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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Characteristics of children on the Flying Start caseload, by local authority

Ethnicity, Welsh language and disability

Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]Local Authority[Filter]
Local Authority 1
[Collapse]Children from ethnic minority background[Collapse]Children from families where Welsh is the first language[Collapse]Children from families where English or Welsh is not the first language[Collapse]Children of teenage parents[Collapse]Children of first time parents[Collapse]Children who have a disabled parent or carer[Collapse]Children who have a disability
Click here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseloadClick here to sortNumberClick here to sortPercentagePercentage of caseload
WalesIsle of Anglesey497.829346.681.26610.744570.9111.8121.8
Neath Port Talbot25914.4864.821912.227515.41,16665.11518.31749.7
Vale of Glamorgan25021.900.060.5978.515213.380.7121.1
Rhondda Cynon TafCanran y llwyth achosion61517.3140.43219.144212.52,89581.72707.61544.3
Merthyr Tydfil18916.020.112010.2897.586873.2665.520.2
Blaenau Gwent807.210.1393.6948.566559.511810.7363.2



Characteristics of children on the Flying Start caseload, by local authority

Last update

12 November 2024 12 November 2024

Next update

October 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Welsh Government Flying Start Data Monitoring Returns

Contact email


Management information

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Flying Start is the Welsh Government early years programme delivered by local authorities in Wales. It is aimed at improving outcomes for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2013-2014 onwards

Users, uses and context

The purpose of this statistical release is to provide evidence for policy development; to allow local authorities to monitor and benchmark their service provision against other local authorities in Wales; and to inform for the public about provision of the Flying Start programme.

Statistical quality

Data from 2020-21 and 2021-22 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In years prior to the pandemic, in general only face-to-face contacts were recorded as Flying Start contacts. Welsh Government guidance issued in June 2021 stated that, as a general rule any targeted activity conducted via different means during the pandemic (i.e. virtual contacts through Skype or Whatsapp) should be recorded in the same way as face-to-face contacts were recorded previously. The guidance also stated that local authorities should exercise their professional judgement when determining if a virtual contact was meaningful enough to be recorded.
Local authorities have provided additional feedback on how services were affected in 2021-22, and these included:
• some parenting and speech, language and communication (SLC) programmes were either not run or not able to be completed
• some childcare sessions had low attendance due to continued parental concern over COVID-19
• some parents chose not to take-up childcare which they may have accepted prior to the pandemic
• some Flying Start staff would have been self-isolating, shielding or unwell which affected the service offered
• some contacts recorded as face-to-face contacts may have taken place over the phone or virtually.
These factors need to be considered when using data for 2021-22. Services in 2022-23 were also affected by the pandemic. Whilst the enforced restrictions and adaptions to service delivery seen in 2021-22 were not seen in 2022-23, there may still have been some disruption caused by localised outbreaks of the virus. Furthermore, some of the virtual delivery of Parenting courses, SLC and health visitor services was retained as part of programme delivery for 2022-23 either due to personal choice or because it was deemed to be an effective means of reaching some families depending on individual circumstances. Caution is therefore advised when comparing data from 2022-23 with pre-pandemic figures.
Health Visiting in Rhondda Cynon Taf
Rhondda Cynon Taf are piloting a new health visiting model which means that data for 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 are collected on a different basis to previous years. This may mean that any differences between previous years and any differences with other local authority areas may be due to the different service provision model. Therefore, caution is advised when comparing Rhondda Cynon Taf data with previous years and when comparing with other local authorities in 2022-23.

A full quality report is published alongside this statistical release and can be accessed via the weblinks.


Flying start data, Ethnicity, Welsh language and disability