were looked after continuously for at least 3 months prior to 31 March746.01,253.059.556.477.0
PM31. The percentage of children looked after at 31 March who were registered with a GP within 10 working days of the start of their placementNumerator: Number of looked after children at 31 March who had a placement start during the year where the child was registered with a provider of general medical services within 10 working days of the start date of a placement<br /><br />Denominator: Number of looked after children at 31 March who had a placement start during the year2,838.03,132.090.682.6100.0
PM32. The percentage of looked after children who have experienced 1 or more changes of school, during a period or periods of being looked after, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the year to 31 MarchNumerator: The number of children of compulsory school age looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more changes of school, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March <br /><br />Denominator: The number of children of compulsory school age looked after at 31 March452.04,503.010.06.511.5
PM33. The percentage of looked after children on 31 March who have had three or more placements during the yearNumerator: The number of children looked after at 31 March who had three or more separate placements during the year<br /><br />Denominator: The total number of children who were looked after at 31 March630.06,846.09.27.610.3
PM34a. The percentage of all care leavers who are in education, training or employment at 12 months after leaving careNumerator: Number of young people who became care leavers during 2015-16 who were engaged in education, training or employment during the 12th month after they left care<br /><br />Denominator: The number of young people who became care leavers during 2015-16304.0568.053.550.065.2
PM34b. The percentage of all care leavers who are in education, training or employment at 24 months after leaving careNumerator: Number of young people who became care leavers during 2014-15 who were engaged in education, training or employment during the 24th month after they left care<br /><br />Denominator: The number of young people who became care leavers during 2014-15272.0537.050.743.862.2
PM35. The percentage of care leavers who have experienced homelessness during the yearNumerator: The number of care leavers who experienced homelessness during the year<br /><br />Denominator: The number of care leavers aged 16 to 24 on 31 March323.02,816.011.54.816.0



Quantitative Performance Measures

Last update

26 September 2019 26 September 2019

Next update

No longer updated

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email


Experimental statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Performance Measure, Adult, Children, Care leavers

General description

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 introduced a new performance measurement framework for local authorities in relation to their social services functions. The statutory performance measures detailed in the framework replace all existing performance measures for local authority social services required by Welsh Government, including the social services performance indicators under the National Strategic Indicator (NSI) set.

Data collection and calculation

While extensive efforts have been made to gather reliable and accurate information from local authorities, 2016-17 and 2017-18 data remains imperfect. Not all local authorities have been able to provide fully completed returns, due to issues with implementing or preparing for the new Welsh Community Care Information System (WCCIS) computer system.

For this reason, data at a ‘Wales level’ has only been published.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2016-17 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication.

