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Data Provider: Welsh Government Educational attainment of children in need by measure and year
[Collapse]Child StatusChildren in the census have been divided into three status categories for reporting, as follows: - Children who are looked after, who may also be on the child protection register - Children who are on the child protection register, but not looked after - Other children in need, who neither looked after, nor on the child protection register (includes unborn children). [Filtered]
Child Status 1[Filter]
ComponentPercentage = Numerator divided by denominator multiplied by 100 Average = Numerator divided by denominator [Filtered]
Area code[Filter]
[Collapse]Local authority[Filtered]
Local authority 1[Filter]
Click here to sort2010Click here to sort2011Click here to sort2012Click here to sort2013Click here to sort2014Click here to sort2015Click here to sort2016
Percentage of children achieving the foundation phase indicatorIt is statutory to assess pupils in Year 2 at Foundation phase. In Foundation Phase, the mandatory areas of learning are “Personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity” (PSD), “Language, literacy and communication skills” (in English (LCE) or Welsh (LCW)) and “Mathematical development” (MDT). The foundation phase indicator (FPI) represents the percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected outcome in LCE or LCW, PSD and MDT in combination. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available4447535454
Percentage of children achieving the core subject indicator at key stage 2It is statutory to assess pupils in Year 6 at Key Stage 2. The core subject indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving the expected level or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.34424448515556
Percentage of children achieving the core subject indicator at key stage 3It is statutory to assess pupils in Year 9 at Key Stage 3. The core subject indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving the expected level or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.19222732414348
Percentage of children achieving the level 1 threshold at key stage 4Includes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Level 1: a volume of qualifications at Level 1 is equivalent to the volume of 5 GCSEs at grade D-G. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.42455054606266
Percentage of children achieving 5 or more GCSE passes at A*-GIncludes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.36383836363541
Percentage of children achieving the level 2 threshold at key stage 4Includes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Level 2: a volume of qualifications at Level 2 is equivalent to the volume of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.15192430384045
Percentage of children achieving the level 2 threshold including English/Welsh and Mathematics at key stage 4Includes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Level 2: a volume of qualifications at Level 2 is equivalent to the volume of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.891111131518
Percentage of children achieving 5 or more GCSE passes at A*-CIncludes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.11131211121315
Percentage of children achieving the core subject indicator at key stage 4Includes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. The core subject indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving the expected level or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.791010131317
Average wider points score at key stage 4The average wider points score for 15 year olds includes all qualifications approved for pre-16 use in Wales. The average wider points score is calculated by dividing the total number of points achieved by pupils aged 15 by the number of pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.155175204236266275296
Average capped points score at key stage 4Includes all pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year. The capped points score is calculated using the best 8 results. Children who were new to the English or Welsh based education system are included in the Wales total but some are excluded at Local Authority level.133147162180200206222



Education of children in need at 31 March by child status, gender and local authority

Last update

16 December 2021 16 December 2021

Next update

No longer updated

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Children Receiving Care and Support Census

Source 2

Children in need census (CiN) data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The Census collected individual records on all children in need, including those looked after by a local authority, who had an open case with a local authority on the 31 March that had been open for the three months from 1 January to 31 March. The purpose of the Census is to collect data that measures the characteristics and attributes of children in need who receive social services from their local authorities, including children looked after by local authorities. The census has focussed particularly on data about the reason that children receive help from social services departments; parental capacity; and on the health and education outcomes for each child.

Data collection and calculation

Anonymised individual child level data is extracted from local authority administrative systems and returned electronically to the Data Collection team within the Welsh Government using an online secure data transfer system called 'AFON'. The AFON system applies an extensive series of validation checks to ensure that the information provided uses the correct codes and is internally consistent.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown at 31 March for each year from 2010.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied

The following measures have been taken to minimise the risk of unwanted disclosure of personal data:
All figures have been rounded to the nearest five. Where there are less than five children in any group, the actual number has been suppressed, and replaced by the symbol *.

Revisions information

Data for 2010 to 2016 were revised on 16 December 2021.


Children; Children in need

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

